
Peter Ridd

Peter Ridd Credentials Background Peter Ridd is a former professor at James Cook University in Australia. According to his profile at JCU, Ridd was a geophysicist with interests in “coastal oceanography, the effects of sediments on coral reefs, instrument development, geophysical sensing of the earth, past and future climates, atmospheric modelling.” Ridd was fired from […]

Manufacturers’ Accountability Project

Manufacturers’ Accountability Project (MAP) Background The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) quietly launched the Manufacturers’ Accountability Project (MAP) in November 2017 to push back against climate change–related lawsuits affecting the manufacturing industry. The NAM claim that a “coordinated campaign jeopardizes the ability of all […]

Third Energy

Image: Drill or Drop Third Energy Background Third Energy UK Gas Limited – the company poised to be at the vanguard of UK fracking – was set up to take advantage of the potential shale gas boom in the UK. In 2015, it became the second company in the UK to apply to frack, after […]

Sir Nicholas Bonsor (deceased)

Sir Nicholas Bonsor Credentials Background Sir Nicholas Bonsor was a former Conservative MP and the honorary director of development of the UK climate science denial group the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF). 2“The Global Warming Policy Foundation: Total exemption full accounts made up to 30 […]

Ned Nikolov

Photo credit: Energy Live News/YouTube Ned Nikolov Credentials Background Nedialko (Ned) T. Nikolov works as a physical scientist for the U.S. Forest Service. Nikolov’s profile at ResearchGate lists his PhD as in Ecological Modeling. His profile at the United States Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service lists his highest education as a Ph.D in Forest Ecology […]

Karl Zeller

Karl Zeller Credentials Background Karl F. Zeller is a retired US Forest Service meteorologist. According to his profile at ResearchGate, Zeller works at the program for fire, fuels, and smoke sciences (FFS) at the US Forest Service and does research in fluid dynamics, civil engineering, and environmental engineering. According […]

James K Glassman

James K. Glassman Credentials Background James K. Glassman is the Founding Executive Director of The George W. Bush Institute and worked as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs under the George W. Bush administration. Bush named Glassman founding director of […]

American Conservative Union

American Conservative Union Background The American Conservative Union (ACU) describes itself as America’s original conservative organization. It is an umbrella organization founded in 1964 that fights “for Americans who are concerned with liberty, personal responsibility, traditional values,” according to its website. Since 1973, […]

Vincent DeVito

Profile image screenshot of vincent DeVito’s speech at the America First Energy Conference, via YouTube. Vincent DeVito Credentials Background Vincent DeVito is former Counselor to the Secretary for Energy Policy in the Department of Interior in the Trump administration. He was appointed to the position by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke on May 1, 2017. DeVito […]

Jeff Jacoby

Jeff Jacoby Credentials Background Jeff Jacoby is a conservative writer and has been a columnist for The Boston Globe since 1994. He was formerly the chief editorial writer for the Boston Herald. After graduating in 1983 with a law degree from Boston University Law School, Jacoby […]