
George Pearson

George Pearson Credentials Background George H. Pearson was Charles Koch’s first chief aide in his political and policy agenda, starting in the 1960s. He was part of Robert LeFevre’s Freedom School movement along with Charles Koch and moved to Wichita to work along side Koch, operating within what became Koch Industries and through organizations Koch […]

Chris Fink

Chris Fink Credentials Background Chris Fink was the president of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation (AFPF) from 2009 until 2018. He currently serves as president of the Fink Family Foundation and Fink Solutions, and as the COO of the Human Rights Foundation. He is the son of Richard Fink, former executive vice president and member […]

Brian Hooks

Profile image screenshot of April 2-19 Global Philanthropy Forum presentation, via YouTube. Brian Hooks Credentials Background Brian Hooks became president of the Charles Koch Foundation as of July 1, 2014. Prior to working at the Charles Koch Foundation, Hooks was the chief operating officer and executive director of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University […]

American Future Fund

American Future Fund Background The American Future Found (AFF) is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit that describes itself as a “multi- state issues advocacy group designed to effectively communicate conservative and free market ideals,” according to its website. [1] AFF was founded in 2007 by Nick Ryan, a former advisor to U.S. Rep. Jim Nussle (R-Iowa) and to Rick Santorum’s 2012 […]

Talent Market

Talent Market Background Talent Market is a Virginia-based non-profit recruitment agency which aims to “bring talent and liberty together to make the world a better place,” according to its website. Talent Market provides “consulting and recruiting services to think tanks, policy organizations, research centers, and capacity building institutions that primarily focus on reducing the size […]

Institute for Free Speech

Institute for Free Speech Background The Institute for Free Speech (IFS), founded under the name Center for Competitive Politics, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit describing itself as “the nation’s largest organization dedicated solely to protecting First Amendment political speech rights.”1“Welcome to the Institute for Free Speech,” Institute for Free Speech, October 17, 2018. Archived June 26, […]

In Pursuit Of

In Pursuit Of Background In Pursuit Of describes itself as a “full-service communications and marketing agency” with the mission to “advance policy, political and cultural changes.” According to corporate registry files at the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC), 2“InPursuitOf, LLC,” Commonwealth of Virginia State Corporation Commission. Accessed […]

Generation Opportunity

Generation Opportunity Background Generation Opportunity was an Arlington, Virginia-based non-profit whose stated aims were to “advance policy change, hold policymakers accountable, fight for opportunity, and defend the freedoms of young Americans.” Officially named YEM Trust and founded in 2010 as a sister organisation to Americans for Prosperity,1“About us,” Generation Opportunity. Archived February 19, 2019. […]

CRC Advisors

CRC Advisors Background CRC Advisors, previously Creative Response Concepts, is a Virginia-based public relations firm, known for working with numerous high-profile right-wing clients, as well as fossil fuel companies such as oil major Chevron. On a now-deleted website when the company was known as CRC Strategies, it stated in a list of “case studies” that it “developed winning communications, […]

Council for a Competitive Economy

Council for a Competitive Economy Background The Council for a Competitive Economy (CCE) was a group founded by Charles Koch in May 1979 and made up of approximately 2,000 business leaders who pledged to lobby Congress to end corporate subsidies.1David R. Francis. “Some free enterprisers who insist on no subsidies,” Christian Science Monitor, September 26, 1980. Archived June […]