
Peter Allgeier

Peter Allgeier Credentials Background Peter Allgeier is a former top trade official for the US government, serving as Deputy US Trade Representative (USTR) under President George W Bush from 2001-2009 and US Ambassador to the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Since 2009, Allgeier has worked as a private lobbyist representing US corporate interests, including the tobacco […]

National Pork Producers Council

National Pork Producers Council Background The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) is a Washington, DC-based trade body representing the US pork industry. The NPPC represents “the federal and global interests” of over 60,000 pork producers in 42 states across the US and has an annual revenue of around $15 million.1“National Pork Producers Council Comments on […]

National Chicken Council

National Chicken Council Background The National Chicken Council (NCC) is a Washington DC-based trade association representing the US poultry industry. The NCC seeks to influence US legislation and regulatory policies and “affect domestic and international trade policy” to benefit its members, as well as “maintain and expand” foreign markets for US-produced chicken.1“Overview,” National Chicken Council. […]

Media Intelligence Partners

Media Intelligence Partners Background Media Intelligence Partners (MIP) is a London-based PR firm which works with an “international range of think tanks, companies, campaign groups, political figures and high net-worth individuals” to provide services including “public affairs” and “campaigns and advocacy”. MIP has “earned […]

Toby Young

Image credit: Channel 4 News Toby Young Credentials Background Toby Young is a writer, journalist, and social commentator, most notable for being an associate editor at The Spectator and the London associate editor of Quillette, an online “platform for free thought”.1 “Toby Young,” Spectator. Archived July 16, 2020. URL: 2 “About,” Quillette. Archived […]

Freedom Association

Freedom Association Background The Freedom Association (TFA) is a UK-based campaign group founded in 1975 by former Conservative Party members William Sidney 1st Viscount De L’Isle, Ross McWhirter, Norris McWhirter, and John Gouriet. 2“History,” Freedom Association. Archived July 15, 2020. URL: […]

Franklin News Foundation

Franklin News Foundation Background The Franklin News Foundation, previously the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity, describes itself as “an innovation 501(c)(3) nonprofit media company built to address the many challenges of sustainable public journalism.” Its projects include The Center Square, the Franklin Media Group, and the Illinois Radio Network (IRN).1 Homepage, Franklin News […]

Guido Fawkes

Guido Fawkes Background Guido Fawkes is a libertarian political news blog founded by Paul Staines in 2004. Both its name and logo are inspired by Guy Fawkes, who it describes as “the only man to enter parliament with honest intentions”. Its staff “see themselves as campaigning journalists” against “sleaze, corruption and hypocrisy”.1 “About,” Guido Fawkes. […]

Michael Shellenberger

Michael Shellenberger Credentials Background Michael Shellenberger is the founder and president of Environmental Progress, and the co-founder of the Breakthrough Institute where he served as president from 2003 to 2015. He co-founded the Apollo Alliance, now the Blue-Green Coalition, in 2002.2“Founder & President,” Environmental Progress. Archived June 30, 2020. Archive URL: […]

Centre for Brexit Policy

Centre for Brexit Policy Background The Centre for Brexit Policy (CBP) is a pro-Brexit, free-market thinktank established in March 2020. The group seeks to “trigger a deep and wide debate about what Brexit should mean for the UK” and to “formulate an overarching framework for the UK that maximises the opportunities Brexit affords”, according to its website.1 […]