
Meat Institute (formerly North American Meat Institute)

Background The Meat Institute (formerly North American Meat Institute (NAMI)) is an industry group representing U.S. meat and poultry processing and packing companies, as well as their suppliers. NAMI rebranded as Meat Institute on March 14, 2024,2Rachel Oatman. “New Meat Institute brand identity, […]

European Livestock Voice

Background European Livestock Voice (ELV) is an EU-wide campaign “to bring back a balanced debate” on meat and dairy, launched in 2019 by 11 livestock industry groups, including COPA-COGECA, the largest organisation representing European farmers. ELV runs an “information hub” titled “Meat the Facts” that […]


Background JBS (José Batista Sobrinho Sociedade Anónima) is the world’s largest meat supplier, and the second-largest food company, according to JBS’s website. The company produces beef, […]

Danish Crown

Background Danish Crown is a Denmark-based food manufacturer specialising in beef and pork processing, owned by the cooperative Leverandørselskabet Danish Crown AmbA. The company is one of Europe’s largest pork producers and the world’s largest […]

European Roundtable for Beef Sustainability

Background The European Roundtable for Beef Sustainability (ERBS) is Europe’s largest multi-stakeholder organisation focused on supporting more sustainable beef production, having launched in 2018 as a regional division of the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB).2Breifne O’brien. “Spotlight on Ireland for European beef sustainability forum,” Agriland, October […]

Animal Agriculture Alliance

Background The Animal Agriculture Alliance (AAA) is a US-based non-profit organisation that “brings together farmers, ranchers, veterinarians, animal feed companies, animal health companies, processors, allied associations and others involved in getting food from the farm to our forks”, according to its website. Headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, and […]

International Meat Secretariat

Background The International Meat Secretariat (IMS), also known as as L’Office International de la Viande (OIV) and Oficina Permanente Intl. de la Carne (OPIC), is a global nonprofit organisation representing the meat industry. Founded in 1974 and headquartered in Paris, the IMS works to “promote the sustainable supply of safe, healthy, high-quality and nutritious animal […]

Tyson Foods

Background Tyson Foods is one of the world’s four largest meat producers, producing approximately 20 percent of U.S. beef, pork and chicken, according to the company’s website.2“What we […]

Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board

Background The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is an “arm’s length body” (ALB) of the UK’s Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), classified as a  non-departmental public body (NDPB).As an NDPB, the AHDB has some operational control over policy, can […]

Bipartisan Policy Center

Bipartisan Policy Center Background The Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that describes itself as “a Washington, DC-based think tank that actively fosters bipartisanship by combining the best ideas from both parties to promote health, security, and opportunity for all Americans.” The BPC […]