
David Wojick

David E. Wojick



Wojick is a journalist and policy analyst. He holds a doctorate in epistemology, specializing in the field of Mathematical Logic and Conceptual Analysis.4David E. Wojick, PE, Ph.D.” (Resume), PowerVision. Archived July 4, 2007. URL:

Wojick was a “scientific advisor” for a now-defunct Greening Earth Society (GES), a group created by the Western Fuels Association, a large US coal industry association. He is currently an expert at the Heartland Institute, where he regularly contributes articles critical of mainstream climate change science.5Scientific Advisors,” The Greening Earth Society. Archived February 20, 1999. 6“David Wojick”, The Heartland Institute Archived February 22, 2018. URL:

In his role as a “policy analyst,” Wojick’s clients have included AES Corporation, one of the largest electrical generation companies, with much of that in the form of coal. Wojick also worked with Allegheny Energy, a company that generates 95% of its power from coal.7Twenty-five Year Distinguished Client List of David Wojick,” PowerVision. Archived June 13, 2007. 8David E. Wojick, PE, Ph.D.” (Resume), PowerVision. Archived July 4, 2007. URL:

Wojick is the owner and operator of, a listserv discussing climate change. He is also a former columnist for the Electricity Daily, a now-defunct electrical industry trade magazine.9Homepage, Archived February 22, 2018. URL: 10David E. Wojick. “Another False Alarm on Global Warming,” The Heartland Institute, May 2, 2005. Archived February 28, 2006. URL:

From 1976 to 1981, Wojick was head of Adams & Wojick Associates, which worked on federal regulations for industry and government.11David E. Wojick, PE, Ph.D.” (Resume), PowerVision. Archived July 4, 2007. URL:

Wojick is listed as a “founding member” of the climate change denial group Clexit (Climate Exit). According to the group’s founding statement, “Global warming has occurred naturally many times in the past and is not to be feared – it is not controlled by carbon dioxide or humans.”12“Clexit now comprises 190 members from 26 counties” (PDF), Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 13“After Brexit, Clexit” (PDF), Archived .pdf on file at Desmog.

Stance on Climate Change

June 6, 2016

In an episode of the Heartland Daily Podcast, Wojick outlined where he fits on the scale of climate change skepticism:14H. Sterling Burnett. “DR. DAVID WOJICK: HOW GOVERNMENT FUNDING BIAS CORRUPTS SCIENCE

“There are three major camps, if you like, in the debate. There are what are often called the warmers: those are people who think that humans are changing the climate, and that this is dangerous. Then there are the lukewarmers: these are people that say that, well, it may well be that humans are having a significant effect on climate but it’s not dangerous. It’s either neutral or in fact it may be benign. It may be a good thing. It’s a good thing we got out of the little ice age, for example.

“Pat Michaels, I have to mention, is a leading lukewarmer. In fact, I can plug his new book called lukewarming, which published by Cato quite recently. I recommend it highly. I am neither. I am a true skeptic.

“Although, it’s a little tricky because, ah, and this is where my, I guess my philosophical training comes in, it’s not a question of saying it’s humans are not affecting the climate. It’s more a matter of saying we don’t know what affect humans are having on the climate. In other words, it’s not a claim, it’s a concern. It’s an open question.”

October 1, 2002

“The problem is that the earth is very large and the temperature is always changing, everywhere, so how can we possibly tell if overall it is a mere half-degree warmer today than it was around 1902? The origin of the theory of global warming (for it is just a theory) lies in taking the thermometer readings we happen to have from the last 100 years and massaging them in various ways. Some places have clearly warmed, others have clearly cooled. Many have gone up and down but with little apparent trend. To get a global result requires a lot of statistical manipulation. […] even if the earth has warmed a little bit there is still the very real possibility that this warming is natural, that the models are no good, that warming is beneficial, etc.” Wojick wrote in “A skeptic’s guide to global warming” at the National Post.15David E. Wojick. “A skeptic’s guide to global warming,” National Post, October 1, 2002. Republished by the Frontier Center for Public Policy. Archived July 10, 2010. URL:

Key Quotes

December 1, 2017

Writing at the Heartland Institute, Wojick claims there is no link between Hurricane Harvey and climate change, and suggests more skepticism should be taught in schools:16David Wojick. “HYPING HURRICANE HARVEY TO TEACHERS AND STUDENTS,” The Heartland Institute, December 1, 2017. Archived February 22, 2018. URL:

“The motion of climate change is highly chaotic, poorly understood and at this point completely unpredictable within certain broad limits. In fact, there is strong evidence that the natural climate is capable of warming or cooling several degrees very quickly. […]”

”[…] The true shame is that teachers read this stuff and believe it, then teach it to their students, spreading it like a disease. What is lacking are alternative skeptical sources of sound science for teachers and students.”

September 11, 2017

In a statement at the Heartland Institute, Wojick describes a global warming lawsuit brought by 21 children and young adults against the Trump administration as a “reprehensible political stunt”:17APPEALS COURT PLACES HOLD ON ACTIVIST-BACKED YOUTH CLIMATE LAWSUIT,” The Heartland Institute, September 11, 2017. Archived February 21, 2018. URL:

“The use of children as plaintiffs is a reprehensible political stunt,” said Wojick. “Yet the case is likely to go to trial because it alleges present as well as future damages and climate science literature is full of articles claiming humans are contributing to present weather extremes, so the plaintiffs should have no trouble finding experts.

“Even worse, the U.S. government has officially declared carbon dioxide emissions endanger Americans’ health and welfare,” Wojick said. “The plaintiffs are asking the court to require the government to act, which is common. It is time these fallacious arguments are publicly exposed, especially the bogus science.”

May 2, 2005

“In point of fact, the hypothesis that solar variability and not human activity is warming the oceans goes a long way to explain the puzzling idea that the Earth’s surface may be warming while the atmosphere is not. The GHG hypothesis does not do this,” Wojick wrote at the Heartland Institute.18David E. Wojick. “Another False Alarm on Global Warming,” The Heartland Institute, May 2, 2005. Archived February 28, 2006. URL:

Key Deeds

December 4, 2023

Wojick wrote an article at the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow titled “Have we dodged the loss and damage threat again?” In the article, he described the loss and damage fund as a “a very dangerous concept.”19David Wojick. “Have we dodged the loss and damage threat again?CFACT, December 4, 2023. Archived December 16, 2023. Archive URL:

The UNFCCC secretariat has described the purpose of the fund as “responding to loss and damage whose mandate includes a focus on addressing loss and damage to assist developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change…”20Fund for responding to loss and damage,” United Nations Climate Change. Archived March 11, 2024. Archive URL:

“Happily, the official COP decision on the loss and damage fund has now been made, and it appears harmless. I sigh with relief,” Wojick wrote of decisions made at COP28, adding: “Given that the US foreign aid budget runs around $30 billion a year, there should be no problem running a bit of that through the loss and damage fund, if and when it finally gears up. Initial contributions from various countries are running between $100 million and $10 million, which is almost nothing.”21David Wojick. “Have we dodged the loss and damage threat again?CFACT, December 4, 2023. Archived December 16, 2023. Archive URL:

He concluded: “In any case, the news is great. The extremely dangerous loss and damage issue has been rendered harmless. It might even be paralyzed. One can hope, and time will tell.”22David Wojick. “Have we dodged the loss and damage threat again?CFACT, December 4, 2023. Archived December 16, 2023. Archive URL:

November 22, 2023

David Wojick announced at the Heartland Institute that he co-wrote a study with Paul Driessen claiming “global emissions from mining, processing, manufacturing and transportation offset any reductions from power production [by offshore wind].” The report, titled “How Offshore Wind Drives Up Global Carbon Emissions” was published by the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow‘s NetZero Reality Coalition.23David Wojick. “Offshore Wind Cannot Be Justified,” Heartland Institute, November 22, 2023. Archived February 29, 2023.

“There are no carbon dioxide emission reduction benefits, and thus no manmade climate change amelioration justifications for offshore wind development,” Wojick and Driessen claimed in the report. They added, “The net ‘carbon’ (carbon dioxide) reduction effects of offshore wind
development are thus hugely negative and cannot justify further investments in this
industry.”24David Wojick and Paul Driessen. “How Offshore Wind Drives Up Global Carbon Emissions,” CFACT, November 14, 2023 (document creation date). Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

October 2019

Wojick signed the “Realist Catholic Climate Declaration,” drafted by Heartland Institute policy analyst William Briggs, which stated, “the earth’s climate has always changed, is changing now, and will never cease changing. The extent to which man is responsible for climate change is not known, only surmised. There is no earthly force capable of stopping climate change,” and that, “the salvation of souls is of more pressing concern than the air temperature. Pray to God and pray for your neighbor, not to the planet.”25The Declaration,” Realist Catholic Climate Declaration, Archived October 29, 2020. Archive URL: 26William Briggs,”The Heartland Institute, Archived October 26, 2020. Archive URL:

The declaration was endorsed by Anthony Watts’ blog Watts Up With That, in a post by Charles Rotter, which stated, “please share this as widely as possible. With the concept of ‘eco-sins’ being bruited, and the return of paganism, this declaration is timely and important.”27Charles Rotter,“Realist Catholic Climate Change Declaration,” Watts Up with That, October 13, 2019. Archived October 23, 2020. Archive. URL:

According to a post at William Briggs’s website: “This statement is to be in contradistinction to the hyperbolic and inaccurate ‘U.S. Catholic Climate Declaration’,” Briggs wrote of the draft. “The goal is to have something short, sweet, certain, and Catholic.”28Draft Realist Catholic Climate Declaration: Please Share!William M. Briggs, October 7, 2019. Archived October 8, 2020. Archive URL:

February 5, 2018

Writing at the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), Wojick alleges that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “starts with its conclusion then mines the scientific literature for ways to justify it. One might call this Reverse Science, an analog to Reverse Engineering,” and describes their draft as “hyper-alarmist.”291.5 degrees of climate madness,” CFACT, February 5, 2018. Archived February 20, 2018. URL:

Wojick claims that the Paris Climate Agreement targets of limited future warming to 2.0 degrees C is “silly” as is the “sillier” target of 1.5 degrees.301.5 degrees of climate madness,” CFACT, February 5, 2018. Archived February 20, 2018. URL:

“The big reason for this is money,” Wojick claims. “Given the goofy computer models it will be much harder, hence much more expensive, to hit the 1.5 degrees of warming target. In fact immediate drastic action is required. Hence the developing countries, which control the Paris process, get a lot more money a lot sooner.”311.5 degrees of climate madness,” CFACT, February 5, 2018. Archived February 20, 2018. URL:

Wojick concludes:

“So basically, the alarmists have created a problem for themselves. They first made the models “hot,” which means highly sensitive to CO2, in order to hype the scare. Now they have made the warming-limit target impossibly low for political correctness (and revenue enhancement).

“Demanding the impossible is the road to failure. Let’s hope so.”321.5 degrees of climate madness,” CFACT, February 5, 2018. Archived February 20, 2018. URL:

October 19, 2017

Writing at Townhall, Wojick calls for a “Red Team critique” of the upcoming Climate Science Special Report (CSSR), which Wojick describes as “an extremely alarmist rendition of what is supposedly happening with Earth’s climate.”33David Wojick. “Trying to Perpetuate Alarmist Climate ‘Science’,Townhall, October 19, 2017. Archived February 22, 2018. URL:

“It would be ironic indeed if the skeptical Trump Administration were to simply issue this alarmist report as federal policy on climate change science. In fact, it would be tragic, a major defeat for climate realism and sound science,” Wojick claimed. “Thankfully, there is a simple way to turn this looming defeat into a major victory. The solution is to do an official Red Team critique of the CSSR.”34David Wojick. “Trying to Perpetuate Alarmist Climate ‘Science’,Townhall, October 19, 2017. Archived February 22, 2018. URL:

Wojick is hopeful that, through this approach, “this criticism would be official, which will make climate skepticism official U.S. policy.”35David Wojick. “Trying to Perpetuate Alarmist Climate ‘Science’,Townhall, October 19, 2017. Archived February 22, 2018. URL:

DeSmog reported that the “Red team,” which has been pushed by EPA chief Scott Pruitt, has its origin in eight-year-old talking points presented by the Heartland Institute.36Graham Readfearn. “EPA Chief Pruitt’s ‘Red Team’ on Climate Science Is an Eight-Year-Old Talking Point Pushed by Heartland Institute,” DeSmog, June 13. 2017.

June 19, 2017

Wojick announced a crowd funding campaign for the “Climate Change Debate Education (CCDE) project” with the goal of injecting climate change denial into classrooms. The project proposes a “website portal” to distribute materials to teachers and students, with the end goal of reaching “not just teachers, but parents, friends of students and the students themselves.”37JOIN THE FIGHT FOR SKEPTICISM IN SCHOOLS,” The Heartland Institute, June 19, 2017. Archived February 22, 2018. URL:

His plan includes a method of “getting around the gatekeepers” who he describes as “doctrinaire people who make it hard to get balance into the classroom” by producing handouts that “that a parent or student can bring to class.”38JOIN THE FIGHT FOR SKEPTICISM IN SCHOOLS,” The Heartland Institute, June 19, 2017. Archived February 22, 2018. URL:

The CCDE project bears notable similarities to the “K-12 Climate Education Project”, headed by Wojick, that the Heartland Institute had set aside $75,000 for in its leaked 2012 budget document.39Brendan DeMelle. “Heartland Institute Exposed: Internal Documents Unmask Heart of Climate Denial Machine,” DeSmog, February 14, 2012. 40“2012 Proposed Budget” (PDF), The Heartland Institute, January 14, 2012.

For CCDE, Wojick identifies three target audiences: “teachers, parents and students. Teachers need lesson plans, which are relatively specialized documents. Students need materials written at their grade level. Parents need non-technical information that they can explain to their children or use to confront a gatekeeper.”41JOIN THE FIGHT FOR SKEPTICISM IN SCHOOLS,” The Heartland Institute, June 19, 2017. Archived February 22, 2018. URL:

Wojick concludes that materials should be “simple” and not actually delve into the “technical details” of climate science:

“It is important to keep in mind that many K-12 science teachers do not have science degrees, nor do most parents. K-12 is not the place to go into the technical details of climate science. Simplicity is the key,” Wojick wrote.42JOIN THE FIGHT FOR SKEPTICISM IN SCHOOLS,” The Heartland Institute, June 19, 2017. Archived February 22, 2018. URL:

The GoFundMe had collected $6,025 of its $35,000 goal as of February 2018.43Climate change debate education,” GoFundMe. Archived February 22, 2018. URL:

June 6, 2016

On an episode of the Heartland Daily Podcast, Wojick discusses how he is working with climate change denier Pat Michaels at the Cato Institute.44H. Sterling Burnett. “DR. DAVID WOJICK: HOW GOVERNMENT FUNDING BIAS CORRUPTS SCIENCE

“I’ve been with them now for about well, a little over a year,” Wojick said. “[…] We’re focusing initially on climate change, because that’s Pat’s area of expertise, but we’re also trying to branch out into other areas, science-intensive policy areas, and really science as a whole.”45H. Sterling Burnett. “DR. DAVID WOJICK: HOW GOVERNMENT FUNDING BIAS CORRUPTS SCIENCE

Wojick said he’s done “one major study” for Cato so far, plus “a number of littler studies” with more coming.46H. Sterling Burnett. “DR. DAVID WOJICK: HOW GOVERNMENT FUNDING BIAS CORRUPTS SCIENCE

February 2012

Leaked internal strategy and funding documents from the Heartland Institute, obtained by DeSmog, revealed that the conservative climate change denial think tank planned to pay approximately $25,000 in June, September, and December ($75,000 total budget) for a “K-12 Climate Education Project” headed by David Wojick. Below is a screenshot from the Heartland Institute “2012 Proposed Budget.”47Brendan DeMelle. “Heartland Institute Exposed: Internal Documents Unmask Heart of Climate Denial Machine,” DeSmog, February 14, 2012. 48“2012 Proposed Budget” (PDF), The Heartland Institute, January 14, 2012.

Heartland Climate Education Project

ThinkProgress reported further on Heartland’s planned “global warming curriculum” that would present climate science as “a major scientific controversy.”49Brad Johnson. “INTERNAL DOCUMENTS: The Secret, Corporate-Funded Plan To Teach Children That Climate Change Is A Hoax,” ThinkProgress, February 14, 2012. URL:

April 2006

Wojick was a signatory to an open letter suggesting that Prime Minister Stephen Harper stall any action on climate policy because, the signatories claimed, “climate changes all the time due to natural causes.” The letter calls for a delay on Kyoto emissions reductions, and states “allocating funds to ‘stopping climate change’ would be irrational.”50Richard Littlemore. “Denying Climate Change; Urging Inaction,” DeSmog, April 19, 2006.

July 2003

Wojick participated in shaping the Strategic Plan for the Climate Change Program (SPCC) final report in July, 2003. In his presentation to representatives of CCSP (The Climate Change Science Program) he “made the case for uncertainty.”51Re: Strategic Plan for the U.S. CCSP (Jl 2003), Wojick’s Assessment” E-mail from David E. Wojick, published at ClimateArchive.

His report, “Key Uncertainties, Milestones and Issues in the CCSP,” was originally available on the American Petroleum Institute’s website, but has since been removed. DeSmog hosts the file here.52“An Assessment of the Strategic Plan of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program” (PDF), On file at DeSmog.

November 13, 2002

While not attending in person, Wojick was listed as “available for phone & email interviews” for a press conference titled “Kyoto’s Fatal Flaws Revealed.” Tom Harris of the PR Company APCO Worldwide helped organize the conference.53Kyoto’s Fatal Flaws Revealed,” Climate Search, November 12, 2002. Archived February 7, 2003. URL:

A range of prominent climate change deniers spoke at the event, including Tim Patterson, Fred Singer, Tim Ball, Madhav L. Khandekar, Pat Michaels, Fred Michel, and Howard Hayden.54Kyoto’s Fatal Flaws Revealed,” Climate Search, November 12, 2002. Archived February 7, 2003. URL:

May 30, 2000

Wojick was part of a team organized by the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) to conduct an “independent review of the IPCC’s Third Assessment Report.” The so-called “Science Integrity Team” briefed members of Congress, news media and other organizations on Capitol Hill about how, generally, climate change was a non-issue. Hugh Ellsaesser, Richard Courtney, Vincent Gray, Wibjorn Karlin, Ross McKitrick, and other prominent global warming skeptics also attended the SEPP briefing.55What’s wrong with U.N. climate science: An independent scientific review of the IPCC’s Third Assessment Report,” Science and Environmental Policy Project, May 25, 2000. Archived February 15, 2007. URL:



Wojick formerly linked to the following ”twenty-five Year Distinguished Client List” on his resume:66Twenty-five Year Distinguished Client List of David Wojick,” PowerVision. Archived June 13, 2007.

  • Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
  • U.S. Department of Commerce – Deputy Secretary for Policy
  • Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition
  • Chief of Naval Research
  • Carnegie-Mellon University
  • The AES Corporation
  • Allegheny Power System
  • Duquesne Light Company
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – head office
  • U.S. Congress – Office of Technology Assessment
  • Naval Research Laboratory
  • City of Seattle
  • Seattle Port Authority
  • Foundation for Applied Science & Technology
  • American Bankers Association
  • New York Bankers Association
  • Citibank N.A.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • P.P.G. Industries Inc. (Pittsburgh Paint, Pittsburgh Plate Glass, Etc.)
  • United States Steel Company Inc.
  • Levinson Steel Company
  • International Pest Management Association
  • National Science Foundation
  • National Cancer Institute
  • U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  • Banconsumer Services, Inc.
  • Institute for Water Resources
  • Pennsylvania Bank and Trust Company
  • Administrative Conference of the United States
  • State of Pennsylvania
  • Citizens for a Sound Economy
  • National Aggregates Association
  • National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
  • Standard Army Automated Contracting System
  • AEGIS Weapons Program
  • American Portland Cement Association
  • Strategic Weapon Facility Pacific
  • U.S. Water Resources Council
  • CATO Institute

Social Media


According to a search of Google Scholar, Wojick has not published any articles peer-reviewed journals on the subject of climate change. His publications are mainly on the subject of epistemology.

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