
In Denial of Bad Science

About the Series

In this investigative series, DeSmog scrutinizes the ways in which climate science deniers have been trying to take on the appearance of legitimacy through cracks in the scientific community.

We have documented ways deniers have attempted to infiltrate scientific conferences with questionable practices, publish in “sham” journals with shoddy peer review, and fund research papers that at times read more like angry emails than an exercise in the scientific method.

In This Series


A climate science denial group with links to President Trump’s administration has been funding work to sow doubt that low-lying islands in the Pacific are at risk from rising sea levels. The two r...

A British government-backed research project that coordinates data from tide gauges around the world has hit back at climate science deniers who wrongly accused their scientists of faking findings....

The title alone of the scientific paper could have suggested one of two things — either the author deserved a Nobel prize in science, or something very odd was going on. Professor Steve Sherwood k...

On the face of it, the climate science conference scheduled for the romantic Italian city of Rome looks like any other. The organizers, India-based ConferenceSeries, promise their “4th World Confe...