A quick overview of the latest in international and Canadian climate research:
Background and Supplementary InformationThere is increasing unambiguous evidence of a changing climate in
- Inadequate water for Prairie agriculture and hydroelectric utilities due to increased drying of the continental interior and reduced snow pack and shrinking glaciers;
- Threats to the sustainability of
’s natural resources due to an inability of our ecosystems to respond rapidly as the climate changes.Canada - Warming allowing the spread of insects through our forests and prolonged drought making forests more susceptible to fires;
- Warming of ocean and river waters, threatening survival of Pacific salmon, a cold water fish, by forcing it away from its spawning grounds;
- Increasing severity and frequency of some extreme weather events, including floods and droughts, some of which are already exceeding 100-year records and requiring more robust design specifications for infrastructure;
- Thawing of permafrost and associated effects on the human environment (infrastructure, roads, pipelines, buildings), sea ice, northern ecosystems and species, all leading to dramatic changes in the lives of northern people;
- Increased marine traffic through the northern sea routes, increasing the likelihood of environmental impacts and challenges to
Canada ’s sovereignty claims in theArctic .
Some of these projected impacts are already detectable.Advances in climate science since the 2001 IPCC Assessment have provided more evidence supporting the need for action and development of a strategy for adaptation to projected changes. New results include:
- Progressive decreases in
ice coverage in summer and winter since 1979, with record lows in 2005. At the current rate we expectArctic Sea Arctic summers to be ice-free by 2050 – a state not seen on Earth for at least a million years; - Analyses showing that climate may be more sensitive to additional greenhouse gases than previously determined;
- Improved understanding of the interactions between the climate system and the global carbon and sulphur cycle with the possibility that some terrestrial carbon reserves may become sources;
- Improved understanding that a small but significant fraction (about 15-20%) of the carbon dioxide that has been released into the atmosphere by human activities (mainly fossil fuel burning) will continue to affect climate for tens of thousands of years until it is eventually neutralized through carbonate reactions in the deep ocean;
- Confirmation that warming of the atmosphere near the surface is consistent with the projections of climate models;
- Linking of climate change and ozone recovery (affecting ultraviolet levels in the
Arctic ), and the attribution of recent surface temperature change over the Antarctic to the ozone hole; - Identification of ocean warming to depths in excess of 700 metres and its attribution to anthropogenic (human-induced) causes. This stored heat will contribute to a continuing sea level rise for several centuries;
- Clear demonstration that the ocean is becoming more acidic, threatening marine organisms, especially corals.
- Identification of possible ‘tipping points’ in the carbon cycle, the North Atlantic Ocean circulation and the Greenland ice sheet, that may trigger irreversible trends with major global climatic consequences;
- Evidence that warm Atlantic water now moves farther into the
and may increase the rate of sea ice melt due to warming from below.Arctic Basin
There is an increasing urgency to act on the threat of climate change. Stopping the growth in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations by reducing emissions would also have benefits for air quality, human health and energy security. But since mitigation measures will become effective only after many years, adaptive strategies are essential and need to begin now. Our climate system is dynamic and complex: further knowledge is needed of the relationships among its components, to continue to inform decisions on adapting to the inevitable impacts that we will experience. There are several key research questions whose resolution will lead to better understanding as to how the climate will change. For the sake of all Canadians and the global community, Canada needs a national climate change strategy to provide the best advice for action, with continued investments in research to track the rate and nature of changes, understand what is happening, to refine projections of changes induced by anthropogenic release of greenhouse gases and to analyse opportunities and threats presented by these changes. Good policy requires good science.We would be pleased to provide a scientific briefing and further support, clarification and information at any time.
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