
Center for Libertarian Studies

Center for Libertarian Studies


The Center for Libertarian Studies (CLS) was a libertarian, “anarcho-capitalist” educational non-profit founded in 1976 by the late Murray N. Rothbard and the late Burton S. Blumert. The center developed out of the Libertarian Scholars Conferences and was originally headquartered in New York, before moving to Bulingame, California.1Center for Libertarian Studies records,” Hoover Institution Library and Archives via the Online Archive of California. Archived July 25, 2019. URL:

According to an archived version of the CLS website from 1999, “CLS is dedicated to the work and vision of Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995), philosopher of liberty, dean of the Austrian School of economics, historian of American freedom, and enemy of the welfare-warfare state.” According to this archived web site, CLS published two periodicals: the biannual Journal of Libertarian Studies and the monthly Rothbard-Rockwell Report.2About The Center for Libertarian Studies,” The Center for Libertarian Studies. Archived November 3, 1999. URL:

According to another website archive, CLS “administered” two websites: and, The Center for Libertarian Studies. Archived February 4, 2002. URL:

In a 2013 article published on, author David Gordon, a senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute reported that Charles Koch was an early funder of the CLS. 4David Gordon. “The Kochtopus vs. Murray N. Rothbard, Part II,”, April 18, 2013. Archived July 25, 2019. URL: In her 2016 book Dark Money, Jane Mayer reported that CLS was launched with a donation of around $65,000 from Charles Koch.5Jane Mayer. Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right, Doubleday (January 19, 2016).

CLS conferences, seminars, and meetings featured libertarian scholars, including co-founder Murray Rothbard, Llewellyn Rockwell, Dom Armentano, Earl Ravenal, Henry Mark Holzer, Wendy McElroy, Randy Barnett, and Richard Epstein. 6Center for Libertarian Studies records,” Hoover Institution Library and Archives via the Online Archive of California. Archived July 25, 2019. URL:

Ludwig von Mises Institute

In 1982, Rothbard, Blumert and Rockwell founded the Ludwig von Mises Institute, named after the “Austrian School” economist, to “further libertarian research and study in Austrian economics, freedom, and peace.”7Center for Libertarian Studies records,” Hoover Institution Library and Archives via the Online Archive of California. Archived July 25, 2019. URL:

The Mises Institute has described itself as “heir to the Center for Libertarian Studies.”8Libertarian Scholars Conference,” Mises Institute, October 20, 2018. Archived July 26, 2019. URL:

Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., founder of the Mises Institute, the institute’s chairman, and editor of, was accused in 2008 of ghostwriting racist, homophobic newsletters for libertarian presidential candidate Ron Paul in the 1980s and 1990s, but denied responsibility for them.9Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.Mises Institute. Archived July 26, 2019. URL: 10Julian Sanches and David Weigel. “Who Wrote Ron Paul’s Newsletters?Reason, January 16, 2008. Archived July 26, 2019. URL:

According to an archived “About” page, “was founded in 1999 by anarcho-capitalists Lew Rockwell and Burt Blumert to help carry on the anti-war, anti-state, pro-market work of Murray N. Rothbard.” 11About,” Archived August 29, 2022. Archive URL:

Justin Raimondo and

Justin Raimondo (d. 2019) was the editorial director of, which he cofounded with Eric Garris in 1995.12Gay rights, anti-war activist Justin Raimondo dies at 67,” The Associated Press. Archived July 27, 2023. Archive URL:

Justin Raimondo was best known for advocating Libertarian Party support for gay rights. “He was very strongly part of the gay community in San Francisco and yet he broke the mold,” Eric Garris told The Associated Press in 2019. “He was somebody who believed that gay liberation had to be more than just joining the Democratic Party.”13Gay rights, anti-war activist Justin Raimondo dies at 67,” The Associated Press. Archived July 27, 2023. Archive URL:

In a 1999 article on, Raimondo identified himself as a senior fellow at the Center for Libertarian Studies, as well as an adjunct scholar with the Ludwig von Mises Institute.14Justin Raimondo. “China and the New Cold War,”, June 18, 1999. Archived July 26, 2019. URL:

Raimondo authored Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement, published by ISI Books in 2008.15“Reclaiming the American Right,” book page, Simon & Schuster. Archived July 27, 2023. Archive URL:

Stance on Climate Change

The Center for Libertarian Studies apparently did not take a public stance regarding climate change.


In a 2013 article published on, author David Gordon, a senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, reported that Charles Koch was an early funder of the CLS.16David Gordon. “The Kochtopus vs. Murray N. Rothbard, Part II,”, April 18, 2013. Archived July 25, 2019. URL: In her 2016 book Dark Money, Jane Mayer reported that CLS was launched with a donation of around $65,000 from Charles Koch.17Jane Mayer. Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right, Doubleday (January 19, 2016).

IRS Form 990 Filings

Key People

Murray N. Rothbard (d. 1995), a co-founder of the Center for Libertarian Studies, was an economist and “social philosopher who fiercely defended individual freedom against government intervention.” From 1986 until his death, Rothbard was an economics professor at the Lee Business School at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. At the time of his death, he was also vice president of academic affairs for the Ludwig von Mises Institute at Auburn University in Alabama.18David Stout. “Murray N. Rothbard, Economist And Free-Market Exponent, 68,” The New York Times, January 11, 1995. Archived May 29, 2012. Archive URL: 19Julia Kagan. “Murray N. Rothbard,Investopedia, July 23, 2018. Archived July 25, 2019. URL:

According to a profile on Investopedia, Rothbard is considered the “father of anarcho-capitalism,” which is described as “an economic and philosophical belief that individual responsibility and self-ownership is preferable to state control.” Rothbard “opposed taxation, considering it a form of slavery; espoused self-ownership; and supported the idea of an anarcho-capitalist system that would end the government monopoly on force.”20Julia Kagan. “Murray N. Rothbard,Investopedia, July 23, 2018. Archived July 25, 2019. URL:

The Alabama-based Mises Institute, which calls itself the “heir” to the CLS,21Libertarian Scholars Conference,” Mises Institute, October 20, 2018. Archived July 26, 2019. URL: describes Rothbard as someone who “defended land-rights groups against environmentalists, citizen militias against gun grabbers, isolationists against imperialists, paleoconservatives against neoconservatives, populists against party regulars, anti–New World Order conspiracy theorists against the establishment, nationalists against internationalist planners, states’ righters against libertarian centralists, the Christian Right against its own leadership, and much more.”22Irrepressible Rothbard,” Mises Bookstore. Archived July 10, 2020. Archive URL:

Burton S. Blumert (1929-2009) co-founded the CLS and served as president of the center for a time, during which he published the Journal of Libertarian Studies and the Austrian Economics Newsletter. Blumert later cofounded and became chairman of the Mises Institute.23Burton S. Blumert. “Bagels, Barry Bonds, & Rotten Politicians” (PDF), Ludwig Von Mises Institute, 2008. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 24Jon Basil Utley. “Freedom fighter,” The American Conservative, May 4, 2009. Archived September 16, 2013. Archive URL:

Walter Grinder (1938-2022)25John Hagel III. “Walter E. Grinder, 1938-2022,” Cato at Liberty/Cato Institute, January 12, 2023.Archived July 27, 2023. Archive URL: was an executive director of the CLS for a period of time. Grinder organized Libertarian Scholars’ Conferences at the Williams College Club, the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, and Princeton University. Grinder previously studied alongside Ludwig von Mises at New York University, where he was in close contact with Murray Rothbard. After teaching economics at Ireland’s University College, Cork, Grinder returned to the U.S., where he advised the Cato Institute on Austrian economics and became vice president of the Institute for Humane Studies.26Leonard Liggio. “Walter Grinder Tribute: A Biography,” Alt-M. Archived July 25, 2019. URL:


The Center for Libertarian Studies published two periodicals: the twice-yearly Journal of Libertarian Studies and the monthly Rothbard-Rockwell Report. It passed on its Journal of Libertarian Studies publication to the Mises Institute.27About The Center for Libertarian Studies,” The Center for Libertarian Studies. Archived November 3, 1999. URL: 28About, The Center for Libertarian Studies. Archived February 4, 2002. URL:

Contact & Address

According to a document retrieved from the Truth Tobacco Industry Documents library at the Library of the University of California, San Francisco, the Center for Libertarian Studies had the following address and phone number:35Title: Unknown,” 1997 April. Philip Morris Records; Master Settlement Agreement. Retrieved from the Truth Tobacco Industry Documents Library at the Library of the University of California, San Francisco. URL:

Center for Libertarian Studies
875 Mahler Road
Suite 150
Burlingame, CA 94011
(800) 325-7257

Another document in the collection, an “Encyclopedia of Associations” for 1989, listed another address for CLS:36Re: Americans for Democratic Action,” November 18, 1988. Tobacco Institute Records. Retrieved from Truth Industry Documents Library. Bates no. TI02031607-TI02031610

851 Burlway Rd.
Burlingame, CA 94011
Phone: (415) 348-3000

An archived version of The Center for Libertarian Studies website, as of 1999, listed this contact information:37About The Center for Libertarian Studies,” The Center for Libertarian Studies. Archived November 3, 1999. URL:

The Center for Libertarian Studies
851 Burlway, Suite 202
Burlingame, California 94010
Phone: 800-325-7257
Fax: 650-401-5530
E-Mail: [email protected]

Other Resources


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