Canada Strong & Free Network

Canada Strong & Free Network (CSFN) – (Formerly the Manning Centre)


The Canada Strong and Free Network (CSFN) was founded as the Manning Centre for Building Democracy (MCBD) in 2005 “to support Canadaโ€™s conservative movement by networking best practices and ideas pertaining to limited government, free enterprise, individual responsibility, and a more robust civil society.”1The Canada Strong and Free Network,” Canada Strong and Free Network. Archived February 11, 2022. Archive URL:

The group has described its purpose as supporting “conservative and libertarian activists and ideas in Canada” through research, training, and networking.2“2016 ANNUAL REPORT” (PDF), Manning Centre. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

“From public policy research and training activists on how to run campaigns, to our annual conference in Ottawa, the Manning Centre is an integral part of Canadaโ€™s conservative movement,” its 2016 annual report noted.

Then-chair Rick Anderson was quoted in the annual report, describing the role of the Centre:

“As political parties and party funding are increasingly focused on fighting elections, it is up to โ€˜political infrastructure organizationsโ€™ like the Manning Centre to generate the ideas, the skilled workers, and movement connections for conservative-oriented parties to be successful.”

According to the Manning Centre’s corporate documents filed with the government of Canada, its purpose has included the “development of educational material and delivery systems to strengthen knowledge and skills of those involved in Canada’s democratic process, including the next-generation of leaders” and “exporting of Canada’s democratic experience and expertise abroad.”3Certificate of Continuance for The Manning Centre for Building Democracy, October 7, 2014. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

The Canada Strong & Free Network also operates the Manning Foundation, a registered charity.

Its founder, Preston Manning, requested the name change in July 2020 to reflect the group’s “exclusive focus going forward” of “greater and more explicit networking and relationship building among the various components of the conservative movement in Canada.” Manning announced he would retire that year.4Manning Centre for Building Democracy changes name to Canada Strong and Free Network,Canada Strong & Free Network. Archived February 21, 2021. Archive URL:

The Canada Strong and Free Network was listed as a member of the Atlas Network as recently as 2021, the last year Atlas publicly recorded its members on its website.5Global Directory: Canada,Atlas Network. Archived January 23, 2021. Archive URL:

Stance on Climate Change


While CSFN has not released a public statement on climate change, it has regularly invited economist Ross McKitrick to its annual conferences to speak about climate change. In the 2016 conference, McKitrick declared:6Green Conservatism,” YouTube video uploaded by user “Canada Strong and Free Network,” March 14, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

“The comment about ‘we shouldn’t question the science,’ no. We should encourage people to discuss the science, but do it in a deep way and not with slogans like the 97% consensus, which is another one of these phoney statistics that emerges.”

“We have a problem of overkill in some areas including, for instance, the coal phase-out in Ontario. That was a huge overkill in response to the air emissions issue. […] They didn’t need to phase out those coal-fired power plants, but its the alarmism that made it impossible to have that debate at the time.”

“Canada needs its Conservatives to go all in against environmental alarmism, including climate alarmism, and here I would point out that when governments start hauling out the issue of extreme weather, there is nothing mainstream about that kind of science. The mainstream science including the IPCC does not draw a connection between greenhouse gas emissions and extreme weather events.”

He added:

“Even after all these years of propaganda and browbeating, Canadians are roughly evenly split on whether global warming is mostly anthropogenic, but so is the scientific community.”


After Preston Manning suggested in a Globe and Mail interview that “We also need to address environmental concerns, particularly as they interface with resource development,”7Brenna Atnikov. “Preston Manning on reconciling economy and environment: โ€˜Canadians need a dose of realism,โ€™The Globe and Mail, November 14, 2014. Archived March 14, 2023. Archive URL: and floated the idea of a carbon price in another article, he faced criticism from Sun TV’s Ezra Levant.8VIDEO: Sun TV smears Preston Manning for speaking out on climate change,” PressProgress, November 25. 2014. Archived March 14, 2023. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

Ezra Levant repeated twice that the Manning Centre is โ€œbankrolled by the oil and gas industry.โ€

โ€œToday, skepticism about the science and economics behind the theory of man-made global warming has been largely vindicated,โ€ Levant added in a Sun News column. โ€œAnd yet Manning chose this moment to switch sides.โ€9Ezra Levant. “Manning doesn’t speak for conservatives,” Sun News, November 23, 2014. Archived February 13, 2015. Archive URL:


“Unlimited Donations”

In its 2016 annual report, the Canada Strong and Free Network, then the Manning Centre, offered a “solution” to donations to political parties by “left-wing organizations”:

“The Manning Centre can legally accept unlimited donations and use the funds to support free-market ideas, train like-minded activists and conduct research. With your help, we can start to compete with well-financed left-wing organizations in Canada!” The Manning Centre suggested.

Below is a screenshot of the page:

Source: Manning Centre 2016 Annual Report, page 7.

Annual Reports

Key People

DeSmog collected the following data through listings on the Canada Strong & Free Network / Manning Centre websites via the Internet Archive:

For additional information and sources, see the attached spreadsheet for Canada Strong & Free Network people by year (.xlsx).


March 22โ€“24, 2023

Pierre Poilievre and former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen J. Harper were among the speakers listed for CSFN’s 2023 “Networking Conference.” CSFN listed the following speakers on its website:

  • Aaron Gunn
  • Aaron M. Renn
  • Aaron Wudrick
  • Adrienne Batra
  • Andrea van Vugt
  • Andrew Lawton
  • Benjamin Lamb
  • Brian Dijkema
  • Bryn Tenasco-Teixeira
  • Chi Nguyen
  • Chris Spoke
  • Clint Thomas
  • Conrad Black
  • Daniel Gray
  • David Boudeweel-Lefebvre
  • Derek Robinson
  • Alika Lafontaine
  • Leslyn Lewis
  • Matthew Rowley
  • Murray Bessette
  • Ed Whittingham
  • Elie Cantin-Nantel
  • Emma Haynes
  • ร‰ric Duhaime
  • Erin Bonokoski
  • Franco Terrazzano
  • Garnett Genuis
  • Gordon Lee
  • Danielle Smith
  • Preston Manning
  • Rebecca Schulz
  • Tony Clement
  • Jamil Jivani
  • Jasraj Singh Hallan
  • Jocelyn Bamford
  • John Pasalis
  • Jonah Davids
  • Jonathan Bradley
  • Kate Harrison
  • Kathryn Marshall
  • Kaveh Shahrooz
  • Larry Gray
  • Leam Dunn-Opper
  • Lindsay Wilson
  • Matt Spoke
  • Matthew Bondy
  • Melissa Lantsman
  • Michael Binnion
  • Michael Bourque
  • Noah Jarvis
  • Paige MacPherson
  • Paul DeJong
  • Pierre Paul-Hus
  • Reihan Salam
  • Renze Nauta
  • Rizwan Mohammad
  • Ronald Nehring
  • Sally Zhou
  • Sam Duncan
  • Sean Speer
  • Senator Leo Housakos
  • Steven Sutton
  • Surajreet Signh
  • Takdeer Brar
  • Tara Henley
  • Pierre Poilievre
  • Stephen J. Harper
  • Yaroslav Baran
  • Youri Chassin

The website listed the following sponsors:

Sponsorship LevelSponsor Name
PremierModern Miracle Network
GoldCanadian Taxpayers Federation
SilverThe Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA)
SilverNigel Wright.
SilverAir Canada
BronzeBoudeweel Public Affairs
BronzeBruce Power
BronzeEarnscliffe Strategies
BronzeEqual Voice
BronzeLoyalist Public Affairs
BronzePathways Alliance
BronzeSumma Strategies
BronzeToronto Sun
BronzeWellington Advocacy
PartnersARPA Canada
PartnersC2C Journal
PartnersCampaign Compass
PartnersCampaign Life Coalition
PartnersCanadian Conservatives Abroad
PartnersChristian Heritage Party
PartnersFoundation Against Intolerance & Racism
PartnersJustice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
PartnersLadies of Liberty Alliance
PartnersMacdonald-Laurier Institute
PartnersRights 4 Vapers
PartnersThe News Forum
PartnersTrue North

April 10, 2021

Michael Shellenberger, Wildrose Party leader Danielle Smith, Canadian Conservatives party leader Erin O’Toole, and former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen J. Harper were among those who spoke at Canada Strong and Free’s online 2021 Networking Conference.10Canada Strong and Free Networking Conference 2021,Canada Strong & Free Network. Archived February 11, 2022. Archive URL:

Speakers were listed as follows:

  • Brian Lilley
  • Bruce Pardy
  • Chief Michael LeBourdias
  • Chief Willie Sellars
  • Christine Van Geyn
  • Dale Swampy
  • Danielle Smith
  • Douglas Murray
  • Hon. Monte McNaughton
  • Hon. Tony Clement
  • Jack Mintz
  • Jamil Jivani
  • Joanna Baron
  • Lilly Obina
  • Marian Tupy
  • Matt Bufton
  • Michael Binnion
  • Michael Shellenberger
  • Peter St. Onge
  • Tanya Granic Allen
  • Tenzin Khangsar
  • The Hon. Erin O’Toole
  • The Right Honourable David Cameron
  • The Right Honourable Stephen J. Harper
  • Walter Robinson

Matt Bufton has been a director of CAPP.

November 7, 2020

Ross McKitrick was among the speakers at CSFN’s online “Regional Networking Conference.” He spoke on a panel titled “How Do We Dig Out of this Fiscal Catastrophe and Get the Economy Moving Again?” 11“CONFERENCE AGENDA” (PDF), Canada Strong and Free Network. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

CSFN published the segment on YouTube.12CSFRNC20 How Do We Dig Out of this Fiscal Catastrophe and Get the Economy Moving Again?” YouTube video uploaded by user “Canada Strong and Free Network,” November 17, 2020. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

CSFRNC20: “How Can Canada Dig Out of This Fiscal Catastrophe?” Source: YouTube13CSFRNC20 How Do We Dig Out of this Fiscal Catastrophe and Get the Economy Moving Again?” YouTube video uploaded by user “Canada Strong and Free Network,” November 17, 2020. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

“Things that were a bad idea before the pandemic are still a bad idea,” McKitrick said. “People are opportunistically saying, well now we’re in a phase of recovery where we’re looking at introducing policies to support the recovery, and people with this green agenda want to overload their ideas onto what should actually be an agenda running in the opposite direction.”

“Which is, we really need to make a priority of profitable investment, business creation, job creation… In the past, for instance 2008, there was a whole lot of climate policy on the agenda then, and a lot of policymakers around the world realized when the financial crisis hit, ok, we’re going to put all that on the back burner because it’s expensive, so now is not the time to do all that. That should be the reasoning now.”

“With so much stress in the economy, when people realize how much things like the clean fuel standard cost, they’re going to be unhappy that the government is choosing now of all times to implement these things.”

“There’s a lot of sloganeering around it. I mean, you said ‘build back better,’ ‘a resilient recovery’ and all that, and really that’s just using this particular moment in the policy agendaโ€”where we’re looking for governments to come up with a planโ€”it’s kind of a Trojan Horse where they can say well we’re going to present a recovery plan, but it’s actually just a whole lot of old shop-worn green policy ideas that were a bad idea previously, but we think we might be able to get away with it now because everybody’s expecting us to implement a big policy agenda.”

October 2019

CBC News reported the Manning Centre “gave a total of $312,450 to a network of related third-party advertising groups” on Facebook and Instagram.14Christian Paas-Lang (The Canadian Press). “Manning Centre a primary backer for series of anti-Liberal Facebook pages,” CBC News, October 3, 2019. Archived March 9, 2021. Archive URL:

“In most cases, the centre was the sole donor listed by those groups in disclosure forms filed with Elections Canada,” CBC News found.

$240,500 of those donations went to Canada Strong and Proud, “the network’s national politics-focused page,” which spent more than $103,000 on Facebook ads between late July and October 2019.

Affiliated pages, including New Brunswick Proud, Nova Scotia Proud, NL Strong, and Quebec Fier, also got funding from the Manning Centre.

“Alberta Proud, BC Strong and Ontario Strong are also part of the family of organizations. The various groups often post and share similar contents and ads.”

Those ads included a large portion of spending on videos promoting the Canadian oil and gas sectors. They later moved to a “more narrow, personalized critique of Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau during the formal campaign period.”

March 23, 2019

According to its program, the Manning Centre’s 2019 Networking Conference included a presentation titled “New Approaches to Tackling Climate Change” that included Ross McKitrick as a speaker and was moderated by Danielle Smith.15“Program MNC2019” (PDF), Canada Strong and Free Network. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

November 24 2018

At its annual Networking Conference, the Manning Centre featured Stephen Buffalo, President and CEO of the Indian Resource Council, and Vivian Krause as speakers.16Alberta MNC,” Manning Centre. Archived December 9, 2019. Archive URL:

Speakers listed on the conference website included:17Alberta MNC,” Manning Centre. Archived December 9, 2019. Archive URL:

  • Danielle Smith
  • ร‰ric Duhaime
  • Garnett Genius
  • Jamil Jivani
  • Jason Kenney
  • Jim Dinning
  • Mark Milke
  • Michael Binnion
  • Michele Austin
  • Natalie Pon
  • Pat Nelson
  • Preston Manning
  • Rex Murphy
  • Ryan Hastman
  • Scott Hennig
  • Stephen Buffalo
  • Suzanne Sexton

February 2016

Ross McKitrick and Andrew Coyne were among those who spoke at the Manning Centre’s annual conference on the topic of “Green Conservatism.”18Green Conservatism,” YouTube video uploaded by user “Canada Strong and Free Network,” March 14, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

Manning Centre Conference: “Green Conservatism”19Green Conservatism,” YouTube video uploaded by user “Canada Strong and Free Network,” March 14, 2016. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.
  • The Manning Foundation for Democratic Education is a charity run by the Manning Centre (now the Canada Strong & Free Network).
  • Conservative Values Tomorrow is the “leadership development program” of the Canada Strong & Free Network. Applicants are limited to those under 29 years old.20Leadership Development Program,” Conservative Values Tomorrow. Archived March 13, 2023. Archive URL:


Canada Strong & Free Network has listed the following as “partners” on its website.

The Canada Strong & Free network does not outline the nature of its relationship with organizations listed as “partners.”


Contact & Address

The CSFN and the Manning Centre have listed a variety of addresses over the years:

2019 โ€“ 2023

According to the CSFN website:21“Contact, Canada Strong & Free Network. March 14, 2023. Homepage, Manning Centre. Archived October 9, 2019.

Manning Centre
404 – 919 N Centre St
Calgary, AB T2E 2P6
Tel: 403.255.8100


According to its website:22About,” Manning Centre. Archived September 4, 2018.

514 11 AVE SW
Calgary, AB T2R 0C8
Tel: (403) 255-8100


According to registration forms from Industry Canada:

10th Flr., 850 – 2 Street S.W.
Calgary, AB
T2P 0R8


According to registration forms from Industry Canada:

209, 10836 – 24 Street S.E.
Calgary, AB
T2Z 4C9


According to registration forms from Industry Canada:

5000, 150 โ€“ 6th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, AB
T3P 3Y7

Registration documents also listed an additional office address in that year:

Suite 300, 1550 – 8th Street
Calgary, AB
T2R 1K1

Social Media

Canada Strong & Free Network

Manning Centre (former accounts)

Other Resources


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