Aurea Foundation

Aurea Foundation


The Aurea Foundation was established by Melanie and the late Peter Munk (1927โ€“2018) in 2006 “to undertake initiatives and support qualified institutions and affiliated individuals in the study and development of public policy.”1Aurea Foundation,” Archived August 28, 2014. Archive URL:

The foundation’s grant program “aims to facilitate exchanges in the marketplace of ideas to the benefit of all who live or aspire to live in free societies.”2About Us,Aurea Foundation. Archived August 13, 2014. Archive URL:

“The Aurea Foundation gives special attention to the study of issues relating to the political and economic foundations of freedom, the strengthening of the free market system, the protection and enhancement of democratic values, human rights and human dignity, and the role of responsible citizenship,” its website noted.

According to data provided by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and reviewed by DeSmog, top recipients of the Aurea Foundation have included The Fraser Institute, which received as much as $6.7 million, with a $1.5 million grant listed in 2021, and the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, which received a total of over $2 million, among other freemarket think tanks such as the Canadian Constitution Foundation, C.D. Howe Institute, Macdonald-Laurier Institute, Montreal Economic Institute, and others.

Canadian journalist Andrew Coyne was a board member of the Aurea Foundation during the same years he sat on the board of the Canadian Constitution Foundation, one of the groups Aurea has funded.

Note that while the group remains active, the Aurea Foundation’s independent website, seems to have ceased operation some time in August 2014.3Aurea Foundation,” Archived August 28, 2014. Archive URL:

As of September 2014, it redirected to the Peter and Melanie Munk Charitable Foundation‘s website,, which included a page on the Aurea Foundation with the following description:4Aurea Foundation,” Peter and Melanie Munk Charitable Foundation. Archived February 17, 2015. Archive URL:

“Aurea was established in 2006 with a $25 million endowment from the Peter and Melanie Munk Charitable Foundation. Aurea supports qualified institutions and affiliated individuals involved in the study and development of public policy. The Aurea Foundation gives special attention to the investigation of issues related to the political and economic foundations of freedom, the strengthening of the free market system, the protection and enhancement of democratic values, human rights and human dignity, and the role of responsible citizenship.”

The Peter and Melanie Munk Foundation’s website also ceased operation, with the last available web archive in January 2020.5Home,” Peter and Melanie Munk Charitable Foundation. Archived January 15, 2020. Archive URL:

The Munk Debates

The Aurea Foundation established the Munk Debates, which it described as “Canadaโ€™s premier public policy event” in 2008. “the semi-annual debates provide leading thinkers with a global forum to discuss the major issues facing the world and Canada,” with previous debates covering topics such as “climate change, humanitarian intervention, religion, taxing the wealthy and state surveillance.”6Aurea Foundation,” Peter and Melanie Munk Charitable Foundation. Archived February 17, 2015. Archive URL:

According to the Peter and Melanie Munk Charitable Foundation website, “Past participants have included Henry Kissinger, Tony Blair, Glenn Greenwald, Christopher Hitchens, Fareed Zakaria, and Paul Krugman, among others.”7Aurea Foundation,” Peter and Melanie Munk Charitable Foundation. Archived February 17, 2015. Archive URL:

“The Debates are supported by range of private and public donors including our active Munk Members community,” the Munk Debates website notes.8Our Mission,” Munk Debates. Archived July 18, 2023. Archive URL:

Recent debates include discussion on artificial intelligence, whether to trust mainstream media, and the Russia-Ukraine war.

Stance on Climate Change

The Aurea Foundation has funded several groups who have published materials denying or downplaying humanity’s role in climate change including the Fraser Institute and Frontier Centre for Public Policy. Some prior examples of these group’s statements are reproduced below.


View below some sample articles on climate change, republished by the Fraser Institute, a group historically heavily funded by the Aurea Foundation. Note these are not necessarily views shared by Aurea:9climate change,” Fraser Institute. Search performed August 2023.

“Any sober analysis of the available evidence will deflate all the hot air from the mediaโ€™s climate hysteria. In reality, over the relatively short period of time weโ€™ve been measuring temperatures at regional scales, the climate seems to be getting hotter. But is it some kind of Earth-shattering historic abnormality thatโ€™s setting the world on fire? Have we entered the era of global boiling? Thereโ€™s no good evidence to back up those claims.”

“Measurement-based estimates suggest an atmosphere less sensitive to greenhouse-gas enrichment. This would, in turn, suggest that less-aggressive efforts to mitigate greenhouse-gas emissions, perhaps also with longer time-horizons might suffice to protect the world from possible climate change.”

“When it comes to climate change, weโ€™re constantly told to ‘follow the science.’ Yet the same people who say that also regularly fabricate claims about trends in forest fires here in Canada and globally, and the connection to climate change. Science tells us forest fires are not becoming more common and the average area burned peaked 30 years ago. It also tells us greenhouse gases wonโ€™t put out fires, and raising the carbon tax will only make it costlier to fight the ones now burning.”

“One can only hope that this fire season will light a fire under Canadaโ€™s fire-foolish policymakers, and finally motivate them to take the rational courseโ€”fighting fire risk with fire use, rather than pointing to the climate sky gods and calling for appeasement measures that will not affect Canadaโ€™s risk of forest fires.”

“There is, in fact, good evidence showing the effect of climate change on economic growth will likely be insignificant and may even be positive. […]  These are important facts to keep in mind whenever politicians, activists or academics claim that climate change has severe and immediate negative economic effects.”

“Nothing Canada can do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (already a small and diminishing fraction of global emissions) would be enough to exert a measurable influence on the climate.”


The Frontier Centre, a group the Aurea Foundation has funded, released a publication by Patrick Moore where he claimed that “there has been no statistically significant warming of the planet for more than 15 years despite 25 percent of all human CO2 emissions occurring during these years.”10Patrick Moore. โ€œCap-and-Trade in Carbon Dioxide Stifles the Economy for no Good Reason,โ€ Frontier Centre for Public Policy, April 17, 2015. Archived August 14, 2015. 


The Fraser Institute, heavily funded by the Aurea Foundation, published Ross McKitrick‘s claims that “there has been no statistically significant temperature change for the past 15 to 20 years.โ€11Ross Mckittrick. โ€œClimatePolicy Implications of the Hiatus in Global Warmingโ€ (PDF)Fraser Institute, October, 2014. 

December 1, 2009

While the Aurea Foundation has not published its own stance on climate change, when the Munk Debates featured a debate on climate change posing the question “Be it resolved, climate change is mankind’s defining crisis, and demands a commensurate response,”12Climate Change,Munk Debates, December 1, 2009. Archived July 19, 2023. Archive URL: it invited debaters on the ‘Con’ side including Bjorn Lomborg and Lord Nigel Lawson. The ‘Pro’ side was argued by Elizabeth May and George Monbiot.

According to Aurea’s post-debate analysis, Votes on the ‘Con’ side gained an 8% increase from pre-debate to post-debate. According to the Munk Debate page, ‘CON wins.’


Aurea Foundation as Donor

*Note, this data has been provided by the CRA and any errors are present in the original. DeSmog has only done minor corrections of misspellings and naming inconsistencies for ease of analysis.

Key Documents

Charity Returns

Key People

The following is based on data via Industry Canada as well as provided by the CRA:

Note: CRA data reviewed by DeSmog goes back no earlier than fiscal period end of 2007.

Andrew Coyne

  • Director: 2007โ€“2016

Andrew Coyne is a columnist at The Globe and Mail, former editor of Maclean’s magazine, and a past contributor to the National Post.13Andrew Coyne,”The Globe and Mail. Archived September 28, 2022. Archive URL: According to data from the CRA, Coyne has also been a director of the Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF), and the Energy Probe Research Foundation, a group founded and managed by climate change denier Lawrence Solomon.14Data retrieved from the Canadian Revenue Agency and on file at DeSmog.

Responding to a question from CanadaLand on whether the Energy Probe Research Foundation was “a climate change denial group,” Coyne responded, “I don’t agree with him [Lawrence Solomon].”15“Canadaland #64 Andrew Coyne,” Canadaland, January 4, 2015. Archived July 5, 2023. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

“The more general thing is, you know, sensible use of economic instruments to try to achieve environmental ends,” Coyne said.16“Canadaland #64 Andrew Coyne,” Canadaland, January 4, 2015. Archived July 5, 2023. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

Anthony Munk

  • Director & vice-chairman: 2007โ€“2016
  • Director: 2019โ€“2022

Anthony Munk is the vice chair of Onex, an asset management firm, where he “provides investment advice across the firm and particularly as Chair of Onex Partnersโ€™ Investment Committee.”17Anthony Munk,” Onex. Archived August 24, 2023. Archive URL: As of 2023, he is also a board member of Clarivate Analytics, Emerald Expositions Events, Inc. and WireCo Worldgroup Inc.18Anthony Munk,” Onex. Archived August 24, 2023. Archive URL: He is the son of late Peter Munk, the founder of Barrick Gold Corp, and Canadian philanthropist.

He previously worked as vice president of First Boston Corporation in London, England and an Analyst with Guardian Capital in Toronto before joining Onex.19Anthony Munk,” Onex. Archived August 24, 2023. Archive URL:

Colin Chapin

  • Director: 2018โ€“2022

Colin Chapin is a finance executive and former CFO and secretary of the real estate holding company Trizec Canada Inc. He has served on various boards including LSE listed Secure Property Development & Investments Plc. Chapin was appointed an independent trustee of Partners Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) in 2018.20(Press Release). “Partners Announces Appointment of Colin Chapin,” Partners REIT via GlobeNewsWire, July 30, 2018. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:

David A. Steele

  • Director: 2018โ€“2022

David A. Steele is listed as a partner at Torys in Toronto where he is a trusts and estates lawyer “with a long history working closely alongside sophisticated clients in their legal, financial and private client matters.”21David A. Steele,” Torys. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:

Devon Cross

  • Director: 2007โ€“2016

Devon Gaffney Cross is a director of The Policy Forum on International Affairs. She has also been a director of the Smith Richardson Foundation, the Donner Canadian Foundation, and the Gilder Foundation. She is also listed as a board member of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments as of its 2018 annual report.22“2018 Annual Report” (PDF), Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, March 1, 2019 (document creation date). Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

The Donner Canadian Foundation is a major funder of conservative causes including over $5 million to the Fraser Institute (plus an additional $1 million to the now-Fraser-Institute-affiliated Atlantic Institute for Market Studies), over $1.3 million to the C.D. Howe Institute, over $1.3 million to the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, and nearly $1 million to the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.

SourceWatch notes the Smith Richardson Foundation, financed by the Vicks Vaporub fortune, has given millions to major conservative causes in the United States including the American Enterprise Institute and the Hudson Institute.23Smith Richardson Foundation,” SourceWatch, accessed August 25, 2023. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

Frank Penny

  • Director: 2017โ€“2022

Frank Penny has reportedly been a board member of the Toronto Star. The National Post described him as a “[Jordan] Bitove family friend.”24Adrian Humphreys. “Court asked to force sale of Toronto Star as two owners have ‘irreconcilable views’ on future of media giant,” National Post, September 29, 2022. Archived August 25, 2023. Jordan Bitove is the owner and publisher of the Toronto Star.25Jordan Bitove,LinkedIn. Accessed August 2023. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

Paul Rivett was the co-owner of Toronto Star until he departed in November 2022, leaving Bitove with complete ownership.26(Press Release). “Paul Rivett Thanks Torstar Readers and Employees as Jordan Bitove Assumes Control,” Torstar Corporation via Cision, November 24, 2022. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:

National Post wrote that “Rivettโ€™s lawsuit claims Penny was appointed at the request of Bitove, is a Bitove family friend and owns a management firm that manages the financial affairs and taxes for the Bitoves.”27Adrian Humphreys. “After airing dirty laundry publicly, warring Torstar partners retreating behind closed doors,” National Post, October 3, 2022. Archived August 25, 2023.

A Frank Penny is listed in SEC documents as the vice president of P.M. Capital Inc.28EX-99.6 4 c05845a2exv99w6.htm SUPPORT AGREEMENT,” SEC.govm June 5, 2006. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:, a group mentioned by the Ontario Securities Commission as “a corporation incorporated and existing under the laws of the Province of Ontario, owns all of the MVS [multiple voting shares] of Trizec Canada and approximately 1.6% of the SVS of Trizec Canada.”29Trizec Properties, Inc.Ontario Securities Commission. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:

The late Peter Munk was the chairman and CEO of TrizecHahn, one of the largest real estate companies in North America.30Peter Munk,” The Canadian Business Hall of Fame. Archived August 24, 2023. Archive URL:

J. Robert S. Prichard

  • Director: 2011โ€“2016

J. Robert S. Prichard is the non-executive chairman of Torys LLP. He was a professor of law at the University of Toronto from 1976 to 2001 where he specialized in law and economics. He served as the president and CEO of Torstar Corporation (the Toronto Star) from 2002 to 2009.31J. J. Robert S. Prichard, O.C., O.Ont,Torys. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:

He is the chairman of BMO Financial group, and is a director of Onex Corporation, George Weston Ltd. and Alamos Gold, as well as on the International Advisory Board of Barrick Gold Corporation โ€” the company founded by the late Peter Munk.32J. J. Robert S. Prichard, O.C., O.Ont,Torys. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:

Prichard’s profile at Torys highlights a few of the public companies where Prichard has served as director including: Moore Corporation (Chairman), Four Seasons Hotels (lead director), Brascan (now Brookfield Asset Management), Imasco, Charles River Associates, Tesma International, St. Lawrence Cement, 724 Solutions, Gildan Activewear, Biochem Pharma, Enghouse Systems, and Visible Genetics.33J. J. Robert S. Prichard, O.C., O.Ont,Torys. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:

He has also served as the chairman and previous president and CEO of transportation agency Metrolinx in Greater Toronto and Hamilton, Ontario. He also served as a member of Canadaโ€™s Economic Advisory Council and Ontarioโ€™s Economic Advisory Panel.34J. J. Robert S. Prichard, O.C., O.Ont,Torys. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:

Prichard is on the advisory board of Ontario 360, a public policy group housed within the University of Torontoโ€™s Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. According to the group’s website, “Ontario 360 collaborates with senior Ontario policymakers to identify issues of importance to the government. It then commissions independent policy experts and practitioners to produce research, analysis, and policy recommendations to contribute to the governmentโ€™s internal policy planning and development.”35About Ontario 360,” Ontario 360. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:

Janice Stein

  • Director: 2014โ€“2016

Janice Stein is the founding director of the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy at the University of Toronto, where she now works as the Belzberg Professor of Conflict Management at the Department of Political Science.36Janice Stein,” Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:

Kenneth Whyte

  • Director: 2007โ€“2016

Kenneth Whyte is the former chair of the Donner Canadian Foundation, a group that has given millions of dollars to conservative causes.37(Press Release). “20th Anniversary Donner Prize Winner Announced,” Donner Canadian Foundation via Cision, May 15, 2018. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:

According to his profile at the C.D. Howe Institute,38KEN WHYTE,” C.D. Howe Institute. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL: where he was re-appointed as a senior fellow in 2021, Whyte was the Senior Vice President of Public Policy at Rogers Communications from 2014 to 2017, and starting in 2011 was president of Rogers Publishing Limited, and subsequently the founding president of Next Issue Canada (later Texture). Whyte previously served as editor-in-chief of Saturday Night magazine, was founding editor of the National Post, and editor-in-chief and publisher of Macleanโ€™s.39KENNETH WHYTE RE-APPOINTED AS C.D. HOWE INSTITUTE SENIOR FELLOW,” C.D. Howe Institute, May 20, 2021. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:

Margaret MacMillan

  • Director: 2008โ€“2016

According to her website, Margaret MacMillan is an emeritus professor of History at the University of Toronto and an emeritus professor of International History at Oxford University.40MARGARET MACMILLAN,” Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:

Data provided by the Canada Revenue Agency and reviewed by DeSmog lists Margaret MacMillan as a director of the Donner Canadian Foundation from 2014 to 2018 among other nonprofits including the Canadian International Council, the Toronto School of Theology, and Trinity College.41CRA data on file at DeSmog.

Melanie Munk

  • Director: 2007โ€“2022

According to a profile at the University of Toronto (U of T), “Peter Munk (1927-2018) and Melanie Munk rank among Canadaโ€™s greatest philanthropists,” with their support extending to the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto, the Centre for Research, Innovation and Technology at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology; and the Munk Debates, among others.42PETER MUNK AND MELANIE MUNK,” University of Toronto. Archived August 24, 2023. Archive URL:

Together, Peter and Melanie Munk established the Peter and Melanie Munk Charitable Foundation in 1992, which have disbursed more than $300 million to various causes.43PETER MUNK AND MELANIE MUNK,” University of Toronto. Archived August 24, 2023. Archive URL:

“Through their visionary contributions, Peter and Melanie Munk have had an extraordinarily powerful influence on higher education and health care, as well as on public policy research and discussion,” the U of T profile reads.44PETER MUNK AND MELANIE MUNK,” University of Toronto. Archived August 24, 2023. Archive URL:

Nigel Wright

  • Director: 2007โ€“2010, 2014โ€“2016

Nigel Wright formerly worked as Prime Minister Stephen Harperโ€™s chief of staff, where he faced conflict of interest questions over his ties to Barrick Gold, the company founded by the late Peter Monk.45Joan Bryden (The Canadian Press). “Nigel Wright faces conflict of interest questions over Barrick Gold links,” Macleans, August 28, 2012. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:

“Wright has known Barrick founder and board chairman Peter Munk for years and is particularly close to his son, Anthony, who sits on Barrickโ€™s board of directors,” Macleans reported in 2012. Peter Munk had previously disclosed that Wright was also godfather to Anthony Munk’s son. “Wright worked with Anthony at Onex Corp. (TSX:OCX), the private equity investment giant from which Wright has taken a leave of absence to work for Harper,” Macleans added.46Joan Bryden (The Canadian Press). “Nigel Wright faces conflict of interest questions over Barrick Gold links,” Macleans, August 28, 2012. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:

Wright resigned from the Aurea Foundation’s board shortly before he joined Harper’s office in November 2010.47Joan Bryden (The Canadian Press). “Nigel Wright faces conflict of interest questions over Barrick Gold links,” Macleans, August 28, 2012. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:

Peter Munk praised Wright in the April 2011 edition of The Walrus:

โ€œIโ€™d rank Nigel Wright among the mere handful of people Iโ€™ve met in whom I have complete trust,โ€ Munk was quoted as saying. โ€œHeโ€™s just one of those rare human beings with whom you feel totally comfortable in seeking an opinion or discussing complex issues, on any subject.โ€48Joan Bryden (The Canadian Press). “Nigel Wright faces conflict of interest questions over Barrick Gold links,” Macleans, August 28, 2012. Archived August 25, 2023. Archive URL:

The Globe and Mail wrote that, “as one senior Conservative puts it, [Wright] has ‘a long history as a political operative.'”

“A close look at his background shows that he has quietly been active at every stage in the evolution of the modern Conservative Party โ€“ and is at least partly responsible for making Stephen Harper what he is today.”

Wright was among the directors of the Manning Foundation for Democratic Education, founded by Reform Party founder Preston Manning.49Steven Chase. “From our archives: Who is Nigel Wright, the man who bailed out Mike Duffy?The Globe and Mail, May 18, 2013. Archived March 3, 2016. Archive URL: CRA data also shows Wright as a former director of the Mastercard Foundation, the Corpus Christi Foundation, and Trinity College.50CRA data on file at DeSmog.

Peter Munk (1927โ€“2018)

  • Director: 2007โ€“2018

Peter Munk was a Canadian investor, philanthopist, and founder of several major businesses including Clairtone Sound Corporation and Barrick Gold, the world’s largest gold-mining corporation.51It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our Founder, Peter Munk, the iconic Canadian entrepreneur and philanthropist. He was 90,” Barrick Gold. Archived August 24, 2023. Archive URL: He passed away in 2018.

Munk was also the founder of Horsham Corporation in 1987, and became chairman and CEO of TrizecHahn when Horsham and Trizec Corporation merged in 1996. TrizecHahn went on to become one of the largest real estate companies in North America.52Peter Munk,” The Canadian Business Hall of Fame. Archived August 24, 2023. Archive URL:

Peter Munk started Barrack hold in 1983 and grew it into the world’s largest gold miner, his profile at Barrick Gold reads. His business ventures included hotels in the South Pacific, a profitable real estate investment trust, as well as ventures into oil and gas. He was inducted into the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame in 2002.53It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our Founder, Peter Munk, the iconic Canadian entrepreneur and philanthropist. He was 90,” Barrick Gold. Archived August 24, 2023. Archive URL:

Munk and his wife donated nearly $300 million to various institutions and causes. Munk founded The Munk Debates in 2008. He also gave $47 million to the University of Toronto to create the Munk School of Global Affairs.54It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our Founder, Peter Munk, the iconic Canadian entrepreneur and philanthropist. He was 90,” Barrick Gold. Archived August 24, 2023. Archive URL:

Vince Borg

  • Director: 2007โ€“2015

Vincent Borg is listed as the former executive vice president for corporate communications for Barrick Gold Corporation fro 1991 to 2010, according to his LinkedIn account. He is past president of the Ontario Liberal Party.55Vincent Borg,” LinkedIn. Accessed August 2023. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

  • Peter and Melanie Munk Charitable Foundation

Contact & Address

The following contact was listed on the Aurea Foundation’s website in 2014:56Contact,” Aurea Foundation. Archived August 13, 2014. Archive URL:

Sheri Kowalski
Aurea Foundation
c/o Clover Administration Inc.
120 Adelaide Street West, Suite 2150
Toronto, ON M5H 1T1

Social Media

  • The Aurea Foundation does not appear to be active on social media.

Other Resources


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