
August Auer

August Auer (Deceased)



August (“Augie”) Auer passed away in June 2007. He was a professor emeritus at the University of Wyoming and a former news weatherman.3Obituary: Aguie Auer,” The New Zealand Herald, June 16, 2007. URL: 4(Press Release) “Obituary – Professor August H. (Augie) Auer jr,” Scoop Independent News, June 11, 2007. Archived October 19, 2017. URL:

Auer was a founding member of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition, an organization with the aim of “refuting what it believes are unfounded claims about anthropogenic (man-made) global warming.”5Scientists Group to Refute Global Warming Claims,” Scoop Independent News, May 1, 2006. Archived October 19, 2017. URL:

The Coalition was caught lying about temperature trends in a 2009 press release that also criticized the respected climatologist Jim Salinger, a leading author of the IPCC.6NZ sceptics lie about temp records, try to smear top scientist,” HotTopic, November 26, 2009. Archived October 19, 2007. URL: 7NIWA ‘adjusts’ records to show warming,” Scoop Independent News, November 26, 2009. Archived October 19, 2007. URL:

Stance on Climate Change

May 19, 2007

In an interview with The Timaru Herald newspaper, Auer said:

“Water vapour was responsible for 95 per cent of the greenhouse effect, an effect which was vital to keep the world warm. If we didn’t have the greenhouse effect the planet would be at minus 18 deg C but because we do have the greenhouse effect it is plus 15 deg C, all the time. It would be like trying to increase the temperature of bath tub full of water – using one drop from an eye dropper.”8Coalition Mourns Sudden Death of Professor Augie Auer, & Pays Tribute at his Funeral,” The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition, June 11, 2007. Archived October 19, 2007. URL:


Auer was featured on “Nzone Focus” on global warming:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Key Quotes

May 2007

Quoted in an article at the Waikato Times, Auer once said a ‘‘combination of misinterpreted and misguided science, media hype and political spin that had created the current hysteria’’ around climate change.9Tony Orman. “It’s all a load of hot air,” Waikato Times, December 15, 2009. Retrieved from

Key Deeds

December 2006

MetService, where Auer had previously worked as chief meteorologist until late 1998, distanced itself from August Auer due to his stance on climate change. As The New Zealand Herald reported, MetService chief executive John Lumsden said the latest World Meteorological Organisation report confirmed the global warming trend.10MetService keen to leave Augie out in the warm.” The New Zealand Herald. December 20, 2006. Archived February 23, 2013.

“We are certain of this observation and would like to point out that the views recently made public by Augie Auer in relation to climate change are his own, and in no way do they reflect those of MetService,” Lumsden said.11MetService keen to leave Augie out in the warm.” The New Zealand Herald. December 20, 2006. Archived February 23, 2013.

The group’s chief meteorologist Neil Gordon said that Auer had used the term “former MetService chief meteorologist” in public statements, and that the group wanted to be clear their views did not agree with Auer’s:12MetService keen to leave Augie out in the warm.” The New Zealand Herald. December 20, 2006. Archived February 23, 2013.

“There is an implication when he uses that phrase. We want to make it very clear in the public’s mind that we do not agree with what he is saying,” Dr Gordon said.13MetService keen to leave Augie out in the warm.” The New Zealand Herald. December 20, 2006. Archived February 23, 2013.

“An increasing body of observations gives a collective picture of a warming world and other changes in the weather and climate system,” he said.14MetService keen to leave Augie out in the warm.” The New Zealand Herald. December 20, 2006. Archived February 23, 2013.

April 6, 2006

Listed as one of the signatories of the 2006 open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper that urged inaction on climate policy while denying the existence of AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming).15Richard Littlemore. “Denying Climate Change; Urging Inaction,” DeSmog, April 19, 2006.



According to a search of Google Scholar, Auer has not published any articles in peer-reviewed journals on the subject of climate change. His papers on the subject of meteorology have been published in the Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, and the Journal of Applied Meteorology.

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