
Anne Jordan

Anne Jordan



Anne Jordan is vice president of the Canada Health Alliance, a Canadian anti-vaccine, anti-lockdown group. The group was involved in production of a video that, fact checkers found, included “misleading claims about variants of [COVID-19] and immunity, and recommends treatments that have not been proven effective against the virus,” such as hydroxychloroquine and vitamin D.4Canadian doctors make inaccurate Covid-19 claims in video,” AFP Fact Check, March 12, 2021. Archived December 16, 2021. Archive URL:

A since-deleted version of Jordan’s LinkedIn page suggested that she has numerous ties to the United Conservative Party of Alberta, and helped with the election of Jason Kenney.5Here are screenshots of Anne Jordan’s linkedin page from before she deleted it. #AbLeg,” Tweet by user @Ella_Henry, October 27, 2020. Her profile at the Heartland Institute alludes to this, noting that Jordan was “recruited to assist four historic consecutive campaigns over three years, uniting two parties to become the second largest party in the country, then electing a Premier who is recognized as at the forefront of championing for the energy sector across the country.” 6Anne Jordan,” ClimateConference.Heartland.Org. Archived December 16, 2021. Archive URL:

In her speech at the Heartland Institute’s 14th International Conference on Climate Change in October 2021, Jordan opposed moving away from disposable plastics and fossil fuels, and advocated tar sands as a clean source of oil.7Is a Rapid Transition Away From Fossil Fuels Reasonable in Health Care? – Anne Jordan,” YouTube video uploaded by user “The Heartland Institute,” December 3, 2021. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

According to her Heartland profile, Jordan has been “an organizer with Cultural Outreach and So-con engagement” and “benefited from fast-track experience in grassroots mobilization.” The profile also notes that “Marc Morano’s Climate Hustle Canadian premiere showings were brokered with her help,” and suggests she is an “an admin for 20 Facebook pages.”8Anne Jordan,” ClimateConference.Heartland.Org. Archived December 16, 2021. Archive URL:

Jordan’s name appears9Kamikaze Donor Was a ‘Critical Member’ of Jason Kenney’s Leadership Team, Leaked UCP E-mails Reveal,” PressProgress, March 14, 2019. in articles regarding an investigation of Jason Kenney’s UCP leadership bid regarding possible voter fraud. Jordan was working with Kenney’s leadership team at the time. 10Drew Anderson. “Irregular votes, panicked moves, kiosks,” CBC News, October 4, 2019.

Jordan graduated from the Leadership Institute’s Campaign Management School in Washington, D.C. in 2018 and is the former director for firearm advocacy at the Canadian Coalition for Firearms Rights.11.“Here are screenshots of Anne Jordan’s linkedin page from before she deleted it. #AbLeg,” Tweet by user @Ella_Henry, October 27, 2020.

Federal corporation records show Anne Jordan is one of three directors of Nurses for Sustainable Care, a group described as “a forum for nurses and supporters to promote sustainable healthcare and robust evidence based
debate.” Her home address is listed as the group’s address.12Federal Corporation Information – 1282600-3,” Government of Canada. Accessed February 2022. Incorporation documents on file at Desmog.

Canada Health Alliance

Jordan describes herself as vice president of the Canada Health Alliance (CHA).13Anne Jordan,” ClimateConference.Heartland.Org. Archived December 16, 2021. Archive URL:

The group terms itself “a non-profit collaboration of health professionals from across Canada who envision a world inspired by healthy, informed, strong, and free Canadians.”

The group’s logo appears very similar to a logo that appears on a now-defunct website, Health Observatory.14Homepage, Health Observatory. Archived April 1, 2018. Archive URL:

The Canada Health Alliance website links to the Great Barrington Declaration, an open letter published in 2020 that advocating a debunked proposal for ending the COVID-19 pandemic. It also links to a website selling smiley face buttons described as “a non-verbal act of solidarity against mask wearing.” The group also promotes ivermectin, an anti-parasite medication, as a COVID-19 treatment, and provides tips on how to obtain it.15Take Action,” Canada Health Alliance. Archived December 17, 2021. Archive URL:

The site offers a variety of handouts and guides on why individuals should “question the COVID-19 Vaccine.” 

The Canada Health Alliance’s mission “is to champion optimal health through education, scientific inquiry, collaboration, and open discourse that honours our dynamic connection to nature and innate wisdom,” according to the website.

The website promotes two open letters fighting against restrictions designed to slow the spread of COVID in Canada. 

“We urge you to join us in fighting for the restoration of our freedoms and putting an end to the restrictions that have no basis in science and are designed only to promote fear and division and to give the government control over our lives,“ the first letter concludes. It is addressed from “a group of extremely concerned health professionals in the Okanagan Valley, B.C.”

The letter pushes against “the experimental COVID-19 vaccine“ for children. It goes as far as blame vaccination for creating COVID variants:

“Vaccines are causing the variants, and the vaccinated are more affected by variant strains than those with naturally conferred immunity.”

The second letter begins, “Again, we demand that you stop the ‘vaccine’ mandates and other restrictions being forced upon the citizens of British Columbia. Current evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates severe harms caused by both the Covid-19 restrictions and the ‘vaccines’.”

In March 2021, the CHA reportedly had a video removed from YouTube for violating the website’s terms of service.  According to one website opposing pandemic lockdowns: “In the video, entitled, Canadian Doctors Speak Out, physicians are heard explaining why, in their opinion, the culture of fear and uncertainty that has developed around Covid is not supported by the latest medical facts.

“They also note that the new cases curve does not follow the death toll one, and believe that to be indicative of some type of ‘creative accounting’ on the part of those presenting this data.”16Didi Rankovic. “YouTube censors Canadian doctors calling for an end to lockdown,” Reclaim the Net, March 11, 2021. Archived December 16, 2021. Archive URL:

According to a press release from the Liberty Coalition of Canada, the group partnered with the Canadian Health Alliance in opposition to a number of pandemic public health measures:

“In partnership with Canadian Health Alliance, based on the lack of medical evidence and harm being caused, we call on all levels of government to immediately stop promoting the following measures:

  • Lockdowns and physical distancing
  • Promoting the use of masks
  • Handwashing and cleaning surfaces with toxic disinfectants
  • Quarantines of asymptomatic people and social isolation
  • Using RT-PCR testing on people
  • Advocating inadequately tested gene-modifying COVID-19 vaccinations (insufficient human and animal trials)
  • Unnecessary COVID-19 policies at hospitals and other health care facilities
  • Business closures or restrictions
  • Restrictions on churches and places of worship
  • Closures of public facilities including schools, playgrounds, parks and recreational facilities
  • Misrepresentation of the COVID situation in the media
  • The use of fear and other psychological coercion techniques“

Together the two groups promoted a video titled “Canadian Doctors Speak Out,” which claimed to present the “top reasons not to be afraid of Covid.”

Public health experts addressed and refuted many of the individual claims made in the video. The video “includes misleading claims about variants of the disease and immunity, and recommends treatments that have not been proven effective against the virus,” according to an AFP fact check.17Canadian doctors make inaccurate Covid-19 claims in video,” AFP Fact Check, March 12, 2021. Archived December 16, 2021. Archive URL:

Nurses for Sustainable Care

Anne Jordan is a director of Nurses for Sustainable Care, and the group’s registered address appears to be her home.

The group’s other directors include Marco Navarro Genie from Calgary, and Karen Bratton from Edmonton.

Genie’s LinkedIn profile includes a position as president of the Haultain Research Institute,18Marco Navarro-Génie, PhD,” LinkedIn. Accessed February 2022. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. a “private educational organization” that recently released a book published by the Frontier Center for Public Policy that she co-authored with Barry Cooper. Cooper is notable for being investigated for funnelling money through the University of Calgary to the climate change denial group Friends of Science.19Richard Littlemore. “University of Calgary Audit Exposes Friends of Science Wrongdoing,” DeSmog, April 15, 2008.

According to Genie, doctors should not be the key decision makers in pandemic response:

“Doctors are trained to doctor. They don’t know much about economy, they don’t know much about trade. They don’t know much about supply lines and don’t know much about transportation. They don’t know much about the restaurant industry, they don’t know much about anything else, even the good ones,” he said in October 2021. “This became such a narrowly focused medical issue that they lost sight of everything else.”20Media Coverage,” Haultain Research Institute. Archived February 10, 2022. Archive URL:

Nurses for Sustainable Care doesn’t appear to have a website, but does have a Telegram channel and an active Twitter account, which has notably been followed by multiple members of the United Conservative Party, including Matt Wolf.

The group has regularly posted on Twitter to argue against masks in schools,21Ex school principal: Education and socialisation cannot happen behind a mask,” Tweet by user @NursesFSC, April 15, 2021. Archived .png on file at DeSmog. advocating for schools to be kept open during the pandemic, and claiming that at-home learning is “traumatic” for children.22These folks bring up great points-” Tweet by user @NursesFSC, April 14, 2021. Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

The group has also tweeted its opposition to vaccine mandates and lockdowns to slow the spread of COVID, and has brought up climate change in this context:

Nurses for Sustainable care operated an alternate twitter account, @nursesforsusta1, that no longer exists. The group also formerly maintained a Facebook page, according to screenshots.

Stance on Climate Change

June 7, 2021

Jordan’s group, Nurses for Sustainable Care, tweeted an article by Michael Shellenberger titled, “Drug Abuse, Not Climate Change, Is America’s Biggest Problem.”23“Why Drug Abuse, Not Climate Change, Is America’s Biggest Problem, by @ShellenbergerMD,“Tweet by user@NursesFSC, June 7, 2021. Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

Key Quotes

October 16, 2021

Jordan spoke at the Heartland Institute’s 14th International Conference on Climate Change in 2021, on a panel titled “Senseless Energy Policy and Grassroots Opposition.”24Anne Jordan,” ClimateConference.Heartland.Org. Archived December 16, 2021. Archive URL: 25Is a Rapid Transition Away From Fossil Fuels Reasonable in Health Care? – Anne Jordan,” YouTube video uploaded by user “The Heartland Institute,” December 3, 2021. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

During this appearance, Jordan advocated continued use of fossil fuels despite having no specific expertise on energy:

[00:00:27] “I can’t claim a Ph.D. I have written no books. I have published nothing. ”

[00:02:43] “It’s fossil fuels that have driven such a such great advances in our modern way of life for over 200 years.”

[00:05:12] “Not too many Canadians would be able to function solely on renewable energy. And since I’m from Alberta, the third largest oil reserve in the world, as well as one of the cleanest producers, without even having mapped out all of our supply, I think this is very interesting that we would be such a target.”

Jordan repeated the debunked claim that renewable energy was the cause of the massive failure of the Texas power grid during a winter storm in 2021:

[00:07:33]  I did hear about Texas and some of the hospitals seeing power outages. Thank goodness for backup generators powered by diesel. As much as eco activists want to wish away hydrocarbons and renewables, there is still not enough storage capacity to manage a proper energy grid. We’re just not there yet. Plus, the lack of a natural gas supply created grid issues, so.  [00:08:02]

She also advocated for single use plastics in hospitals, and claimed health care was being financially supported by oil and gas:

[00:08:46] Dare I say yay for single use plastic in the medical world? [00:08:50]…[00:10:22] a lot of the money coming from oil and gas revenue goes right back into funding health care, and I’m not sure we can do a rapid transition away from fossil fuels that seems a little bit dangerous to me. [00:10:33]

Key Actions

October 16, 2021

Anne Jordan was a speaker at the Heartland Institute’s 14th International Conference on Climate Change in 2021, on a panel titled “Senseless Energy Policy and Grassroots Opposition.”26Anne Jordan,” ClimateConference.Heartland.Org. Archived December 16, 2021. Archive URL:

During her presentation, she argued against transitioning away from single-use plastics, especially in a medical care environment.27Is a Rapid Transition Away From Fossil Fuels Reasonable in Health Care? – Anne Jordan,” YouTube video uploaded by user “The Heartland Institute,” December 3, 2021. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

“As we talk about rapid transitioning away from hydrocarbons, I ask, is it reasonable in health care? Maybe there are other sectors that consider that, but I don’t see any evidence that we’re anywhere near to being able to do that right now. It’s emphatically a no from me.”

Jordan claimed the Alberta tar sands were “one of the cleanest producers” of oil, and questioned why they would be a “target” of environmental groups. “Not too many Canadians would be able to function solely on renewable energy,” she added.

Jordan ended her presentation with a video from the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s pro-fossil fuel “Life: Powered” initiative. “I love that video,” she said,  “and I’d like you to leave you with this thought the next time you’re in a hospital and walking through a clinic somewhere: Just picture everything fossil fuel related not being there anymore.”

September 2017

Anne Jordan was mentioned in reporting by PressProgress regarding potential campaign finance improprieties.

Jordan, described as Jason Kenney’s regional organizer, was a recipient of a 2017 email ordering the campaign to “’cue up Happy Mann’ to deliver Punjabi-language interviews about ‘why Happy as a Wildroser is not supporting Brian Jean.’”28Kamikaze Donor Was a ‘Critical Member’ of Jason Kenney’s Leadership Team, Leaked UCP E-mails Reveal,” PressProgress, March 14, 2019.

At the time, Happy Mann was “under investigation by Alberta’s Election Commissioner related to thousands of dollars in ‘irregular financial contributions’ made to Jeff Callaway, the so-called ‘kamikaze candidate’ whose short run for UCP leader began on August 10 and ended on October 4, 2017.” 29Kamikaze Donor Was a ‘Critical Member’ of Jason Kenney’s Leadership Team, Leaked UCP E-mails Reveal,” PressProgress, March 14, 2019.

CBC News also reported that according to Tariq Chaudhry, a former president of the Pakistan Canada Association who had been involved in the UCP leadership race, Callaway and Mann had signed up hundreds of people for UCP memberships without taking payment for them, which was against party rules.30Drew Anderson. “Irregular votes, panicked moves, kiosks,” CBC News, October 4, 2019.

“Both men [Chaudhry and ‘John Smith’, the CBC’s anonymized name for another source involved] say they passed the memberships on to a woman named Anne Jordan, who was active on the Kenney campaign,” the CBC reported. “Jordan has not responded to multiple requests from CBC News for an interview, but her lawyer, Kent Teskey, did respond asking for questions in advance.”

May 2, 2016

Jordan helped “broker” Marc Morano’s “Climate Hustle Canadian premiere showings,” according to her profile for the Heartland Institute’s 14th International Conference on Climate Change.31Anne Jordan,” ClimateConference.Heartland.Org. Archived December 16, 2021. Archive URL:


Jordan’s LinkedIn page was scrubbed of any mention of Jason Kenney or her UCP history and deleted, according to Alberta labor lawyer Ella Henry on Twitter.“32Anne J,” LinkedIn.“Here are screenshots of Anne Jordan’s linkedin page from before she deleted it. #AbLeg,” Tweet by user @Ella_Henry, October 27, 2020.

Social Media


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