Anne Debeil

Anne Debeil


Civil Engineer with a specialization in chemistry.1Hans Labohm. “De Olympus antwoordt niet,” Dagelijkse Standaard, May 1, 2012.


Anne Debeil runs a consultancy company Debeil-Myrén where she has given safety advice to a number of SEVESO companies. Her clients have included BP, although she has no official association with the company.2BP Buren, Issue 4 (PDF – June, 2001).

As a Belgian climate change skeptic, Debeil often associates with fellow skeptics Fred Goldberg, Henri Masson, Fred Singer, Goran Johnson and Corentin de Salle among others. She has helped to organize a number of climate change skeptic conferences and has also written documents for the Heartland Institute.

Stance on Climate Change

Anne Debeil was one of 23 signatories of a letter claiming there is still significant scientific disagreement about the existence of man-made climate change.3Hans Labohm. “De Olympus antwoordt niet,” Dagelijkse Standaard, May 1, 2012.

Key Quotes

[Pending Further Investigation]

Key Deeds

May 1, 2012

Anne Debeil was one of 23 signatories of a letter claiming there is still significant scientific disagreement about the existence of man-made climate change.4Hans Labohm. “De Olympus antwoordt niet,” Dagelijkse Standaard, May 1, 2012.

The letter discussed an October 4, 2011 document that had been presented by the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) to the Permanent Committee for Infrastructure and the Environment of the Dutch Parliament. The document was titled “Climate change, science and debate.” The document, written by five Academy members, discussed scientific facts about climate change and the controversies and uncertainties in climate research discussed.

The 23-signatory letter was a written request for KNAW to withdraw this brochure, due to the fact that the last chapter suggests that the science proving man-made climate change is agreed. The signatories include Anne Debeil, Hans Labohm, Gerrit van der Lingen, Henri Masson, Harry Priem, Arthur Rörsch, Henk Tennekes, Dick Thoenes, and the entire EIKE organization of European climate change skeptics.

August 31, 2011

Anne Debeil attended a lecture and dinner hosted by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI). As part of a new initiative by the Dutch government to promote climate dialog, climate change skeptic S. Fred Singer was also invited to the event as a “guest speaker.”

Hans Labohm was also present at the event. Debeil was referred to as part of the “skeptic delegation” and spoke on the “highly reprehensible actions of the IPCC Vice-President Van Ypersele.” Labohm reported his take on the conference (in Dutch) here.5Hans Labohm. “KNMI gaat dialoog aan met top-klimaatscepticus Fred Singer,” Dagelijkse Standaard. September 1, 2011. Attendees included Fred Singer, Gerbrand Komen, Sybren Driftwood, Lars Myren, and Hans Labohm.6Theo Wolters. “Het KNMI aan tafel met de Scepticim,”, September 1, 2011.

September 1, 2011

Debeil organized a conference that was initially advertised as being hosted by “The Climate Change Think-Tank of the SEII.” The original event was to feature climate change skeptic S. Fred Singer and professor Claes-Göran Johnson who teaches Applied Mathematics at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.

The invitation for the first event was not sent. According to communications with SEII president Philippe Wauters, the event was canceled because the event organizer Henri Masson did not follow proper procedures or notify SEII board members before setting up the conference in their name.

Some have suggested that the event’s cancelation was influenced by a letter written by Jean-Pascal van Ypersele to the Fondation Universitaire that had pointed out Fred Singer’s fossil fuel funding, saying that it would be “scandalous that such a person could be remotely or closely associated with the SEII and to the Fondation Universitaire.” However according to Wauters, this letter was sent after SEII directed Masson to reclassify his event as a private meeting.

The private meeting was by invitation only (PDF) with the seminar titled “Critical Thinking & Complex Systems Analysis applied to the Controversy Climate Change.”7Press Release, “University of Brussels and European engineering academy bowing to pressure from high official IPCC and Greenpeace Activist: Locked doors for the Seminar & Workshop ‘CLIMATE CHANGE: Latest update’,” The Climate Scam, September 1, 2011. Translated with Google Translate.

Video of the seminar is available here and here.

April 2009

Debeil co-authored a summary of the Climate and Energy presentation and debate (PDF) at Sint Genesius Rode. The objective of the conference was stated as “the need to re-open the debate on climate and energy matters especially in the scientific world,” and questioned whether climate change was “real or virtual scare?”

The conference included presentations by Fred Goldberg, Samuele Furfari, and Corentin de Salle.

November 18, 2009

Anne Debeil was the co-author of a short summary of a conference organized by UK MEP Roger Helmer in the European Parliament in Brussels titled “Have Humans Changed the Climate? – Facts and Consequences” (PDF).

Debeil’s summary is listed as a Heartland Institute “Policy Document,” and includes summaries of the views of a number of prominent climate change skeptics including Anthony Watts, Ross McKitrick, Tom Segalstad, Fred Singer, Fred Goldberg, Hans Labohm, Benny Peiser, and James Delingpole.



According to a search of Google Scholar, Anne Debeil has not published any articles in peer-reviewed journals on any subject.

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