
David Henderson (Deceased)

David Henderson (Deceased)


David Henderson was an economist with no credentials directly relating to climate science.1“David Henderson: Summary CV” (.doc),


David Henderson (full name Patrick David Henderson) was a Senior Fellow of ECIPE and a Visiting Professor at the Westminster Business School and the London School of Economics.2David Henderson,” European Center for International Political Economy (ECIPE). Accessed January, 2012.

He was the head of the Economics and Statistics Department of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (the OECD) from 1984 to 1992. Before that he worked as an academic economist in Britain.

After leaving OECD, Henderson acted as an independent author and consultant.

Stance on Climate Change

“I am not arguing that all actions designed to limit or reduce ‘greenhouse gas’ emissions are necessarily pointless or misguided. Given past history and the present situation, I am in favour of a carbon tax, provided that it can be made to work and is kept revenue-neutral. Again, I do not take the position that prevailing scientific opinion is wrong: there is a clear and well recognized difference between questioning and denial, between being an agnostic and being an atheist.

“All the same, I have come to the view that today’s received opinion on climate change issues is not well founded. I believe that it incorporates three mutually reinforcing and unwarranted presumptions. These are:

(1) That the official policy consensus, as widely interpreted today by governments and international agencies, mirrors prevailing scientific opinion and goes no further than it would warrant.

(2) That prevailing scientific opinion must now be viewed as no longer open to serious question.

(3) That the process of review and inquiry from which prevailing scientific opinion has emerged, and in particular the IPCC process as its leading element, are professionally above reproach.

All these beliefs are unfounded. They show a lack of awareness respectively of the present extent of overstatement, overconfidence, and ingrained bias.”3David Henderson. “Economic Progress and Climate Change Issues: A Dissenting Viewpoint,” May 15, 2008. Accessed January, 2012, from

Key Quotes

“As to the economic aspects of its work, I hold that the IPCC should not be viewed as a professionally representative and authoritative source; and I have come to feel similar doubts and concerns about aspects other than the economic one.”4Memorandum by Professor David Henderson, Westminster Business School,” Select Committee on Economic Affairs. Accessed January, 2012 from

“I would now question the idea that the IPCC has established a well-founded consensus across the whole range of issues relating to climate change, and indeed I doubt whether the achievement of such a consensus ought to be the aim.”5Memorandum by Professor David Henderson, Westminster Business School,” Select Committee on Economic Affairs. Accessed January, 2012 from

Key Deeds

March 2–4, 2008

Henderson was a speaker at the Heartland Institute’s 2008 First International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC1). The conference is organized annually to give global warming skeptics a “competing platform” to denounce the IPCC and to promulgate the idea that global warming does not exist. 6“International Conference on Climate Change, Program,” (PDF) Heartland Institute. Archived February 9, 2018.

Henderson’s speech, titled “The Climate Change Debate Agenda for the Opposition” can be viewed below.

February 5, 2007

Henderson spoke at the Fraser Institute‘s launch of their Independent Summary for Policymakers (ISPM) along with fellow climate skeptics Ross McKitrick, Andrei Illarionov, David Bellamy, and numerous others.7Independent summary of UN climate change report to be released in London on Monday, February 5” (Press Release), The Fraser Institute, January 30, 2007. Archived March 23, 2007.

October 28, 2002

David Henderson sent a letter to IPCC Chair Dr. Pachauri, adding to arguments made by previous letters sent by Ian Castles regarding criticisms of the IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES).8“DOCUMENT 1: letters to Dr Pachauri” (PDF), Heartland Institute Policy Documents. Accessed January, 2012.



In 2002, Henderson wrote a book that was published by the Institute of Economic Affairs titled Misguided Virtue: False Notions of Corporate Social Responsibility. His other book, also published by IEA, was titled Anti-Liberalism 2000: The Rise of New Millennium Collectivism. Both books argue against the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Henderson’s CV includes an extensive list of his articles and publications, some of which have appeared in skeptical Energy and Environment journal.

In 2004 The Washington DC-based think-tank Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) published the US version of Henderson’s book titled, The Role of Business in the Modern World which makes the argument that “… an array of activists, international bureaucrats, and business theorists have been trying to force large corporations to adopt humanitarian priorities that go ‘beyond profits.’”

Other Resources


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David R. Henderson Credentials Ph.D., Economics, University of California (1976).“David R. Henderson,” Hoover Institution. Archived December 30, 2017. URL:
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