
Mojib Latif

Mojib Latif


Mojib Latif is not a skeptic of climate change. He has noted that many skeptics have incorrectly cited his studies as proof that climate change is not happening. He says that the cooling he discovered was only temporary and “global warming will accelerate again.”1“Scientist Explains Earth’s Warming Plateau” (transcript). November 22, 2009, NPR.

Mojib Latif is a German meteorologist and oceanographer. He is an author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and a climate physicist at the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of Kiel, Germany.

Stance on Climate Change

“If my name was not Mojib Latif, my name would be global warming. So I really believe in Global Warming. Okay. However, you know, we have to accept that there are these natural fluctuations, and therefore, the temperature may not show additional warming temporarily” (emphasis added).2“Scientist Explains Earth’s Warming Plateau” (transcript). November 22, 2009, NPR.

Key Quotes

Excerpt from NPR Transcript:

RAZ: Now, your research, Dr. Latif, has been cited by climate change skeptics here in the U.S., by for example, George Will, a conservative columnist with the Washington Post, to show that the Earth actually goes through natural warming and cooling trends and that climate change is really being overhyped. Do you think your work is being misused?

Dr. LATIF: Yes. It is misused. I must say this, unfortunately, because these changes we are talking about, these short-term changes, you know, their amplitudes are much smaller than the long-term warming trends. So we are talking about a hold, okay, in the last 10 years. We are not talking about a net cooling to, say, (unintelligible) temperatures, (unintelligible), you know, which we observed 100 years ago or so. Okay, and also what we predicted for the future is basically that this hold may continue for another 10 years or so, okay, but we did not predict a cooling. We basically said that we would stay for some more years on this plateau.3“Scientist Explains Earth’s Warming Plateau” (transcript). November 22, 2009, NPR.



  1. “Scientist Explains Earth’s Warming Plateau” (transcript). November 22, 2009, NPR.
  2. Fred Pearce. “World will ‘cool for the next decade’,” New Scientist, September 9, 2009 (Issue 2725). Archived December 3, 2009.

Other Resources

  • 1
    “Scientist Explains Earth’s Warming Plateau” (transcript). November 22, 2009, NPR.
  • 2
    “Scientist Explains Earth’s Warming Plateau” (transcript). November 22, 2009, NPR.
  • 3
    “Scientist Explains Earth’s Warming Plateau” (transcript). November 22, 2009, NPR.
  • 1
    “Scientist Explains Earth’s Warming Plateau” (transcript). November 22, 2009, NPR.
  • 2
    “Scientist Explains Earth’s Warming Plateau” (transcript). November 22, 2009, NPR.
  • 3
    “Scientist Explains Earth’s Warming Plateau” (transcript). November 22, 2009, NPR.

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