George Kukla

George Kukla (Deceased)


  • Doctor of Natural Science (RNDr.), Charles University, Prague, (1953).1โ€œGeorge Jiri Kukla โ€” Curriculum vitae and selected bibliographyโ€ (PDF). Geolines (Praha), 2 (1995).

According to an interview with Kukla on the program โ€œTruthquestโ€ at KHENLPFM Radio (June 29, 2010), he received his doctorate in 1971 at Charles University as opposed to 1953.


George Kukla was a micropalentologist and Special Research Scientist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. He passed away on May 31, 2014. Kukla was an early believer of global cooling and has been described as a โ€œpioneer in the study of solar forcing of climate changes.โ€2โ€œDirectory of Faculty and Staff,โ€ The Earth Institute, Columbia University. Accessed January, 2012. 3โ€œGeorge Kukla, Contrarian Climate Scientist,โ€ Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, June 6, 2014. Archived October 4, 2017. URL:

Kukla has been quoted in the early 70s in articles discussion the potential for global cooling4โ€œScientists Ask why World Climate Is Changing; Major Cooling May Be Aheadโ€ (PDF), New York Times, May 21, 1975. 5โ€œThe Cooling Worldโ€ (PDF), Newsweek, April 28, 1975. In the 1980s, Kukla also released research that suggested a global warming trend,6Robert Reinhold. โ€œEVIDENCE IS FOUND OF WARMING TREND,โ€ New York Times, October 19, 1981. but has since reverted to the view that a future ice age is likely.7โ€œAn Unrepentant Prognosticator,โ€ Gelf Magazine, April 24, 2007.

He was the lead author of a paper that first supported Milutin Milankovic’s theory of glacial cycles by investigating the stratigraphy in deep-sea sediment cores from the southern Indian Ocean.

In his paper he wrote, โ€œWe are certain now that changes in the Earth’s orbital geometry caused the ice ages. The evidence is so strong that other explanations must now be discarded or modified.โ€

Stance on Climate Change

April 24, 2007

โ€œThe only thing to worry about global warming is the damage that can be done by worrying. Why are some scientists worried? Perhaps because they feel that to stop worrying may mean to stop being paid.โ€8โ€œAn Unrepentant Prognosticator,โ€ Gelf Magazine, April 24, 2007.

Key Quotes

June 24, 2007

โ€œI feel we’re on pretty solid ground in interpreting orbit around the sun as the primary driving force behind ice-age glaciation. The relationship is just too clear and consistent to allow reasonable doubtโ€ฆโ€

โ€œWhat I think is this: Man is responsible for a PART of global warming. MOST of it is still natural.โ€9Lawrence Solomon. โ€œForget warming – beware the new ice age.โ€ National Post, June 24, 2007.

Key Deeds

May 18, 2010

Kukla was a speaker (PDF) at the Heartland Institute‘s Fourth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC4) in Chicago.

DeSmog has done research on the co-sponsors of the conference and found that 19 of the 65 sponsors (including Heartland itself) have received a total of over $40 million in funding since 1985 from ExxonMobil, Koch Industries family foundations or the Scaife family foundations.

His presentation, titled โ€œInterglacials Start with Global Cooling and End with Global Warmingโ€ can be viewed below.104th International Conference on Climate Change Program (PDF). Accessed January, 2012, from


* Both organizations are divisions of the Energy Probe Research Foundation, which is directed by climate change skeptic and columnist Lawrence Solomon.


In addition to the following publications, Kukla is described as the co-author of a chapter in the book โ€œNatural Climate Variability on Decade to Century Time Scalesโ€ published by the National Research Council.

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