
Josef Reichholf

Josef H. Reichholf



Josef H (Helmut) Reichholf is a German zoologist, evolutionary biologist and ecologist. He was an honorary professor at the Technical University of Munich from 1974 to 2010, has headed the State Zoological Collection in Munich, and is a past board member of WWF Germany.2Josef Reichholf,” Academia Engelberg. Archived June 15, 2013. URL:

Reichholf studied biology, chemistry, geography and tropical medicine at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, obtaining a doctorate of science in 1969.3Josef Reichholf,” Academia Engelberg. Archived June 15, 2013. URL:

Reichholf has claimed global warming would be beneficial to mankind, a view that he describes in his book False Prophets.4We are children of the tropics,” Der Spiegel, Issue 19, 2007. See English/international version here. Archived October 25, 2019. URL: 5WER SICH IRRT, SOLL ZAHLEN!”, bild der wissenschaft Online, 10/2008, page 42 – Life & Environment. Archived January 28, 2013. URL: 6Reiner Klingholz. “Everything flows – even for good,” Zeit Online, 2002. Archived April 27, 2003

German oceanographer and climatologist Stefan Rahmstorf has criticized Reichholf’s claims about climate change. He described a number of “misleading climate curves” used by Reichholf, and suggests that there is “ample evidence of his lack of understanding of basic relationships in the climate system.”7Everything climate hysteria?”, Universitas, September, 2007. Republished at the Home Page of Stefan Rahmstorf.

Stance on Climate Change

May 28, 2017

In an article at Welt, Reichholf wrote (translated from German via Google Translate):8Quick one is labeled as ‘Klimaleugner’,” WELT, May 28, 2017. Archived October 25, 2019. URL:

“Global temperature is not rising despite growing CO2 emissions. This does not fit into the forecasts of politics and science. You have to be allowed to talk about it without being vilified.


“A distanced, journalistic commentary is hardly possible. Anyone who dares to risk being vilified as a ‘climate skeptic’ or even as a ‘climate denier’.”

May 8, 2007

In an interview with Der Spiegel (see translated to English):9We are children of the tropics,” Der Spiegel, Issue 19, 2007. See English/international version here. Archived October 25, 2019. URL:

SPIEGEL: “Mr. Reichholf, are you worried about global warming?”

Josef Reichholf: “No. Personally, I’m even looking forward to a milder climate. But it will also not pose any major problems for mankind as a whole.”

Key Quotes

November 3, 2012

Reichholf was quoted in an article by Right Side News:10A Review of 2012 Climate Change Issues,” Right Side News, November 3, 2012. Archived October 25, 2019. URL:

“In warmer regions, it takes far less effort to ensure survival. How did the polar bear survive the last warm period? Whether bears survive will depend on human beings, not the climate.”11A Review of 2012 Climate Change Issues,” Right Side News, November 3, 2012. Archived October 25, 2019. URL:

May 7, 2007

Reichholf, later quoted by climate change denier Dennis Avery in 2009, said climate change could benefit biodiversity in his interview with Der Spiegel (See English Version here):12Dennis Avery. “Germans tried to warn us of Climate Fraud,” Canada Free Press, November 29, 2009. 13We are children of the tropics,” Der Spiegel, Issue 19, 2007. See English/international version here. Archived October 25, 2019. URL:

SPIEGEL: “And what is your view of the prognoses that global warming will cause up to 30 percent of all animal species to become extinct?”

Reichholf: “It’s nothing but fear-mongering, for which there is no concrete evidence. On the contrary, there is much to be said for the argument that warming temperatures promote biodiversity. There is a clear relationship between biodiversity and temperature. The number of species increases exponentially from the regions near the poles across the moderate latitudes and to the equator. To put it succinctly, the warmer a region is, the more diverse are its species.”

SPIEGEL: “Are you saying that the greenhouse effect could even help improve biodiversity in the long term?”

Reichholf: Exactly. And this can also be clearly inferred from the insights of evolutionary biology… .”

April 18, 2007

Reichholf was interviewed by the newspaperTaz:14“Historically, warm periods good times,”, April 18, 2007. Translated from German.

“And it is completely wrong, as is often argued, is that it would have never been as warm as today. This is absurd: 120,000 years ago, there were hippos along the Rhine and the Thames. This data should be evaluated before you exaggerate the current figures on horror scenarios. In addition, and in retrospect of the past thousand years makes it abundantly clear: it was the cold times in which we and other parts of the world have been hit by major disasters. Not the warm periods.”15“Historically, warm periods good times,”, April 18, 2007. Translated from German.

Key Deeds

December 10, 2019

Reichholf is scheduled to speak at the ECAEF/CEPROM conference in Monaco, a conference focused on “Markets and Entrepreneurship to Protect the Environment.” He is scheduled to speak during the first session on “The Environment and Natural Change” in a session titled “Our not so Stable Ecological Past: A Brief History.”16IV. ECAEF/CEPROM CONFERENCE, MONACO 2019,” ECAEF. Archived October 25, 2019. URL:

Some “partners” listed on the of ECAEF website include the Atlas Network, the Austrian Economics Center, Cato Institute, George Mason University, Heartland Institute, Hoover Institution, Institute of Economic Affairs, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Property and Environment Research Center, and numerous other free market groups.17IV. ECAEF/CEPROM CONFERENCE, MONACO 2019,” ECAEF. Archived October 25, 2019. URL:

November 30, 2012

Josef Reichholf was a speaker (PDF) at the combination event of the eighth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-8) and Fifth International Conference on Climate and Energy (ICCE-5) sponsored by both the Heartland Institute and EIKE. His speech was titled “Climate Change – Good or Bad?”18“8th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-8): V International Conference on Climate and Energy (ICCE-5). Hotel Bayerischer Hof, Munich, November 30 – December 1, 2012” (PDF) retrieved from on November, 2012.

January 27, 2010

Josef Reichholf appeared before European Parliament for a public hearing on EU agriculture and climate change. He presented on “Impact of climate change on plant and animal health: some elements for debate.”19“Draft Agenda: Public hearing on EU agriculture and Climate Change” (PDF), Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development.


  • Committee for Ecology of the Bavarian Academy of Science.20“8th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-8): V International Conference on Climate and Energy (ICCE-5). Hotel Bayerischer Hof, Munich, November 30 – December 1, 2012” (PDF) retrieved from on November, 2012.


Bild der Wissenschaft, introducing Reichholf in an interview, said he has published hundreds of scientific papers and written or coauthored more than three dozen popular books on biology, ecology or evolution21WER SICH IRRT, SOLL ZAHLEN!”, bild der wissenschaft Online, 10/2008, page 42 – Life & Environment. Archived January 28, 2013. URL:

While a search of Google Scholar confirms this, it also reveals that Josef Reichholf has not published any articles in peer-reviewed journals directly on the subject of climate change.

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