
Michael Gove

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Michael Gove



Michael Gove was the Conservative MP for Surrey Heath between 2005-2024, having announced he would not stand for re-election in the July 2024 general election.2Peter Walker. “Michael Gove and Andrea Leadsom to stand down at general election,” The Guardian, May 24, 2024. Archived June 23, 2024. Archive URL:

Gove previously worked as the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for the Cabinet Office in Boris Johnson’s government,3Mat Hope and Richard Collett-White. “Is Boris Johnson’s Cabinet the Most Anti-Climate Action Ever?,” DeSmog, July 25, 2019. and Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in Theresa May’s government. During his time at Defra, Gove pledged to set up a watchdog to ensure a “green Brexit” but has described himself as a “shy green,” having had a chequered past when it comes to acting on climate change.4Mat Hope, Richard Collett-White. “Is Boris Johnson’s Cabinet the Most Anti-Climate Action Ever?DeSmog, July 25, 2019. 5Rt Hon Michael Gove MP,” Parliament. Archived March 8, 2019. URL: 6Anushka Asthana. “Michael Gove: from ‘shy green’ to ‘full-throated environmentalist’?The Guardian, November 12, 2017. Archived March 8, 2019. URL:

Gove was appointed to the role of Environment Secretary following the 2017 General Election. The year before, in the run up to the UK’s referendum on EU membership, Gove played a critical role as the co-convenor of the official Brexit campaign group Vote Leave, alongside Boris Johnson, and has been a member of the Eurosceptic European Research Group led by Jacob Rees-Mogg.7Jessica Elgot. “Michael Gove appointed environment secretary in cabinet reshuffle,” The Guardian, June 11, 2017. Archived March 8, 2019. URL: 8Lizzy Buchan. “Michael Gove denies knowledge of £625k Vote Leave donation amid Brexit referendum ‘cheating’ claims,” The Independent, March 28, 2018. Archived March 8, 2019. URL: 9Denis Doherty. “Brexit: The history of the Tories’ influential European Research Group,” BBC News, January 19, 2018. Archived March 8, 2019. URL:

Following the Brexit vote, Gove ran for the Conservative party leadership, eventually losing to Theresa May, who became Prime Minister in July 2016.10Jessica Elgot, Peter Walker. “Michael Gove to stand for Conservative party leadership,” The Guardian, June 30, 2016. Archived March 8, 2019. URL: 11Daniel Dunford, Ashley Kirk. “Tory leadership contest: How Theresa May’s victory over Andrea Leadsom unfolded,” The Telegraph, July 11, 2016. Archived March 8, 2019. URL:

Gove is an advisory committee member of right-wing British thinktank The New Culture Forum, which works to change cultural debates the group believes are dominated by “the Left,” and is based out of 55 Tufton Street, home to the climate science denying Global Warming Policy Foundation. Gove was also previously on the advisory council of Liam Fox’s now defunct neoliberal thinktank The Atlantic Bridge.12Mat Hope, Richard Collett-White. “Mapped: How Brexit Lobbyists Give Climate Science Deniers Privileged Access to the UK Government,” DeSmog, July 3, 2018. 13Jamie Doward. “Liam Fox’s Atlantic Bridge linked top Tories and Tea Party activists,” The Guardian, October 15, 2011. Archived March 8, 2019. URL:

Gove drew criticism in December 2014 when, as Tory chief whip, he barred the new energy and climate secretary Amber Rudd from attending the COP20 UN climate negotiations in Lima, Peru, in order for her to be able to vote on counter-terror measures in Parliament.14Patrick Wintour. “Michael Gove bars Tory minister Amber Rudd from Lima climate change talks,” The Guardian, December 7, 2014. Archived March 8, 2019. URL:

Gove sits on the fringe of the Brexit climate denier network and is close friends with Breitbart’s climate science denialist reporter James Delingpole. Lord Lawson, founder of the climate science denial group the Global Warming Policy Foundation endorsed Gove for the Tory leadership in 2016.15Kyla Mandel. “Mapped: The Cosy Climate-Euro Sceptic Bubble Pushing for Brexit and Less Climate Action,” DeSmog, June 13, 2016. 16James Delingpole. “Why my ferociously loyal friend Michael Gove may have ditched Boris,” The Telegraph, July 1, 2016. Archived March 8, 2019. URL: 17Lord Lawson backs Michael Gove for next Prime Minister,” ITV News, July 4, 2016. Archived March 8, 2019. URL:

Gove’s political career includes the following roles: Shadow Minister for Housing from 2005 to 2007 and Shadow Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families from 2007 to 2010. He was appointed Secretary of State for Education in May 2010. From July 2014 to May 2015, he served as Government Chief Whip and Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury. He was was appointed Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice on 10 May 2015.18Rt Hon Michael Gove MP,” Parliament. Archived March 8, 2019. URL:

Before becoming a politician, Gove worked as a Leader Writer and Editor at The Times. He helped set up the centre-right thinktank, Policy Exchange, acting as its Chairman from 2002-2005.19Michael Gove,” BBC Newsnight, April 22, 2009. Archived March 8, 2019. URL:

Stance on Climate Change

November 26, 2018

In a speech on UK government climate change projections, Gove said:20Michael Gove Speech on UK Climate Change Projections,” Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, November 26, 2018. Archived March 8, 2019. URL:

“Today, as we launch the fourth generation of our UK Climate Projections, it is clear that the planet and its weather patterns are changing before our eyes.”

“Peer-reviewed scientific research states that the rapid warming is substantially due to the methane, nitrous oxide, and fossil fuel emissions we produce.

“The great ice sheets of Greenland and some parts of Antarctica are increasingly unstable. Rising seas are rendering the storm surges not only of hurricanes but also regular high tides more of a threat.”21Michael Gove Speech on UK Climate Change Projections,” Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, November 26, 2018. Archived March 8, 2019. URL:

July 2017

In a speech given at environmental charity WWF, Gove said:22Ian Johnston. “Michael Gove slams Trump over climate change saying US is ‘walking out when the heat is on’,” The Independent, July 21, 2017. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

“It is because environmental degradation is such a threat to future prosperity and security that I deeply regret President Trump’s approach towards the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.”

“International co-operation to deal with climate change is critical if we’re to safeguard our planet’s future and the world’s second biggest generator of carbon emissions can’t simply walk out of the room when the heat is on.”23Ian Johnston. “Michael Gove slams Trump over climate change saying US is ‘walking out when the heat is on’,” The Independent, July 21, 2017. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

April 10, 2014

Gove said he had “read with concern” a report by the Global Warming Policy Foundation, which accused “activist” teachers of trying to turn pupils into “foot soldiers of the green movement.” Andrew Montford, who co-wrote the report and runs the climate-sceptic Bishop Hill blog, said children were being brainwashed for “political ends.”24Daniel Martin. “Heads are breaking the law if they preach eco agenda, warns Gove: Education Secretary’s ‘concern’ at report that accuses ‘activist’ teachers,” Daily Mail, April 10, 2014. Archived March 11, 2019. URL:

A spokesman for Gove said:25Daniel Martin. “Heads are breaking the law if they preach eco agenda, warns Gove: Education Secretary’s ‘concern’ at report that accuses ‘activist’ teachers,” Daily Mail, April 10, 2014. Archived March 11, 2019. URL:

“Schools should not teach that a particular political or ideological point of view is right – indeed it is against the law for them to do so.”26Daniel Martin. “Heads are breaking the law if they preach eco agenda, warns Gove: Education Secretary’s ‘concern’ at report that accuses ‘activist’ teachers,” Daily Mail, April 10, 2014. Archived March 11, 2019. URL:

In 2013, while education secretary, Gove planned to exclude climate change from the geography national curriculum but abandoned his plans after public outrage. Ed Davey, then energy secretary, has claimed Gove “couldn’t help playing to the Tory climate-sceptic audience.” One source involved in the rewriting of the curriculum described efforts not to “stress the human causes” of climate change as an attempt to placate the “right wing of the Conservative party”, the BBC reports. Sources close to Gove denied it was an attempt to downplay climate change, claiming instead that it was to be bolstered by being moved from geography to science.27Keep climate change lessons in curriculum, urge petitions,” BBC News, April 15, 2013. Archived March 8, 2019. URL: 28Ed Davey. “Recalling Michael Gove is an act of environmental vandalism,” The Guardian, June 13, 2017. Archived March 8, 2019. URL: 29Did Michael Gove really try to stop teaching climate change?BBC News, June 12, 2017. Archived March 8, 2019. URL:

Key Quotes

September 16, 2018

Gove linked the UK’s extreme summer weather with climate change during an interview on the BBC’s Andrew Marr show. He said the UK had “a lot more to do” to tackle the issue.30Jasmin Gray. “Michael Gove Links UK’s Extreme Summer Weather With Climate Change,” Huffington Post, September 16, 2018. Archived March 11, 2019. URL:

“Everyone will have been aware that the weather events of this summer reinforce the nature of climate change and it poses a challenge to us all. Not only do we need to make sure that we produce less carbon into our atmosphere, that greenhouse gas emissions drop, we also need to take steps to deal with that change in our climate,” he said.31Jasmin Gray. “Michael Gove Links UK’s Extreme Summer Weather With Climate Change,” Huffington Post, September 16, 2018. Archived March 11, 2019. URL:

October 2017

Gove told the Conservative party conference that pursuing climate policy must not come “at the expense of the economic growth that we also need in order to make sure that our country and other countries are resilient and can deal with the consequences of climate change.”32Mat Hope. “Gove: Climate Policy Must Not Come ‘at the Expense of Economic Growth’,” DeSmog, October 3, 2017.

July 2017

In a speech given at environmental charity WWF, Gove said:33Ian Johnston. “Michael Gove slams Trump over climate change saying US is ‘walking out when the heat is on’,” The Independent, July 21, 2017. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

“It is because environmental degradation is such a threat to future prosperity and security that I deeply regret President Trump’s approach towards the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.”

“International co-operation to deal with climate change is critical if we’re to safeguard our planet’s future and the world’s second biggest generator of carbon emissions can’t simply walk out of the room when the heat is on.”34Ian Johnston. “Michael Gove slams Trump over climate change saying US is ‘walking out when the heat is on’,” The Independent, July 21, 2017. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

March 2017

Speaking on Brexit:35Jon Stone. “Slash EU regulations on wildlife protection and drug safety trials after Brexit, Michael Gove urges,” The Independent, March 25, 2017. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

“If there are regulations which hold any business here back, we now have the potential to amend or even if necessary rescind them.”36Jon Stone. “Slash EU regulations on wildlife protection and drug safety trials after Brexit, Michael Gove urges,” The Independent, March 25, 2017. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

February 2014

In a speech at the launch of the Conservative Environmental Network:37Michael Gove’s speech at the Conservative Environment Network launch: full text,” Blue & Green Tomorrow, February 27, 2014. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

“One of the other things which Zac [Goldsmith, Conservative MP] scented about me is that he knew that I was one of those characters we call a ‘shy green’. We’re familiar with the concept of shy Tories – people who are naturally Conservative but don’t want to make a song and dance about it. One of the things that I’ve learnt throughout my life is that I’m an environmentalist but a lot of time I didn’t realise it.”38Michael Gove’s speech at the Conservative Environment Network launch: full text,” Blue & Green Tomorrow, February 27, 2014. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

Key Deeds

May 24, 2024

Gove announced that he would not stand for re-election in the then-upcoming July 2024 general election, saying that it was time for a “new generation” to lead the Conservative party.39Peter Walker. “Michael Gove and Andrea Leadsom to stand down at general election,” The Guardian, May 24, 2024. Archived June 23, 2024. Archive URL:

December 7, 2022

In his role as Secretary of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, Gove approved planning permissions for a coal mine in Cumbria. The mine, which would produce coking coal for steel production, would be the first new coal mine opened in the UK in 30 years.40Sam Blewett. “Gove stokes environmental anger by approving first new coal mine in 30 years,” The Independent, December 7, 2022. Archived December 30, 2022. Archive URL:

The approval was critiqued by opposition politicians including Labour shadow climate secretary Ed Miliband, who wrote that the mine is “no solution to the energy crisis”, and “marks this government giving up on all pretence of climate leadership”.

March 7–10, 2019

Gove spoke at the “World Forum” of the American Enterprise Institute, a free-market thinktank with a history of climate science denial, in Sea Island, Georgia. The cost of the trip, recorded in Parliament’s Register of MPs’ Financial Interests, came to nearly £7,500 and was covered by the AEI. Private Eye reported that Gove has been attending this yearly event since 2015.41REGISTER OF MEMBERS’ FINANCIAL INTERESTS as at 1 April 2019,” Archived April 8, 2019. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 42Gove Island,” Private Eye No. 1493 5 April – 18 April, 2019. Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

November 30, 2018

Gove gave the annual lecture to Christian thinktank Theos, arguing that a middle ground needs to be pursued between reducing consumption and economic growth, on the one hand, and accelerating innovation and technology, on the other.43Tim Wyatt. “Michael Gove: environment crisis requires ‘radical fusion’ of arguments,” Church Times, November 30, 2018. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

He said:

“I’m profoundly conscious that the way we have been growing — in population terms and economically — has imposed costs and strains on our planet that require us to have more than just a blind faith that we can carry on as before and all will be well. I fear we are near a tipping-point.”44Tim Wyatt. “Michael Gove: environment crisis requires ‘radical fusion’ of arguments,” Church Times, November 30, 2018. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

November 2018

Darwall wrote a report for the Global Warming Policy Foundation entitled “The Climate Change Act at 10: History’s most expensive virtue signal” to mark the 10-year anniversary of the UK’s Climate Change Act.45The Climate Change Act at 10: History’s most expensive virtue signal,” Global Warming Policy Foundation, November 2018. Archived March 11, 2019. URL:

March 27, 2018

Gove met lobbyist Shanker Singham at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to discuss “trade in agri-food and other products.” At the time, Singham had just left the Legatum Institute to become the Director of the International Trade and Competition Unit at the Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA).46Defra’s ministerial meetings, January to March 2018,” Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

February 21, 2018

Gove met Rupert Darwall at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to discuss “water services.” Darwall rejects the scientific consensus on climate change and published a book in 2014 called The Age of Global Warming: A History, which he had presented to the Heartland Institute at an event in September 2013.47Defra’s ministerial meetings, January to March 2018,” Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Archived March 12, 2019. URL: 48Richard Girling. “The Age of Global Warming: A History by Rupert Darwall,” The Times, April 14, 2013. Archived March 27, 2019. URL: 49Heartland Author Series: The Age of Global Warming – Rupert Darwall,” Heartland Institute, September 26, 2013. Archived September 11, 2014. URL:

November 11, 2017

Gove announced he would set up an environmental watchdog to ensure a “green Brexit.” Writing in The Telegraph, he said:50Michael Gove. “Outside the EU we will become the world-leading curator of the most precious asset of all: our planet,” The Telegraph, November 11, 2017. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

“So we will consult on using the new freedoms we have to establish a new, world-leading body to give the environment a voice and hold the powerful to account. It will be independent of Government, able to speak its mind freely.

“And it will be placed on a statutory footing, ensuring it has clear authority. Its ambition will be to champion and uphold environmental standards, always rooted in rigorous scientific evidence.

“We will consult widely on the precise functions, remit and powers of the new body but we are in no doubt that it must have real bite.”51Michael Gove. “Outside the EU we will become the world-leading curator of the most precious asset of all: our planet,” The Telegraph, November 11, 2017. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

November 1, 2017

Gove met Sir James Dyson at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Dyson is an advisor to the Economists for Free Trade (EFT), a coalition of economists with strong ties to Brexiteer Conservative MPs, right-leaning mainstream media and some well-known climate science deniers pushing for a “no-deal” Brexit.52Defra’s ministerial meetings, October to December 2017,” Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Archived March 12, 2019. URL: 53Chloe Farand. “Economists for Free Trade: Meet the ‘Independent Experts’ with Ties to Climate Science Denial Pushing a No Deal Brexit,” DeSmog, August 12, 2018.

October 24, 2017

Gove met with the Legatum Institute, known as the “Brexiteers’ favourite think tank,” at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to discuss trade matters.54Defra’s ministerial meetings, October to December 2017,” Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

October 16, 2017

Gove chaired a panel at the Institute for Free Trade’s (IFT) Global Trade Summit. Climate science denier Matt Ridley also chaired a panel at the event, with the American Enterprise Institute’s (AEI) Mark J Perry speaking. The AEI and Perry have previously pushed a strong deregulatory agenda and climate disinformation while being funded by notorious fossil fuel magnates, the Koch brothers.55“@michaelgove chairs a panel with @AlexanderDowner and @tutoquiroga at the IFT Global Trade Summit: how to put #freetrade into practice,” Tweet by @IFTtweets on October 16, 2017. Retrieved from Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

June 11, 2017

Gove was appointed Environment Secretary following the 2017 General Election.56Jessica Elgot. “Michael Gove appointed environment secretary in cabinet reshuffle,” The Guardian, June 11, 2017. Archived March 8, 2019. URL:

January 2017

Gove, writing for The Times, secured Donald Trump’s first post-election foreign newspaper interview. It later emerged that Rupert Murdoch, whose News Corp media empire owns The Times, was in the room during the interview and is believed to have played a key role in orchestrating the interview.57Heather Stewart. “Michael Gove secures first post-election UK interview with Trump,” The Guardian, January 15, 2017. Archived March 12, 2019. URL: 58Jane Martinson. “Rupert Murdoch was in room for Michael Gove’s Donald Trump interview,” The Guardian, February 9, 2017. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

January 2015

Gove voted against laws that would require an environmental permit for gas companies to carry out hydraulic fracturing.59May Bulman. “Cabinet reshuffle: New Environment Secretary Michael Gove’s voting record on green issues,” The Independent, June 12, 2017. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

December 2014

Gove, as Tory chief whip, barred the new energy and climate secretary Amber Rudd from attending the UN climate negotiations in Lima, Peru.60Kyla Mandel. “Here’s What Amber Rudd Missed When She Didn’t go to the Lima Climate Talks Last Year,” DeSmog, November 5, 2015.

6-9 March, 2014

Gove spoke at the annual “World Forum” organized by the free-market, climate science denial thinktank, the American Enterprise Institute, who covered Gove’s expenses.61Register of Members’ Financial Interests – as at 2nd June 2014,” Archived June 28, 2019. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

March 2013

While education secretary, Gove tried to exclude climate change from geography national curriculum but abandoned his plans after intense pressure from then energy secretary Ed Davey.62Juliette Jowit. “Climate debate cut from national curriculum for children up to 14,” The Guardian, March 17, 2013. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

June 2013

Gove voted against setting a target range for the amount of greenhouse gases produced per unit of electricity generated.63May Bulman. “Cabinet reshuffle: New Environment Secretary Michael Gove’s voting record on green issues,” The Independent, June 12, 2017. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:

October 2012

Gove voted against requiring the UK Green Investment Bank to act in support of the UK’s target to reducing carbon emissions to 20 per cent of 1990 levels by 2050.64May Bulman. “Cabinet reshuffle: New Environment Secretary Michael Gove’s voting record on green issues,” The Independent, June 12, 2017. Archived March 12, 2019. URL:


Social Media


Some samples of Gove’s writing for The Telegraph below:

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