DDC Public Affairs

DDC Logo


DDC Public Affairs, formerly DDC Advocacy, is a public relations firm based in the Washington, D.C., area.1 โ€œDDC Opens Doors to New Headquarters, Launches Rebranded Website: Relocates to the Heart of Washington, D.C.,โ€ DDC, September 4, 2014. Archived October 17, 2014. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/ITvd3 Founded in 1996 as Democracy, Data, and Communications, it became part of the Omnicom advertising holding company in 2014.2โ€œOmnicom Acquires DDC Advocacy,โ€ Oโ€™Dwyerโ€™s PR, December 9, 2014. Archived June 11, 2015. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/tOclS DDC has worked heavily with fossil fuel industry associations, including the American Petroleum Institute and the American Gas Association. In 2024, DDC worked for Chevron Advocacy Network.3โ€œChevron Advocacy Network,โ€ Chevron Advocacy Network Facebook page, accessed July 9, 2024. Archived July 9, 2024. Archived .pdf available at Desmog.

DDC has set up dozens of industry-funded groups that appear to be grassroots citizens groups, also known as astroturf organizations.4Front Group Websites Hosted by DDC Advocacy,” Climate Investigations Center, 2018. Archived May 20, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/kRvyn

DDC also set up the political action committee websites for API,5โ€œAPI_00011150: API Contract No. 2017 – 110929,โ€ U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform, April 30, 2024. Archived May 1, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. Koch Industries, GE, Altria (formerly Philip Morris), DTE Energy,6โ€œDTE Energy PAC: Introducing a unique ambassador to increase visibility and participation,โ€ DDC, c. 2021. Archived October 28, 2021. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/bCXhZ the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, BP, Edison Electric Institute,7โ€œEeipowerpac.org,โ€ Website Informer, 2023. Archived July 26, 2024. Archived .pdf at DeSmog. ConocoPhillips,8โ€œConocoPhillips: Thereโ€™s Power in Cooperation,โ€ Jim Scott Creates, archived January 5, 2022. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/tKVqZ Valero, Exelon, and Monsanto.9Front Group Websites Hosted by DDC Advocacy,” Climate Investigations Center, 2018. Archived May 20, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/kRvyn Lee Fang, a reporter at The Nation, wrote, โ€œDDC Advocacy is part of a cottage industry of Beltway consultants who specialize in helping businesses activate their employees and customers into-mini lobbyists.โ€10Lee Fang. โ€œIs Your Boss Going to โ€˜Mineโ€™ Your Vote? More Corporations Step Up Coercion,โ€ The Nation, October 19, 2012. Archived March 24, 2016. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/FGXmY

Your Energy America campaign for the American Gas Association

Source: YouTube

In 2017, DeSmog revealed that DDC helped run the American Gas Associationโ€™s Your Energy America campaign, which touted the benefits of methane gas and specifically promoted the proposed Atlantic Coast pipeline. Your Energy America launched during the Virginia gubernatorial primary, during which the proposed pipeline became a significant issue.11Carmen Forman. โ€œVirginia governor’s race ‘a referendum on pipelines’,โ€ The Roanoke Times, June 4, 2017. Archived June 5, 2017. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/FXUYe

Your Energy America presented itself as a grassroots organization and invited visitors to its website to join the campaign. It debuted at a May 2017 Virginia Chamber of Commerce Energy & Sustainability conference, where it was a sponsor.12โ€œ2017 Energy & Sustainability Conference,โ€ originally published by the Virginia Chamber of Commerce, file published by DeSmog, May 2017. Archived December 8, 2022. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. DeSmog reported that an anonymous source who attended the Virginia Chamber of Commerce event saw Ryan Lowry, a vice president at DDC, wearing a Your Energy Virginia name tag. Both the Your Energy America website and its Virginia chapter, Your Energy Virginia, were registered by DDC. 

DDCโ€™s Jim Scott Polsinelli13โ€œJim Scott Polsinelli – DMAS Are you at the Public Affairs Council #DMAS17? Make sure you catch JSP at 11:15am today as he speaks on creating best-in-class videos for your program!โ€ DDC Public Affairs Facebook account, June 13, 2017. Archived .jpg available at DeSmog. wrote on his website about the Your Energy campaign: โ€œThe fracking debate was generating a lot of bad press for natural gas. Further, the energy was being seen as an enemy of renewables. The American Gas Association needed to change the perception of natural gas.โ€14โ€œAmerican Gas Association: Your Energy,โ€ Jim Scott Polsinelli, c. 2019. Archived February 5, 2022. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/7pPkr

In 2018, DDC won a Reed Award for its work on Your Energy America.15โ€œWork That Gets Results,โ€ DDC Public Affairs. Archived May 9, 2020. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/RRx7b According to DDCโ€™s Jesse Bussey, DDC worked on Your Energy America from 2017 to 2019.16โ€œYour Energy,โ€ Jesse Bussey, archived July 12, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/RPq6e

DDC’s Energy Citizens campaign for the American Petroleum Institute

Energy Citizens Pennsylvania ads supporting Atlantic Sunrise pipeline created by DDC
DDC created these ads for API’s Energy Citizens campaign.17โ€œCase Studies: American Petroleum Institute (API)โ€”State-Focused Example,โ€ DDC Advocacy, 2017. Archived July 13, 2021. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

The American Petroleum Instituteโ€™s Energy Citizens astroturfing campaign was created by Edelman, a public relations firm, to block the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade carbon emissions bill from becoming law.18Sassan, Mahat, Aronczyck, and Brulle. โ€œEnergy Citizens โ€œJust Like Youโ€? Public Relations Campaigning by the Climate Change Countermovement,โ€ Environmental Communication, August 28, 2023. Archived January 19, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. In 2012, DDC also began working on the Energy Citizens campaign, according to a case study published on DDCโ€™s website.19โ€œCase Studies: American Petroleum Institute (API)โ€”State-Focused Example,โ€ DDC Advocacy, 2017. Archived July 13, 2021. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Although Energy Citizens is funded entirely by the American Petroleum Institute, DDC wrote that Energy Citizens had โ€œmore than 700,000 members supporting pro-energy policies in communities across the countryโ€20โ€œAre You Ready For The Race? Join Energy Citizens and Enter for a Chance to Win,โ€ Energy Race Fans, archived July 21, 2013. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/pW6tl on an Energy Citizens website registered by DDC.21Front Group Websites Hosted by DDC Advocacy,” Climate Investigations Center, 2018. Archived May 20, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/kRvyn

In the case study, DDC wrote that it managed โ€œall facetsโ€ of APIโ€™s national advocacy program. API saw Energy Citizens as a way to use โ€œindependent voicesโ€ to shift the energy policy conversation in favor of the fossil fuel industry.22โ€œCase Studies: American Petroleum Institute (API)โ€”State-Focused Example,โ€ DDC Advocacy, 2017. Archived July 13, 2021. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. โ€œDDC was tasked with creating an on-the-ground campaign focused on raising the profile of Energy Citizens in support of natural gas production from the โ€œMarcellus Shaleโ€ formation in Pennsylvania,โ€ DDC wrote on its website. DDC targeted local property owners, small businesses and industry groups with โ€œvalues-based messaging that included family and community issues,โ€ according to the DDC case study. 

DDC created this Energy Citizens ad for API.23Jim Scott Polsinelli. โ€œAmerica Petroleum Institute: Energy Citizens,โ€ Jim Scott Creates, archived January 25, 2020. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog.โ€œJim Scott Polsinelli โ€“ Chief Creative Officer,โ€ Marathon Strategies, archived September 26, 2020. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/ClA9t

DDC supported people in testifying at 10 public hearings in Pennsylvania, including the EPA Public Hearing on Natural Gas and the Bipartisan Public Forum on the Marcellus Shale.24โ€œCase Studies: American Petroleum Institute (API)โ€”State-Focused Example,โ€ DDC Advocacy, 2017. Archived July 13, 2021. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. In testimony to the Pennsylvania Environmental Quality Board as it prepared to issue new rules for oil and gas wells,25(Press Release). โ€œPennsylvania DEP Releases Revised Rulemaking Proposal for Environmental Protection Performance Standards at Oil and Gas Well Sites,โ€ Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, March 9, 2015. Archived October 8, 2015. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/4NWWWย  a man who identified himself as a member of Energy Citizens called on the board to reject regulations that would impede fracking.26Charlie Spano. โ€œTestimony to the Environmental Quality Board:ย  Environmental Protection Performance Standards at Oil and Gas Well Sites,โ€ received March 12, 2014 by the Independent Regulatory Review Commission. Archived June 25, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. His testimony included the exact wording that API uses on its website to tout the economic benefits of fracking Marcellus Shale:

 โ€œA study by Timothy J. Considine shows increased access in the Marcellus Shale formation could create 280,000 jobs and produce over $6 billion in government revenue. A similar study by the Manhattan Institute found that each well drilled generates about $4 million in economic opportunities from shale gas development activity.โ€27โ€œMarcellus Shale,โ€ American Petroleum Institute, c. 2014. Archived August 6, 2020. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/XtyoZ

According to DDC’s website, it โ€œgeneratedโ€ 170 letters supporting the oil and gas industry, which it sent to the State of Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale Commission28โ€œCase Studies: American Petroleum Institute (API)โ€”State-Focused Example,โ€ DDC Advocacy, 2017. Archived July 13, 2021. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. DDC also organized five meetings between Energy Citizens advocates and congressional staff. 

DDC included this ad from its Energy Citizens campaign for API in a case study on its website. Source: DDC Public Affairs.29โ€œCase Studies: American Petroleum Institute (API)โ€”State-Focused Example,โ€ DDC Advocacy, 2017. Archived July 13, 2021. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

Michigan Energy First/Alliance for Michigan Power for DTE Energy

DDC worked for Michigan Energy First when the DTE Energy-linked front group launched in 2014,30โ€œDDC Advocacy Wins Four Pollie Awards,โ€ DDC Advocacy, April 7, 2014. Archived April 10, 2014. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/DMXov and it paid DDC $1.033 million to manage its website and social media from 202131Form 990: Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax: Michigan Energy First,” Internal Revenue Service, May 1, 2023. Archived July 15, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. to 2022,32Form 990: Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax: Michigan Energy First, 2021,” Internal Revenue Service, May 5, 2022. Archived July 15, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. according to filings with the IRS. Fossil fuel watchdog Energy and Policy Institute describes Michigan Energy First as โ€œa 501(c)(4) dark money group run by several DTE Energy executives that anchors a network of front groups affiliated with the utility.โ€33โ€œMichigan Energy First,โ€ Energy and Policy Institute, Archived March 24, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/saCT8

These other front groups include Michigan Energy Promise and Alliance for Michigan Power. According to the Michigan Department of Licensing and Corporate Affairs, these groups are assumed names for Michigan Energy First.34โ€œThe Name of the Domestic Nonprofit Corporation: Michigan Energy First,โ€ Michigan Department of Licensing and Corporate Affairs, accessed July 9, 2024. Archived September 24, 2023. Archive URL: โ€‹โ€‹https://archive.ph/w3rp9 DTE Energyโ€™s Vice President of Corporate and Government Affairs, Renze Hoeksema, is the president of Michigan Energy First, and several other DTE Energy executives hold leadership positions and sit on the board of directors.35โ€œMichigan Energy First,โ€ Energy and Policy Institute, Archived March 24, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/saCT8 

DDCโ€™s work for Michigan Energy First/Alliance for Michigan Power in 2021 and 2022 built off DDCโ€™s past work for DTE Energy. In 2014, DDC won a Silver Pollie award for launching the Alliance for Michigan Power website on behalf of DTE Energy.36ย โ€œDDC Advocacy Wins Four Pollie Awards,โ€ DDC Advocacy, April 7, 2014. Archived April 10, 2014. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/DMXov In 2020, DDC set up DTE Energyโ€™s political action committee.37โ€œDTE Energy PAC: Introducing a unique ambassador to increase visibility and participation,โ€ DDC, c. 2021. Archived October 28, 2021. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/bCXhZ

As DDC managed its social media in 2021, Alliance for Michigan Power launched a social media campaign opposing a state bill that would allow more rooftop solar power generation.40โ€œSign the Petition: Energy Policy Should Benefit All Michigan Consumers, Not a Few Energy Developers,โ€ Alliance for Michigan Power, 2021. Archived 17, 2021. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/XHjPf The ads claimed that HB 4236 would benefit โ€œout-of-stateโ€ solar developers at the expense of Michigan consumers and even the stateโ€™s climate goals. DTE Energy had testified in opposition to the bill in front of the Michigan House Energy Committee.41โ€œMichigan utilitiesโ€™ front groups begin misleading ad campaigns ahead of a vote on energy legislation,โ€ Energy and Policy Institute, March 30, 2021. Archived March 24, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/QFiNN  
HB 4236 failed to make it out of the House Energy Committee.42.โ€œโ€‹โ€‹Michigan LCV Campaign Holds Accountable House Energy Chair For Blocking Action To Remove Unnecessary Cap On Affordable Rooftop Solar,โ€ Michigan League of Conservation Voters, December 7, 2021. Archived January 9, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/g7v0V DTE Energy and other Michigan utilities donated over $78,000 to House Energy Committee Chair Joe Bellino from 2016 to 2021.

In 2023, DDC won an Indigo award for designing the Alliance for Michigan Powerโ€™s website, highlighting โ€œreliable, clean and affordable energy.”43โ€œIndigo Design Award Winners: Alliance for Michigan Power by DDC Public Affairs,โ€ Indigo Design Awards, 2023. Archived July 29, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/GS19H

We Stand for Energy campaign for Edison Electric Institute

We Stand for Energy Facebook ad opposing Maine net metering
Source: We Stand for Energy Facebook page44The Maine legislature is considering draconian net-metering policies that will leave traditional energy customers to pick up the tab for private solar customers. Tell legislators to vote no on LD 1504 to ensure all Maine energy customers are treated fairly,” We Stand for Energy Facebook page, June 2, 2017. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog.

At the June 2014 Edison Electric Institute Convention,45โ€œThe EEIโ€™s Campaign for Electric Utility Industry Supremacy,โ€ Power, July 1, 2014. Archived May 29, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/5Ntgh DDC helped launch the astroturf group We Stand for Energy.46Matt Kasper. โ€œPR Firm Behind American Gas Association Front Group also Member, Consultant for Edison Electric Institute,โ€ DeSmog, June 20, 2017. The campaign created the appearance of grassroots support behind the utilities industryโ€™s opposition to rooftop solar. 

Edison Electric Institute featured the DDC-registered campaign website westandforenergy.com as an associate member on its website through 2018.47Matt Kasper. โ€œPR Firm Behind American Gas Association Front Group also Member, Consultant for Edison Electric Institute,โ€ DeSmog, June 20, 2017. 48โ€œAssociate Member Directory: DDC Advocacy,โ€ Edison Electric Institute, Archived April 22, 2018. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/Md6bg From 2014 to 2018, the Edison Electric Institute paid DDC over $3.9 million.

We Stand for Energy created advertisements urging viewers to support Indiana Senate Bill 309 and New Mexico Senate Bill 209, which would have harmed rooftop solar.49โ€œBill Text: IN SB0309 | 2017 | Regular Session | Introduced,โ€ Legiscan, 2017. Archived July 15, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/Nbtyn Another set of ads from the campaign50โ€œTell Legislators: Say No to Unfair Energy Policies!โ€ We Stand for Energy, published by Energy and Policy Institute, 2017. Archived August 16, 2019. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. urged viewers in Maine to oppose LD 1504, which would have encouraged rooftop solar through net metering.51Dave Anderson. โ€œHow Central Maine Power killed a popular pro-rooftop solar bill,โ€ Energy and Policy Institute, August 21, 2017. Archived April 19, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/gwQW6 DDC attended Edison Electric Instituteโ€™s annual external affairs meeting in 2017.52โ€œSierra Club v. EPA 18cv3472 NDCA,โ€ Environmental Protection Agency, March 2019. Archived February 23, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog.

We Stand for Energy ad opposing rooftop solar in New Hampshire
We Stand for Energy ran an ad on Facebook opposing New Hampshire’s SB 446, which supported renewable energy through net metering.53[Advertisement]. “Library ID: 501375907005967:The subsidies proposed by SBs 446 and 365 amount to another tax on energy โ€“ tell your Legislator to make sure these added costs donโ€™t get passed on to you!Meta Ad Library, September 2018. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog.
We Stand for Energy ad supporting Atlantic Coast pipeline
We Stand for Energy Facebook ad supporting the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. 54[We Stand for Energy Advertisement]”The Atlantic Coast Pipeline will spur even further job growth in Virginia. We just need the State Water Board to certify the analysis by the Army Corps of Engineers, approving the project. Tell the State Water Board: Bring on the jobs!” Meta Ad Library, May 9, 2018. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog.

South Portland Tar Sands campaign โ€œSave Our Working Waterfrontโ€

In August 2013, residents of South Portland qualified a ballot initiative to prevent Portland Harbor from becoming a shipping hub for oil from Canadaโ€™s tar sands.55Seth Koenig. โ€œSouth Portland becomes ground zero for Maine tar sands debate; new rules headed for vote,โ€ Bangor Daily News, August 19, 2013. Archived January 24, 2022. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/Y11Bf With only 25,000 people, South Portland became โ€œground zeroโ€ for the debate over oil flowing from Canadaโ€™s tar sands with this proposed ordinance, in the words of a local newspaper. Oil from Canadaโ€™s tar sands is some of the most carbon-dense in the world, with up to 20 percent higher emissions.56Lindsey J. Smith. โ€œHow Canadaโ€™s Oil Sands โ€˜Bankrolled the Assault on Truthโ€™,โ€ DeSmog, September 20, 2022. The oil industry spent $750,000 to defeat the initiative; $172,000 went to DDC for a canvassing campaign.57โ€œInside the Big Oil Playbook: Strategies and Tactics used in the Industry’s Battle to Ship Tar Sands Oil Out of Casco Bay,” Environment Maine, July 2014. Archived June 10, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog.ย ย 

The Maine Energy Marketers Association set up a coalition group, Save Our Working Waterfront,58“Save Our Working Waterfront,” No on WPO, 2013. Archived December 12, 2013. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/I4B6c funded by the American Petroleum Institute, Irving Oil, Gulf Oil, and the Portland Pipe Line Company, which is majority-owned by ExxonMobil.59โ€œMaine Energy Marketers Association 24 Hour Report of Contributions and Expenditures,โ€ City of South Portland, November 1, 2013. Archived June 25, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. The Maine Energy Marketers Association hired DDC to organize a canvassing campaign opposing the ballot initiative. DDC printed mailings60 โ€œ2013 Campaign Finance Report: Maine Energy Marketers Association,โ€ City of South Portland, December 17, 2013. Archived July 29, 2024. Archived .pdf available on DeSmog Document Cloud. sent to residents of South Portland, which claimed the ballot initiative was not about tar sands and would instead shut down the harbor and lead to local job losses.61Justin Mikulka. โ€œMaine Residents Fight American Petroleum Institute Lobbyists Over Ban on Tar Sands Shipments,โ€ DeSmog, July 21, 2014. 

The oil industry defeated the measure by less than 200 votes in November 2013.62David Harry. โ€œMore than $800,000 spent on tar sands ordinance campaigns in South Portland,โ€ Bangor Daily News, December 19, 2023. Archived June 25, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. However, South Portlandโ€™s City Council quickly proposed the Clear Skies Ordinance, which would ban tar sands oil from being loaded onto ships at the local port. 

Clear Skies Ordinance meeting in South Portland, Maine, 2014
On July 9, 2014, supporters of the Clear Skies Ordinance wore blue shirts with a “Clear Blue” logo to a presentation about the ordinance and were met by opponents of the ordinance in red shirts with “American Energy” across the front.63Justin Mikulka. “Maine Residents Fight American Petroleum Institute Lobbyists Over Ban on Tar Sands Shipments,” DeSmog, July 21, 2014.

APIโ€™s Energy Citizens front group, managed in part by DDC, began running ads in South Portland newspapers in February 2014.64โ€œInside the Big Oil Playbook: Strategies and Tactics used in the Industry’s Battle to Ship Tar Sands Oil Out of Casco Bay,” Environment Maine, July 2014. Archived June 10, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. The ads supported oil from tar sands, saying, โ€œIt’s Just Oil. From Canada,โ€ and directed readers to itsjustoil.org, a website operated by DDC.65 โ€œFront Group Websites Hosted by DDC Advocacy,โ€ Climate Investigations Center, 2018. Archived April 21, 2019. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. The ads ran weekly through June 2014.66โ€œInside the Big Oil Playbook: Strategies and Tactics used in the Industry’s Battle to Ship Tar Sands Oil Out of Casco Bay,” Environment Maine, July 2014. Archived June 10, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. 

South Portlandโ€™s City Council voted to adopt the Clear Skies ordinance in July 2014, effectively blocking the oil industry from using South Portlandโ€™s port to ship tar sands oil to international markets.67Roger Drouin. โ€œHow a Town in Maine Is Blocking an Exxon Tar-Sands Pipeline,โ€ Mother Jones, July 24, 2014. Archived July 29, 2014. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/FG5EY 

Stance on Climate Change

As of July 2024, DDC had not made a public commitment to sustainability. In 2023, its parent company, Omnicom, committed to reducing its Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions by 46.2 percent by 2030 compared to its 2019 baseline68โ€œProtect Our Planet,โ€ Omnicom Group, 2023. Archived July 3, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/JwnmKย 
Dan Sweet, DDCโ€™s Senior VP of its Healthcare practice, published a piece on the DDC website discussing climate changeโ€™s harmful effects on health: โ€œThe effects of rising sea levels, increased temperatures, and extreme weather events are increasing the incidence and severity of disease, straining healthcare systems across the globe, and reducing access to healthcare for many communities.โ€69Dan Sweet. โ€œThe Impact of Climate Change on Global Health Will Take Unprecedented Cooperation,โ€ DDC Public Affairs, December 2023. Archived July 29, 2024. Archived URL: https://archive.ph/fXb1j


DDC’s parent company, Omnicom, does not report its individual subsidiaries’ revenue. In 2023, Omnicom reported revenues of $14.692 billion.70Omnicom Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2023 Results,” Omnicom, February 6, 2024. Archived March 3, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/behea.

Key People

BR McConnon founded DDC in 1996 and was the CEO until he left the firm in 2022.71Ewan Larkin. โ€œOmnicom PR Group Names Fleischer DDC CEO,โ€ PR Week, 2022. Archived September 20, 2022. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. He formerly worked for Citizens for a Sound Economy, an anti-regulation conservative group.72Ben Quinn and Mark Sweney. โ€œTobacco firm begins ‘stealth-marketing’ campaign against plain packaging,โ€ The Guardian, June 7, 2013. Archived March 5, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/xFXmB


NameCurrent Title202420232022202120202019
Michael FleischerCEOโœ…โœ…โœ…
Gina CherwinChief Operating and People Officer โœ…โœ…
Jen MillerChief Strategy Officerโœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…
Kevin LawlorChief Political Officerโœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…
Michael ShueChief Growth Officerโœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…
Bill ToyeSenior Vice Presidentโœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…
Brad WhitfordSenior VP, Creativeโœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…
Elizabeth GerkeSenior VP, Chief of Staffโœ…
Hunter HamiltonSenior VPโœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…
Joey SmithSenior VPโœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…
Katie WrightSenior VPโœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…
Michael McGovernSenior VPโœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…
Peter ShermanExecutive VPโœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…
Shannon Manning Senior VPโœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…


Chevron Advocacy Network website discussing California gas prices
Screenshot of the Chevron Advocacy Network page linked to the QR code. Source: Chevron Advocacy Network.73 โ€œPolicymakers are Driving Up Californiaโ€™s Gas Prices,โ€ Chevron Advocacy Network, Accessed July 8, 2024. Archived July 9, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog.

April 18, 2024

The Sacramento Bee reported that Chevron placed signs at some of its California gas stations that read โ€œFilling up your tank is a lot cheaper in other states. Scan here to do something about itโ€ next to a QR code.74Stephanie Finucane. โ€œSave your advertising dollars, Big Oil. Californians already know gas ainโ€™t cheap,โ€ The Sacramento Bee, April 18, 2022. Archived April 18, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/APxt2 The QR code led to the Chevron Advocacy Network website. This Chevron project directs people to call or write to their local representatives to support the fossil fuel industry.75โ€œPolicymakers are Driving Up Californiaโ€™s Gas Prices,โ€ Chevron Advocacy Network, Accessed July 8, 2024. Archived July 9, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. 

DDC managed Chevron Advocacy Networkโ€™s Facebook page76โ€œChevron Advocacy Network,โ€ Chevron Advocacy Network Facebook page, accessed July 9, 2024. Archived July 9, 2024. Archived .pdf available at Desmog. and lobbied for Chevron in California from October 202377Form 635: Report of Lobbyist Employer, Chevron U.S.A, Inc. and Affiliates,” California Secretary of State, March 18, 2024. Archived June 26, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. to at least April 2024.78Form 635: Report of Lobbyist Employer, Chevron U.S.A, Inc. and Affiliates,” California Secretary of State, April 30, 2024. Archived July 9, 2024. Archive .pdf available at DeSmog.

Filling up your tank is a lot cheaper in other states Chevron ad
Source: Chevron Advocacy Network Facebook page79โ€œCalifornia โ€“ Take Action! https://bit.ly/4bcMmlE See our latest Action Alert in California informing the public about the impact of state policies on fuel prices and encouraging them to contact their state legislators through our platform,โ€ Chevron Advocacy Network Facebook page, May 10, 2024. Archived July 9, 2024. Archived .png available at DeSmog.

April 30, 2024

The U.S. Senate Committee on the Budget, in partnership with Democrats from the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform, released documents related to DDCโ€™s work for the American Petroleum Institute. The documents included APIโ€™s contracts with DDC from 201580โ€œAPI_00011087: API Contract No. 2015- 110002,โ€ U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform, April 30, 2024. Archived May 1, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. to 2021.81API_00011326: API Contract No. 2021 – 114398,” U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform, April 30, 2024. Archived May 1, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. According to these contracts, DDC created video ads and websites for APIโ€™s public relations campaigns and built the website infrastructure for APIโ€™s political action committee. 

October 202382โ€œCitizens for Tobacco Rights,โ€ Citizens for Tobacco Rights, archived October 1, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/3piU7

DDC Public Affairs created Citizens for Tobacco Rights website
Screenshot of the rebranded Citizens for Tobacco Rights website.

DDC launched83โ€œExperience,โ€ Annmarie Zachariah LinkedIn Account, 2024. Archived July 13, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog.  a new website for the Philip Morris front group Citizens for Tobacco Rights.84โ€œCitizen’s for Tobacco Rights – Website Rebrand,โ€ Ann Zachariah Design, c. 2023. Archived July 13, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/B7Rmm

June 2023

DDC won an Indigo Award for its work on the Alliance for Michigan Power website.85โ€œIndigo Design Award Winners: Alliance for Michigan Power by DDC Public Affairs,โ€ Indigo Design Awards, June 2023. Archived July 29, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/GS19H 

June 12, 2022

The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources requested documents from DDC related to its work for fossil fuel clients.86Letter from Representatives Raรบl M. Grijalva and Katie Porter to B.R. McConnon, III, Chairman and CEO of DDC Public Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources, June 12, 2022. Archived August 26, 2022.


The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) paid DDC $966,50087Form 990: Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax for National Association of Manufacturers,” Internal Revenue Service, October 21, 2020. Archived July 10, 2024. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. to run a campaign to bolster support for gas among Democrats, according to a case study on its website.88โ€œChanging the narrative for a major trade association,โ€ DDC Public Affairs, c. 2020. Archived December 1, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/Vf7sQ The case study is on a webpage labeled โ€œNAM – DDC Public Affairs,โ€ although the case study does not mention NAM by name. As part of the campaign, DDC placed pieces in USA Today, the Albuquerque Journal, the Detroit News, the Richmond Times-Dispatch, and the Philadelphia Inquirer. According to DDCโ€™s website, in 2019, the campaign sent 975 letters to elected officials and engaged lawmakers in Virginia, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. โ€œThe campaignโ€™s success in all three facets – voice recruitment, contact with elected officials, and earned media – helped it improve natural gasโ€™ perception with our key audience,โ€ said DDC.

Screenshot from DDC Public Affairs website
A case study on DDC’s website is labeled “NAM.” Source: DDC Public Affairs89โ€œChanging the narrative for a major trade association,โ€ DDC Public Affairs, c. 2020. Archived August 15, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/Vf7sQ

June 2018

Explore Offshore logo on DDC registered website
Screenshot from Explore Offshore website, exploreoffshoreusa.org.  Source: Explore Offshore.90โ€œAbout,โ€ Explore Offshore, 2024. Archived July 31, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/Rs7de

DDC registered the Explore Offshore website for the American Petroleum Institute.91Front Group Websites Hosted by DDC Advocacy,” Climate Investigations Center, 2018. Archived May 20, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/kRvyn Explore Offshore was a campaign to build support for offshore drilling among Hispanic and Black voters,92Valerie Volcovici. โ€œBig Oil eyes U.S. minority groups to build offshore drilling support,โ€ Reuters, June 22, 2018. Archived July 12, 2018. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/5qs4e  who, in a January 2018 Pew Poll, mostly opposed opening the coasts to oil and gas exploration.93Bradley Jones. โ€œMore Americans oppose than favor increased offshore drilling,โ€ Pew Research Center, January 30, 2018. Archived May 25, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/bptw8 Explore Offshore enlisted minority groups to sign op-eds in favor of offshore drilling published in Florida, South Carolina, and Virginia newspapers.94Evlondo Cooper. โ€œOil industry enlists minority groups to publish pro-drilling op-eds,โ€ Media Matters, July 5, 2018. Archived March 2, 2024.  Archive URL: https://archive.ph/E9U24 


Say No to the Severance Tax campaign by DDC Public Affairs
Screenshot from Energy Nation website. Source: Energy Nation95โ€œSay No to the Severance Tax,โ€ Energy Nation, c. 2018. Archived August 22, 2018. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/AFIO6

DDC registered the website NoSevTax.com for the American Petroleum Instituteโ€™s campaign against a Pennsylvania severance tax on gas drilling.96Front Group Websites Hosted by DDC Advocacy,” Climate Investigations Center, 2018. Archived May 20, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/kRvyn APIโ€™s Energy Nation website directed viewers to NoSevTax.com to take action against a tax that API said would โ€œthreaten jobs, stall economic growth, and harm our communities.โ€97โ€œSay No to the Severance Tax,โ€ Energy Nation, c. 2018. Archived August 22, 2018. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/AFIO6
Energy Nation was an API project that presented itself as a grassroots organization of employees in the oil and gas industry.98โ€œWe are Energy Nation,โ€ Energy Nation, archived August 15, 2018. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/0SJT4

Source: Energy Nation website.

October 25, 2017

DDC representative Bill Bertles attended Edison Electric Instituteโ€™s Annual External Affairs meeting in Washington, D.C.99โ€œSierra Club v. EPA 18cv3472 NDCA,โ€ Environmental Protection Agency, March 2019. Archived February 23, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog.

May 24, 2017

The May 2017 Virginia Chamber of Commerce Energy & Sustainability Conference sponsored Your Energy America, where it debuted.100โ€œ2017 Energy & Sustainability Conference,โ€ originally published by the Virginia Chamber of Commerce, file published by DeSmog, May 2017. Archived December 8, 2022. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog. DeSmog reported that an anonymous source who attended the Virginia Chamber of Commerce event saw Ryan Lowry, a vice president at DDC, wearing a Your Energy Virginia name tag.


DDC helped101โ€œJim Scott Polsinelli – DMAS Are you at the Public Affairs Council #DMAS17? Make sure you catch JSP at 11:15am today as he speaks on creating best-in-class videos for your program!โ€ DDC Public Affairs Facebook account, June 13, 2017. Archived .jpg available at DeSmog. ConocoPhillips relaunch its advocacy website Power in Cooperation.102โ€œConocoPhillips: Thereโ€™s Power in Cooperation,โ€ Jim Scott Creates, c. 2018. Archived 2019. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/bNT2h 
โ€œConocoPhillips (COP) is one of the worldโ€™s largest producers of oil and natural gas. They have many outspoken critics and most of the dialogue is noticeably one-sided. To insert COPโ€™s voice in the conversation and address the divisiveness of energy exploration, we overhauled their advocacy website Power in Cooperation. We began by offering a platform for employees, retirees, vendors and contractors to share the facts and their personal stories how smart energy policies help build healthy, vibrant communities,โ€ wrote DDCโ€™s Jim Scott Polsinelli.103โ€œConocoPhilips: Thereโ€™s Power in Cooperation,โ€ Jim Scott Creates, c. 2018. Archived January 5, 2022. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/tKVqZ

April 7, 2014

DDC won a Silver Pollie award for its work on behalf of DTE Energy for the Alliance for Michigan Power website.104โ€œDDC Advocacy Wins Four Pollie Awards,โ€ DDC Advocacy, April 7, 2014. Archived April 10, 2014. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/DMXov

December 9, 2013

At the Women in Advocacy conference, ADVOCATESinDCโ€™s Megan Abboud, APIโ€™s Tara Anderson, and DDCโ€™s Jen Miller spoke during an event titled โ€œThe Evolution of Energy Citizens.โ€105โ€œGreat session on The Evolution of Energy Citizens #WIA13 with Meggan Abboud, Jen Miller, and Tara Anderson @DDCAdvocacy,โ€ Stephanie Mikos X Account, December 9, 2013. Archived June 25, 2024. Archived .pdf available at DeSmog.

December 2012

DDC registered the Stop Wind Subsidies website for utility company Exelon as the federal government considered whether to renew windโ€™s production tax credit.106Front Group Websites Hosted by DDC Advocacy,” Climate Investigations Center, 2018. Archived May 20, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/kRvyn The website encouraged Exelon employees to write to their representative in Congress opposing the wind production credit renewal,107โ€œStop Wind Subsidies,โ€ Stop Wind Subsidies Exelon Action Network, Archived December 30, 2012. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/70Mal which Exelon said hurt its nuclear operations in the Midwest and other windy markets.108Herman K. Trabish. โ€œUtility Exelon Wants to Kill Wind and Solar Subsidies While Keeping Nukes,โ€ Greentech Media, April 1, 2014. Archived February 25, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/6rXqe 

โ€œItโ€™s time for government to stop picking energy winners and losers,โ€ read the website.109โ€œStop Wind Subsidies,โ€ Stop Wind Subsidies Exelon Action Network, Archived December 30, 2012. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/70Mal

March 2012

Screenshot from nonewenergytax.org

DDC registered a website affiliated with APIโ€™s Energy Citizens campaign, nonewenergytax.org.110Front Group Websites Hosted by DDC Advocacy,” Climate Investigations Center, 2018. Archived May 20, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/kRvyn The website urged visitors to write to Ohio Governor John Kasich, who was considering a severance tax on oil and gas production.111โ€œTell Governor Kasich: No New Energy Taxes,โ€ No New Energy Tax, archived May 8, 2012. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/TQpQi The website claimed this tax on oil and gas producers could push them to other states with more favorable tax structures. 
When Republicans in Ohioโ€™s state legislature rejected the severance tax proposal after a burst of oil and gas lobbying, Kasich said โ€œspecial interestsโ€ influenced them.112Joe Guillen. โ€œWary of a tax hike on drillers, GOP lawmakers remove Gov. John Kasich’s income tax cut from budget proposal,โ€ Cleveland.com, March 17, 2012. Archived May 6, 2021. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/RSP1i

September 2009

Screenshot from allianceforjobsandenergy.com

DDC registered the Alliance for Jobs and Affordable Energy website, a U.S. Chamber of Commerce front group created to defeat the 2009 Cap and Trade Climate Bill.113 “Front Group Websites Hosted by DDC Advocacy,” Climate Investigations Center, 2018. Archived May 20, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/kRvyn The Alliance said, โ€œWe represent individuals, families, consumers, and small business owners who consider themselves economically realistic and environmentally aware.โ€114Mike Allan. โ€œPlaybook: Robert Pear: Baucus proposes a โ€˜new fee on insurance companiesโ€™ to appeal to Snowe — Candidates to replace Diane on โ€˜GMAโ€™ — Tidbits from โ€˜Almanac 2010′,โ€ POLITICO, September 7, 2009. Archived August 15, 2021. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/0dq08 The Alliance claimed that cap and trade would cause American energy prices to skyrocket.115โ€œSenate Democrats Unveil Climate Change Bill,โ€ ABC News, September 30, 2009. Archived February 2, 2012. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/4QHQ8
The Alliance for Jobs and Affordable Energy website said the American Clean Energy and Security Act โ€œWill do little, if anything, to benefit the environment, as some of the worldโ€™s leading contributors to carbon emissionsโ€”nations like China, India, and Russiaโ€”have indicated they will not participate in any scheme that will limit their economic growth.โ€116โ€œIssues and Facts,โ€ Alliance for Jobs and Affordable Energy, 2009. Archived August 16, 2013. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/wsDXl

July 2008

The Washington Post reported that DDC relied on 500 contract workers to call nationwide, asking Americans to sign letters supporting legislation.117Jeffrey H. Birnbaum. โ€œThe Cold Calls Behind Those Personal Letters to Congress,โ€ The Washington Post, July 1, 2008. Archived June 13, 2019. Archive URL: https://archive.ph/Ni9A8 Lobbyists and industry groups paid DDC $75 to $125 per letter sent, with more complex campaigns fetching higher prices per letter. DDC contractors would often draft the letters for the people they contacted, who would then send them to representatives in Congress. In 2007, DDC conducted 39 of these outreach campaigns.

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