Brendan O’Neill

Brendan O’Neill


  • Oโ€™Neillโ€™s educational background is unknown.


Brendan Oโ€™Neill was the editor of Spiked until stepping down in September 2021. He remains its chief political writer. 1โ€œArticles by Brendan Oโ€™Neill,โ€ Spiked. Archived February 14, 2020. URL: 2Brendan O’Neill. “Itโ€™s time for a change at spiked,” Spiked, September 27, 2021. Archived March 21, 2023. Archive URL: Spiked is an online libertarian magazine that aims to โ€œchange the world as well as report on itโ€, according to its website.3โ€œAbout spikedโ€ Spiked. Archived February 11, 2020. URL:

Oโ€™Neill identifies as a โ€œMarxist Libertarianโ€4โ€œWhat is a Marxist Libertarian? (Pt. 2) Brendan Oโ€™Neill,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user The Rubin Report on November 30, 2017. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. and began his career in journalism at Living Marxism,5โ€œBrendan Oโ€™Neill Full Profile,โ€ The Guardian, June 3, 2008. Archived February 14, 2020. URL: a publication of the Revolutionary Communist Party, a now-defunct Trotskyist group of which he was a member.6David Pallister. โ€œLife after Living Marxism: Fighting for freedom โ€“ to offend, outrage and question everything,โ€ The Guardian, July 8, 2000. Archived February 14, 2020. URL:

Oโ€™Neill stayed on at Living Marxism following its rebranding as LM until it was forced to close after losing a libel action brought by the television production company ITN. The magazine had published an article claiming that ITN intentionally misrepresented a photo of Fikret Alic, a prisoner in a Bosnian internment camp.7David Pallister. โ€œLife after Living Marxism: Fighting for freedom โ€“ to offend, outrage and question everything,โ€ The Guardian, July 8, 2000. Archived February 14, 2020. URL:

Oโ€™Neill has contributed to The Australian, The Big Issue, and Daily Telegraph, among other publications,8โ€œAbout,โ€ Brendan Oโ€™Neill personal website. Archived February 14, 2020. URL: and hosts his own podcast series called โ€œThe Brendan Oโ€™Neill Showโ€.9โ€œThe Brendan Oโ€™Neill Show Episodes,โ€ Spiked. Archived February 17, 2020. URL:

He is a speaker and former scholar for the Centre for Independent Studies,10โ€œPolitical correctness and its discontents,โ€ The Centre for Independent StudiesArchived February 14, 2020. URL: a Sydney-based free market think tank, and co-founder of the Manifesto Club,11Graham Readfearn. โ€œMont Pelerin Society Revealed As Home To Leading Pushers Of Climate Science Denial,โ€ DeSmog, January 14, 2014. an organisation which according to its website is โ€œat the forefront of challenging the hyper-regulation of public spacesโ€.12Mike Small. โ€œRevealed: US Oil Billionaire Charles Koch Funds UK Anti-Environment Spiked Network,โ€ DeSmog, December 7, 2018. 13โ€œAbout,โ€ Manifesto Club. Archived February 14, 2020. URL:

Oโ€™Neill is known for his views on freedom of speech and has appeared on a number of platforms, such as at the Oxford Union where he said; โ€œwe have got to move beyond talking about a right to offend, we have to talk about a duty to offend”.14Brendan Oโ€™Neill Freedom of Speech and Right to Offend Proposition,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user OxfordUnion on August 25, 2015. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

He regularly speaks out against what he describes as โ€œclimate change alarmismโ€.15Brendan Oโ€™Neill. โ€œTantrum of the climate alarmists,โ€ The Spectator, April 1, 2017. Archived February 18, 2020. URL:

Stance on Climate Change

March 17, 2020

Oโ€™Neill wrote an article for Spiked which downplayed the significance of climate change, stating:16Brendan Oโ€™Neill. โ€œThe luxury of apocalypticism,โ€ Spiked, March 17, 2020. Archived February 2, 2021. URL:

โ€œthe notion that climate change is an End Times event, rather than a practical problem that can be solved with tech, especially the rollout of nuclear power, is little more than the prejudice of Malthusian elites who view the very project of modernity as an intemperate expression of speciesist supremacy by mankindโ€.

Oโ€™Neill also wrote that:

โ€œGreens rarely think about the devastating consequences of their anti-growth agenda on under-developed parts of the worldโ€.

April 1, 2017

In The Spectator, Oโ€™Neill argued that the Australian Climate Change Authority should be scrapped:17Brendan Oโ€™Neill. โ€œTantrum of the climate alarmists,โ€ The Spectator, April 1, 2017. Archived February 18, 2020. URL:

โ€œClimate change alarmism is political to its core. Itโ€™s a species of political prejudice, and one of the uglier ones. Itโ€™s ideology masquerading as science, or rather using science as a cover for its seemingly unspeakable black heart; which is misanthropy, a feeling of disgust for modern human society and its psychologically immature inhabitantsโ€.

July 15, 2008

In a Guardian article called โ€œGreens are the enemies of libertyโ€, Brendan Oโ€™Neill said:18Brendan Oโ€™Neill. โ€œGreens are the enemies of liberty,โ€ The Guardian, July 15, 2008. Archived February 18, 2020. URL:

โ€œEnvironmentalism is instinctively and relentlessly illiberal, and it is doing more to inculcate people with fear, self-loathing and a religious-style sense of meekness than any piece of anti-terror legislation ever could. If you believe in freedom, you must reject itโ€.

Key Quotes

January 13, 2020

Oโ€™Neill expressed his views about protest group Extinction Rebellion (XR) n a Spiked article:19Brendan Oโ€™Neill. โ€œExtinction Rebellion is an extremist group,โ€ Spiked, January 13, 2020. Archived February 18, 2020. URL:

โ€œXR is extremist. Itโ€™s about as extremist as it gets. It is a deranged, classist, authoritarian outfit that chants and sings about the end of the world and which lies โ€“ openly โ€“ about billions dying from climate change. It is anti-modern, anti-progress and anti-humanโ€.

September 20, 2019

Speaking to Mike Graham on talkRADIO, Oโ€™Neill said:20โ€œBrendan Oโ€™Neill: Climate change kids think theyโ€™re being rebellious,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user talkRADIO on September 20, 2019. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

โ€œI think a large element of this is religion-replacement. So, the disappearance of the old religion has disorientated many sections of society, thatโ€™s absolutely true. And environmentalism feels to me like a new fundamentalist religionโ€.

April 22, 2019

In a Spiked article titled โ€œThe cult of Greta Thunbergโ€ Oโ€™Neill said:21Brendan Oโ€™Neill. โ€œThe cult of Greta Thunberg,โ€ Spiked, April 22, 2019. Archived February 14, 2020. URL:

โ€œRefuse to panic, mock the blather about hellfire, and appreciate that mankindโ€™s transformation of the planet has been a glorious thing that has expanded life expectancy, allowed billions to live in cities, and made it possible for even the less well-off to travel the globe. Sin against St Gretaโ€.

Key Actions

August 25, 2022

In an interview on the Brendan Oโ€™Neill Show, O’Neill interviewed Alex Epstein who blamed international climate policy for the 2022โ€“2023 global energy crisis during the show. Some notable quotes below:22Why fossil fuels are the future,” Spiked, August 25, 2022. Archived mp4 on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:

Brendan Oโ€™Neill: [00:02:45] What is behind the energy crisis? What is causing this extreme crisis that we are heading into right now?

Alex Epstein: [00:02:54] The direct cause is very, very simple, and the only reason why itโ€™s not being globally publicized is that it implicates our establishment. Iโ€™m talking about the deeper cause, but the direct cause is very simple. Itโ€™s supply and demand, and for the last fifteen-plus years, the world has been involved in a concerted effort to rapidly restrict the supply of fossil fuels, with the explicit goal of rapidly eliminating them by say 2050, and that involves opposing fossil fuel investment, fossil fuel production, fossil fuel refining, fossil fuel transportation, and so that artificially suppressed the supply of fossil fuels. And the promise was that, โ€˜oh well, all that demand for energy is no problem, because unreliable solar and wind will more than make up the difference.โ€™ And that failed to materialize, and so what you have is a shortfall of supply relative to demand. 

And you really saw the height of this irresponsibility in 2020, when we had lockdowns, and, you know, global pandemic, and there was this idea of, โ€˜oh, weโ€™ll never really need fossil fuels again, and the industry isnโ€™t doing well, and so, we donโ€™t need to invest in them, and itโ€™s okay to talk about divesting,โ€™ and that never made any sense whatsoever. Again weโ€™re talking about the deeper causes, but tโ€™s just very clear that the establishment is involved in a global anti-fossil fuel movement that radically and artificially restricted the supply of this relative to what it should be, and what it would be had they not restricted it, and then that leads to these terrible consequences. [00:04:35]

Brendan Oโ€™Neill: [00:04:56] There is a clear link about the fact that we have essentially been demonizing energy over the past few decades, seeing energy production and energy consumption as problematic things, destructive things, which create so much pollution, so much waste, so much carbon, and the campaigns which is as you say were embraced by the establishment, the campaigns to limit our use of fossil fuels, limit our capacity to produce the energy we need, the idea that that wouldnโ€™t then give rise to some form of energy crisis, or to a spike in energy prices, or problems with supply and demand, it seems to be a complete fantasy. [00:05:55]

The International Energy Agency has issued a response to claims the energy crisis is due to climate policies:23Global Energy Crisis,” IEA. Archived March 21, 2023. Archive URL:

“Climate policies have been blamed in some quarters for contributing to the recent run-up in energy prices, but there is no evidence. In fact, a greater supply of clean energy sources and technologies would have protected consumers and mitigated some of the upward pressure on fuel prices.”

Epstein suggested “the right people” need to be implicated and vindicated in the energy crisis:

Alex Epstein: [00:10:00] We need to implicate them over and over and over. Itโ€™s not enough to just say once or twice, โ€˜hey, by the way you had a role.โ€™ Itโ€™s not enough. This is your fault, and you are denying responsibility. And I also take the step of, and you could as well, but, โ€˜I was right about this.โ€™ Like Iโ€™ll put out a video and say โ€˜hey I warned you about this.โ€™ And the reason is, itโ€™s not to aggrandize myself, itโ€™s that, whenever you have a crisis, whoโ€™s implicated and whoโ€™s vindicated changes the trajectory of the intellectual landscape going forward. We need the right people implicated and the right people vindicated. It happens to be that the anti-fossil fuel side needs to be implicated and the pro-human side, like the two of us, needs to be vindicated.  

Epstein also referred to the UK governmentโ€™s Net Zero policy as โ€œmurderous.โ€

Alex Epstein: [00:21:32] Net Zero is such an interesting issue to comment on, because nobody can believe how murderous it is. But, even if you are concerned about climate side effects and warming, it doesnโ€™t change the fact that fossil fuels could have huge, unique benefits, that if we lost, would be absolutely catastrophic, or Iโ€™d argue, apocalyptic. [00:21:56]

April 12, 2021

Oโ€™Neill interviewed former British Supreme Court Judge Lord Sumption on an episode of The Brendan Oโ€™Neill Show, published by Spiked, where they discussed the implications of COVID-19 lockdowns. Oโ€™Neill argued that established scientific consensus on issues such as COVID-19 and climate change could act as a pretext for the imposition of authoritarian political solutions, stating: โ€œWe already see people talking about the possibility of a climate lockdown, which, again, seems to be informed by a notion that there is such a thing as โ€˜The Science.โ€™โ€24Brendan Oโ€™Neill, Lord Sumption. โ€œโ€˜The government is instilling fear in the public,โ€™โ€ Spiked, April 12, 2021. Archived April 12, 2021. URL: 

Oโ€™Neill also criticised environmentalists, stating: โ€œEven if you just propose less onerous measures to tackle climate change, you will be told you are not taking the issue seriously and should not have a platform”.

February 10, 2021

Oโ€™Neill wrote an article for The Spectator criticising environmentalistsโ€™ attempts to prevent the construction of a new coking coal mine in Cumbria and new six storey building in London for 25 council homes, referring to their actions as an โ€œillustration of the elitism that lurks at the heart of the green movementโ€.25Brendan Oโ€™Neill. โ€œThe elitism lurking at the heart of the green movement,โ€ Spiked, February 10, 2021. Archived February 15, 2021. URL:

Oโ€™Neill claimed that โ€œenvironmentalism is objectively anti-working-class. Its obsession with shrinking the โ€˜human footprint,โ€™ with reining in production and construction and economic growth, leads to fewer jobs for working people and a shrunken economic future in which society will have less leeway to support the populace, especially those who are strugglingโ€.

October 29, 2020

In an interview with Sky News, Oโ€™Neill criticised Prime Minister Boris Johnsonโ€™s views on climate change, arguing that he had been โ€œsucked into the conformist political viewโ€, and had โ€œlet the power go to his headโ€. Oโ€™Neill also stated that Johnson โ€œused to be quite critical of the excesses of environmentalism and the craziness of some climate change activists and the nonsense of the idea the world is coming to an endโ€, and had โ€œmade some really pertinent criticisms of that kind of miserablist eco-outlook that we’ve seen growing over the past three decadesโ€. Oโ€™Neill concluded, โ€œand now that he’s in power, he seems to have become this extreme-green and he wants to get to zero carbon and he wants to lecture Australia about winding down its industryโ€.26โ€œBoris Johnson has been sucked into the โ€˜conformist political viewโ€™ on climate changeโ€, Sky News, October 29, 2020. Archived November 2, 2020. URL:

October 5, 2020

In an article for Spiked entitled โ€˜COVID-19: a glimpse of the dystopia greens want us to live inโ€™, Oโ€™Neill stated that, โ€œwhen religious crackpots blame floods on gay marriage, claiming God is punishing us for losing the moral plot, we rightly mock them. Yet greens offer merely a secular version of such backward, apocalyptic claptrapโ€. He concluded that: โ€œGreens really should be careful when they talk about COVID-19 because it wonโ€™t be long before more and more people realise that this unpleasant emergency we are living through is just like the warped dystopia greens want to buildโ€.27Brendan Oโ€™Neill, โ€˜COVID-19: a glimpse of the dystopia greens want us to live inโ€™, Spiked, March 25, 2020. Archived October 5, 2020. Archive URL:

March 25, 2020

In an article for Spiked, Oโ€™Neill compared environmentalists to religious obscurantists, alleging that environmentalists envisioned a permanent COVID-19 lockdown scenario. He wrote:28Brendan Oโ€™Neill. โ€œCovid-19: a glimpse of the dystopia greens want us to live in,โ€ Spiked, March 25, 2020. Archived December 15, 2020. URL:

โ€œAnd they latch on to everything from bushfires to floods, from plagues of locusts to melting ice-caps, as signs from nature, lessons from a furious Gaia. When religious crackpots blame floods on gay marriage, claiming God is punishing us for losing the moral plot, we rightly mock them. Yet greens offer merely a secular version of such backward, apocalyptic claptrapโ€.

December 12, 2019

Oโ€™Neill argued that Greta Thunberg should not be TIME Magazineโ€™s Person of the Year saying that she has been โ€œexploited by the green movementโ€. Speaking to Julia Hartley-Brewer of talkRADIO, Oโ€™Neill argued that instead of having a โ€˜Save the Worldโ€™ campaign, we need a โ€˜Save Gretaโ€™ campaign.29โ€œWe should think less about saving the planet and more about saving Greta,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user talkRADIO on December 12, 2019. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

October 17, 2019

Oโ€™Neill appeared on Sky News Australia to discuss the Extinction Rebellion protests and described the moment commuters dragged a protestor off the roof of a train as โ€œreally positiveโ€. He went on to say; โ€œthe people have had enough and theyโ€™re fighting backโ€.30โ€œThe people have had enough of Extinction Rebellion protests,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user Sky News Australia on October 17, 2019. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

On the same day, Oโ€™Neill published a piece in Spiked where he celebrated what he called a โ€œrebellion against Extinction Rebellionโ€.31Brendan Oโ€™Neill. โ€œFinally, a rebellion against Extinction Rebellion,โ€ Spiked, October 17, 2019. Archived February 18, 2020. URL:

October 15, 2019

Oโ€™Neill spoke to Mike Graham on talkRADIO about Extinction Rebellion, suggesting that they were an โ€œextremist religious movementโ€. He also argued that the climate activists were achieving nothing:32โ€œBrendan Oโ€™Neill: Extinction Rebellionโ€™s claims have no basis in reality whatsoever,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user talkRADIO on October 15, 2019. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

โ€œI think the only thing they raised awareness of was how annoying modern-day environmentalists are, I mean these are some of the most irritating people Iโ€™ve ever encounteredโ€ฆ They achieved nothing beyond revealing that environmentalism as a political ideology has gone a bit crazyโ€.

He also said the protests were โ€œa middle-class colonisation of Londonโ€ and that Extinction Rebellionโ€™s claims had no basis in reality:33โ€œBrendan Oโ€™Neill: Extinction Rebellionโ€™s claims have no basis in reality whatsoever,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user talkRADIO on October 15, 2019. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

โ€œTheir claims that billions of people are going to die, and billions will starve or die of disease, these are not reasonable claims, theyโ€™re not based in science, theyโ€™re not based in factual evidence, theyโ€™re lies, theyโ€™re complete lies, and theyโ€™re based on nothing more than the apocalyptic fantasies of these kind of bourgeois idiots that are taking over our streetsโ€.

September 20, 2019

Speaking on a separate morning to Mike Graham on talkRADIO, Oโ€™Neill argued that young climate activists have been indoctrinated:34โ€œBrendan Oโ€™Neill: Climate change kids think theyโ€™re being rebellious,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user talkRADIO on September 20, 2019. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

โ€œThese kids have been indoctrinated by their teachers and by politicians with this kind of end of the world ideology, and theyโ€™re out on the streets just repeating that back to adults and the adults are giving them a big round of applause. The whole thing is really weird and embarrassing. These kids are not the futureโ€.

He also said: โ€œI think someone needs to say to these kids โ€˜shut the hell up, get back to school and do your Maths and English homeworkโ€™โ€.35โ€œBrendan Oโ€™Neill: Climate change kids think theyโ€™re being rebellious,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user talkRADIO on September 20, 2019. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

Oโ€™Neill went on to criticize the protestors for their โ€œmisuse of scienceโ€ by โ€œturning it into a biblical edict that everyone has to obeyโ€.36โ€œBrendan Oโ€™Neill: Climate change kids think theyโ€™re being rebellious,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user talkRADIO on September 20, 2019. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

May 14, 2019

Oโ€™Neill invited filmmaker Martin Durkin onto his podcast show.37โ€œMartin Durkin: Brexit, class and climate change โ€“ The Brendan Oโ€™Neill Show,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user Spiked on May 13, 2019. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. Durkin was the director of The Great Global Warming Swindle, a documentary film which claimed man-made global warming was a myth and was subsequently deemed by Ofcom as to have broken impartiality guidelines.38Brendan Montague. โ€œRevealed: The Inside Story of The Great Global Warming Swindle,โ€ DeSmog, August 11, 2015. 39Ben Goldacre and David Adam. โ€œClimate scientist duped to deny global warming,โ€ The Guardian, March 11, 2007. Archived February 18, 2020. URL:

They spoke about climate scientists as โ€˜being completely wrongโ€™ about human caused climate change with Oโ€™Neill saying; โ€œgreens have been wrong about everything for, I guess you can say, about 200 years if you go right back to Malthusโ€.40โ€œMartin Durkin: Brexit, class and climate change โ€“ The Brendan Oโ€™Neill Show,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user Spiked on May 13, 2019. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

March 24, 2019

Speaking on his podcast show to Matt Ridley, a climate change sceptic and advisor to the Global Warming Policy Foundation, Oโ€™Neill discussed the distrust which surrounds the scientific community. On pesticides, acid rain, over population, the ozone layer, and climate change, Oโ€™Neill said:41โ€œMatt Ridley: rational optimism and direct democracy โ€“ The Brendan Oโ€™Neill Show,โ€ YouTube video uploaded by user Spiked on March 24, 2019. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

โ€œOne of the things that strikes me is how wrong they have been consistently over the past 50 or 60 yearsโ€ฆ In each case, the big terrible awful calamity that was predicted, fails to materialiseโ€.


Social Media


  • Anti – Woke: Selected Essays by Brendan O’Neill.
  • A Duty to Offend: Selected Essays by Brendan O’Neill
  • Can I Recycle My Granny?: And Other Eco-dilemmas

Other Resources


Image credit: BBC Politics Live

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