
Michael Morgan

Michael Morgan


  • Michael Morgan’s qualifications and education were not listed on public profiles reviewed.


Michael (Mike) Morgan is a Kansas-based lobbyist for Koch Industries. Morgan also sits on the Private Enterprise Advisory Council of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a “free market” organization designed to link state legislators with corporations and create template bills.

ALEC has worked closely with the fossil fuel and tobacco industries, including ExxonMobil, Koch Industries, Peabody Energy, and Reynolds Tobacco.1Jamie Corey. “Revealed: Names of ALEC Lobbyist and Legislator Members,” Documented, March 8, 2018. Archived May 24, 2019. URL: 2Michael Morgan,” American Legislative Exchange Council. Archived May 24, 2019. URL: 3ALEC Corporations,” SourceWatch. URL: Morgan represents Koch Industries on the board, for whom he was previously director of government affairs.4Ken Vandruff. “Morgan leaving Koch Industries,” Wichita Business Journal, November 9, 2006. Archived May 24, 2019. URL:

In 2015, Morgan appeared alongside Dennis Hekde and Robert Olson, Republican members in the Kansas House of Representatives, at an event announcing a Kansas plan to end a renewable energy mandate in the state. Also there was Jeff Glendening, state director for the Kansas Chapter of Americans for Prosperity, a Koch-funded libertarian advocacy group.5Matt Kasper. “Charles Koch Distorts the Facts: Here Are The Ways His Money & Political Network Prevent Clean Energy Businesses From Succeeding,” Energy and Policy Institute, August 28, 2015. Archived May 24, 2019. URL: 6Jeff Glendening,” Americans for Prosperity. Archived May 24, 2019. URL:

The group were giving a news conference to announce a deal to water down the state’s renewable energy targets, following lobbying efforts to repeal the state’s “20 by 2020” mandate requiring electric utilities to produce at least 20% of their power from renewable resources by 2020. Americans for Prosperity had flown notorious climate science denier Willie Soon to Kansas in 2013 to testify in front of state legislators that global warming wasn’t a serious problem.7Peter Hancock. “Renewable energy bill more about ideology than environment,” Lawrence Journal-World, May 12, 2015. Archived August 13, 2016. URL:

Morgan is a Director and Executive Committee Member of the Kansas Chamber of Commerce, which “partners with other pro-business organizations and local chambers to promote business-friendly legislation,” as well as “encouraging pro-business candidates to run for office and supporting their campaigns,” according to its website. It also runs the “Chamber PAC,” which it describes as giving the “Kansas business community a channel to finance pro-business candidates.”8Chamber Board of Directors,” Kansas Chamber. Archived May 24, 2019. URL: 9About,” Kansas Chamber. Archived May 24, 2019. URL:

In 2006, Morgan also created a consulting practic.

Stance on Climate Change

Michael Morgan does not appear to have made any public statements about climate change.

Key Quotes

Michael Morgan does not appear to have been quoted recently in any major outlets.

Key Deeds

September 26, 2018

The American Legislative Exchange Council held its 45th Gala at the Trump International Hotel. Michael Morgan featured on the Gala Chairs and Committee list.10David Armiak, Arn Pearson. ““Nonpartisan” ALEC Will Celebrate 45th Gala With GOP Stars and Lobbyists at Trump Hotel,” Truthout, August 21, 2018. Archived May 24, 2019. URL:

December 3, 2015

Morgan created a controversy when he took away a Greenpeace researcher’s phone to try to delete footage of their encounter at an ALEC meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona.11Connor Gibson. “A Koch Industries Lobbyist Took My Phone! (VIDEO),” December 6, 2017. Archived May 24, 2019. URL:


Social Media

Morgan does not appear to be active on social media.


Morgan’s writings do not appear to have been published in any major outlets.

Other Resources


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