
Natural Gas Exports Lobbying Report

About the Series

DeSmogBlog and Republic Report released this report about natural gas lobbying on November 20, 2014.  Co-authored by Steve Horn and Lee Fang, the report is the result of ongoing investigations into natural gas industry lobbying for LNG exports.

Click the title to read the full PDF version, or read the series online below.

Natural Gas Exports: Washington’s Revolving Door Fuels Climate Threat (click to download PDF)

Image credit: Simon Fraser University via Flickr

In This Series


Co-authored by Lee Fang and Steve Horn. Executive Summary The 2014 U.S. congressional mid-term elections are now complete, and the Republican Party controls both the House of Representatives and ...

Key Findings  —The Obama Administration and Key Democratic Leaders Increasingly Embrace LNG Interests: While the Obama White House and Democratic Party have presented themselves as leaders in add...

Introduction A growing body of research confirms that shale gas production, including the gas drilling method known as hydraulic fracturing (”fracking”), is a significant source of greenhouse ga...

Democrats and the Obama Administration President Obama came into office pledging to tackle climate change and to “close the revolving door” between lobbyists and government. But as the LNG debate...

Message as Massage: “Our Energy Moment” The rush to hire Democrats for LNG export promotion has raised the specter of conflicts of interest for the White House and its allies. Blue Engine Message...

Bush Administration Aides and LNG Many ex-Bush Administration officials have passed through the government-industry revolving door and now lobby for or directly own key LNG industry assets. One e...

Congress  When lawmakers convened for the annual Congressional Baseball Game for Charity in July 2014, they were greeted with packets reminding them of the event’s sponsors: Cheniere, the LNG fir...

Koch Brothers and the Conservative Echo Chamber The “Kochtopus” tentacles reach into the LNG exports debate as well. “Exporting Natural Gas will bring investments and jobs into our economy,” ann...

(click image to enlarge) Conclusion: Lobbying Heats Up. So Does the Planet. “The ability to turn the tables and put the Russian leader in check lies right beneath our feet, in the form of vast s...