
Koch Industries is Lobbying Europe on Energy and the Environment

About the Series

In July 2015, DeSmog UK broke the story that Koch Industries, the largest privately owned energy company in the United States, is lobbying European policymakers on the environment, energy markets and EU free trade agreement negotiations. This is according to the Transparency Register set up by the European Commission.

Koch Industries, owned by Charles and David Koch, is known for funding climate denial groups. Between 2012 and 2015 they have spent up to £0.5m on their European lobby efforts. This DeSmog UK series takes a closer look at what the Koch Brothers are up to in Europe.

In This Series


America’s largest privately owned energy company, Koch Industries, has been lobbying on “energy markets/financial regulation” reveals new data released by the interactive lobby database, EU Integri...

The latest release of lobbying data on the European Commission’s Transparency Register has raised concerns that the fossil-fuelled Kochs are trying to influence the Transatlantic Trade and Investme...

Koch Industries, the largest privately owned energy company in the United States, is lobbying European policymakers on the environment, energy markets and EU free trade agreement negotiations, acco...