Senator Rockefeller Takes A Turn At Subverting EPA Authority To Use The Clean Air Act


Advocates of congressional action on global warming had a โ€œcase of the Mondaysโ€ this week. Not to be outdone by his Republican colleagues,ย  Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) introduced his own legislation to freeze federal efforts to curb carbonย emissions.

If enacted, bill S.231 will not be as disastrous as Senator John Barrassoโ€™s (R-WY) Defending Affordable Energy and Jobs Act, but it will nonetheless prevent (or suspend) the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from using the Clean Air Act to regulate carbon emissions from stationary sources like power plants and refineries, for twoย years.

While Rockefeller has described the perils of global warming pollution: โ€œGreenhouse gas emissions are not healthy for our Earth or for her people, and we must take serious action to reduce them,โ€ he has also led the charge amongst centrist and dirty energy funded Democrats to prevent the EPA from using clean air laws to protect public health and the environment from global warming pollution. Indeed, for his efforts, Rolling Stone named him no.9 on its list of 12 politicians and executives blocking progress on climateย action.

Since 1999, he has received some $368,850 from coal and oil interests, and during the 2005-2010 period $130,300 from the Mining industry and $107,550 from Electric Utilities.ย  He has also received close to $40,000 from Peabody Energy, the worldโ€™s largest publicly held coal company, and whose CEO Gregory Boyce ranked no.4 on the Rolling Stone list.

Rockefeller described his bill ensuring Congressional authority and protecting coalย interests:

โ€œWe must give Congress enough time to consider a comprehensive energy bill to develop the clean coal technologies we need and reduce our dependence on foreign oil, protect West Virginia and improve our environment.โ€

โ€œWe can address emissions and secure a future for the U.S. coal industry, but we need the time to get it right and to move clean coal technologyย forward.โ€

Six centrist Democrats have joined Rockefeller as bill co-sponsors, including Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Tim Johnson (D-SD), both funded by global warming denialist company Koch Industries, as well as Jim Webb (D-VA), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Joe Manchin III (D-WV) and Kent Conrad (D-ND).

Environmental groups were quick to rail against the proposed legislation. Earthjustice released a statement comparing Rockefeller to Barrasso and the successes of the Clean Airย Act:

โ€œSen. Rockefeller is standing in line with Sen. Barrasso as an advocate for the nationโ€™s dirtiest industrial polluters, giving them a free pass to pollute our air without restraint. It is unacceptable that our elected leaders are pushing for legislation that prioritizes corporate polluter special interests and costs Americans clean air.โ€

โ€œDefending the Clean Air Act means defending our economy, our health and our nationโ€™s bottom line. This new legislation is simply a continued effort on the part of dirty energy companies who throw around money on Capitol Hill to get out of air pollution controls that protect our public healthย protections.โ€

Frank Oโ€™Donnell, head of Clean Air Watch discussed the implications of Rockefellerโ€™s bill, introduced on the heels ofย Barrassoโ€™s:

โ€œOne of the lessons of political history is that extremes help define the middle, and in this case, even though we believe that Rockefeller is extreme, Barrasso is ultra, ultraย extreme.โ€

The Hill also cited a refinery industry lobbyist who said the idea behind the Barrasso measure isย to:

โ€œโ€ฆcreate enough space for Rockefeller plus somethingย else.โ€

โ€œA two-year delay by itself does nothing except kick the can down the road. What is needed is for the agencyโ€™s ability to do certain things relative to GHG emissions to be checked for some time longer than that, or for the issue to be teed up for the 2012ย elections.โ€

There are several certainties about the Rockefeller bill: it empowers climate skeptics in Congress, it sends the wrong message on global warming action, and it is a sign of things to come with more polluter-friendly legislation looming on theย horizon.

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