Will Matt Ridley Turn This Flourishing Planet Into A Massive Northern Rock?


This DeSmog UK epic history post remembers how Northern Rock, the first bank run in the UK since Victorian times, crashed with Matt Ridley at theย helm.

Matt Ridley is an Eton- and Oxford-educated member of the British aristocracy with a sprawling 8,500-acre estate and a loving family. He is a talented and popular science writer and is a member of the influential Science and Technology Committee in the House ofย Lords.

Ridley wants us to trust him with our future: the future of the entire planet. We must ignore the increasingly concerned warnings of the worldโ€™s leading climate scientists that rising temperatures will lead to mass starvation through famine and water stress, and perhaps then civil war.

The graduate in zoology has been attacking climate science since 1996 when, as a Telegraph columnist, he repeated the denier claims of the Environment Unit of the Institute of Economic Affairs, which is, in turn, funded by oil, tobacco and pharmaceuticalย companies.

Trustย Me

The Viscount has perused the literature and spoken to those in the know; he has his ear to the ground, and whispers into the ears of newspaper proprietors including Rupert Murdoch and politicians including family member Owen Paterson. Relax, he says, trust me. The risks are not that high, everything will likely go on as usual: no reason to fear theย future.

This is exactly what he would have told thousands of working class families across the North of England when they trusted their savings with, or took out mortgages from, Northern Rock, the regional mutual that had been transformed under Ridley into a thrusting financialย powerhouse.

Ridley is a keen supporter of neoliberal economics โ€“ the belief that markets are self-correcting and based on the actions of logical agents all working in their own self-interest. Modern free market economics โ€“ relied on by banks modelling risk โ€“ rests on the assumption that everyone knows the price of everything, and prices include the cost of futureย events.

According to this economic model, crises do not happen and banks cannot fail. The whizz-kids on Wall Street understood the markets, all knowledge was perfect, risk had been measured and sold to insurance companies, and everything would likely go on as usual, no reason to fear theย future.

Neoliberalย Experiment

Northern Rock demutualised in October 1997, which meant it was no longer owned and accountable to its members. This was made possible by the deregulation of the markets masterminded by Nigel Lawson as Toryย chancellor.

The company was at the leading edge of โ€œa neoliberal experiment that, in the name of individual freedom, was constructed to revive the flagging fortunes of capitalism following an extended period of stalled growth during theย 1970s.โ€

The Rock had assets of ยฃ15.8 billion at that time but within a decade had grown six-fold with ยฃ101 billion in assets on its books โ€“ mostly secured lending on familiesโ€™ homes. Things were going incredibly well. Until theyย werenโ€™t.

The company was taking out very short-term loans cheaply on the international markets and then using the cash to lend mortgages sometimes lasting more than 30 years. They would then sell these mortgages to the international markets (before any defaults) in what is now widely known as โ€œsecuritisationโ€.

Mortgageย Crisis

Then, on 9 August 2007, the traders at the Rock noticed a โ€œdislocation in the marketโ€. The sub-prime mortgage crisis in the United States was starting to unfold, liquidity in the international markets crystallised as lenders got spooked, and people stopped offering cheap loans to Ridley and hisย bank.

Ridley, giving evidence to a parliamentary inquiry, told of how he had assumed that lenders would still offer cash to his โ€œqualityโ€ bank once the crisis of toxic loans became apparent. He also never expected an international crisis of the markets, feeling safer by borrowing from the US, Europe, the Far East andย beyond.

โ€œWe deliberately diversified our funding platform,โ€ he whimpered. โ€œThe idea that all markets would close simultaneously was unforeseen by any major authority.โ€ Mistakes were made, it seems, but not byย Ridley.

Profitย Warning

Mervyn King, then Governor of the Bank of England, seemed less than sympathetic to this blamestorming. Ridley and his bank had failed to take out adequate insurance against a liquidity crisis, unlike Countrywide in the United States, which had allowed for some possibility of marketย failure.

The share price of Northern Rock had been sliding throughout the year but the firm was forced to put out a profit warning on 27 June 2007, resulting in the bank losing 10 percent of its value over night. In less than a month, its shares lost a third of theirย value.

Ridley was absolutely humiliated. โ€œOn 30 August 2007, Sir Ian Gibson, senior independent director at Northern Rock, asked for, and received, agreement by each member of the board of Northern Rock to resign should such resignations be needed,โ€ read the House of Commons investigationย report.

Panic set in. The BBC reported at 8.30pm on September 13 that year that Northern Rock had asked for and been granted emergency funding from the Bank of England, to prevent insolvency andย collapse.

โ€œThat day,โ€ the House of Commons recalled, โ€œlong queues began to form outside some of Northern Rockโ€™s branches; later its website collapsed and its phone lines were reported to be jammed. The first bank run in the United Kingdom since Victorian times wasย underway.โ€

Ridleyย Resigns

Ridley did not appeal to his depositors to put the interests of their friendly mutual ahead of their own panic and self-interest. He did not have the charisma of James Stewartโ€™s George Bailey in Itโ€™s a Wonderful Life. More to the point, Ridley had advocated free markets, self-interest, and that greed isย good.

And his bank collapsed. Ridley announced his resignation on 19ย October:

โ€œThe directors of Northern Rock were the principle authors of the difficulties that the company has faced since August 2007. It is right that members of the Board of Northern Rock have been replaced, although haphazardly since the company became dependent on liquidity support from the Bank ofย England.

โ€œThe high-risk, reckless business strategy of Northern Rock, with its reliance on short and medium term wholesale funding and an absence of sufficient insurance and aย  failure to arrange standby facility or cover that risk, meant it was unable toย copeโ€ฆโ€

Virginย Money

The bank was taken into Government ownership, the most profound humiliation for the staunch advocate of the free market and attacker of the nanny state. It owed the government ยฃ26.9 billion by the end of theย year.

The government later sold the firm to Richard Bransonโ€™s company for ยฃ747 million and it was rebranded Virgin Money, with ยฃ73 million paid a few months later. The taxpayer โ€“ through the government โ€“ suffered an immediate loss of the same magnitude while still owning the โ€œtoxicโ€ part of the bank that was creaking with bad debts. The social costs wereย unprecedented.

Matt Ridley said at the time: โ€œIย enormously regretย what happened at Northern Rock. Itโ€™s an incredibly painful memory for me, and itโ€™s something that I will live with for the rest of my life. I have nothing but remorse for my role in what happened. Iโ€™ve apologised and explained as much asย Iย canโ€ฆโ€

Unfortunately for everyone else on this planet, this regret did not translate into a humbleness about his inability to understand capitalism, the international markets, risk, uncertainty, and โ€“ one might argue โ€“ย reason.

Up next in the DeSmog UK epic history series: how neoliberalism almost broke capitalism (and what this might tell us about free markets and theย environment).ย 

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