Trump's Team Tells EPA "Changes Will Likely Come" as Leaked Plan Highlights "Problems with EPA Science"


Earlier this week, staffers at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received their first official email from the new administration. โ€œChanges will likely come, and when they do, we will work together to implement them,โ€ wrote Don Benton, a senior White House adviser who is now leading the so-called โ€œbeachheadโ€ team for the EPAโ€™s transition, in the email published by E&E News.

DeSmog dives into what we know about the EPA beachhead team (including what it is and who is on it), whom its members are connected to, and what the EPA shouldย expect from the Trumpย team.

First, who is Don Benton, and what is a beachhead team? Benton is a former Washington state legislator (with a history of endorsing conspiracy theories)ย and the beachhead team is the current incarnation of the EPA transition team, working at the agency to handle the transition until a new administrator isย confirmed.

Agency transitions tend to be complicated and confusing, and this one is particularly so. So letโ€™s take a quick step back and trace the brief but chaotic history of the transfer of power at the EPA. Before President Donald Trump officially took office, his EPA transition team was being lead by Myron Ebell, the notorious climate science denier from the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Weโ€™ve learned recently that Ebell never actually spoke to Trump, that he was actually recruited by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (who not long after lost his role on the Trump team), and that Ebell oversaw the creation of an โ€œagency action plan.โ€ That plan is confidential, and Ebell has refused to talk about it, but Axios received a leaked version and published some startling, if not surprising, details, including plans to fundamentally alter the agency’s reliance onย science.

The following introduces what the plan calls โ€œproblems with EPAย scienceโ€:

โ€œEPA does not use science to guide regulatory policy as much as it uses regulatory policy to steer the science. This is an old problem at EPA. In 1992, a blue-ribbon panel of EPA science advisers that [sic] ‘science should not be adjusted to fit policy.’ But rather than heed this advice, EPA has greatly increased its scienceย manipulation.โ€

On Inauguration Day, Ebell stepped down from Trumpโ€™s EPA transition team (or was relieved of his duties โ€” itโ€™s not entirely clear), and the new 10-member beachhead team was announced. This team is being led by Benton and Charles Munoz, a 27-year-old who led Trumpโ€™s presidential campaign in Nevada, where he had also launched the state chapter of Americans for Prosperity.

The beachhead team members have 90 day contracts, and traditionally such a teamโ€™s role is to prepare the agency staff and bureaucracy for the arrival of the new administrator. As weโ€™ve reported extensively on DeSmog, Trump nominated Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to serve as EPA administrator, and he faced a contentious confirmation hearing before the Senateโ€™s Committee for Environment and Public Works.

Yesterday, Democratic senators on the committee boycotted the confirmation vote, demanding more information from Pruittโ€™s office about his โ€œunprecedented, secretive allianceโ€ with fossil fuel companies, and calling out his officeโ€™s refusal to comply with dozens of Freedom of Information Act requests from journalists and researchers from the Center for Media and Democracy. Today, Republicans on the committee suspended the rules to push through the Pruitt vote.

Thanks to a gag order and social media freeze ordered by the Trump administration, thereโ€™s little information making it out of the agency, either about what staff is working on or how the beachhead team is managing theย transition.

Last week, Doug Ericksen, communications director for Trumpโ€™s EPA transition team, told NPR that the agency planned to review all of its scientistsโ€™ studies on a โ€œcase by case basisโ€ prior to publication. Employees were also told to โ€œscrubโ€ EPA‘s climate change web pages, although the administration backed off that charge. Ericksen told Bloomberg BNA that the agency plans to restore full communications rights, including social media, โ€œas soon asย possible.โ€

Until we learn more, hereโ€™s what we do know about the beachhead team and some notable affiliations, mapped out using the LittleSis platform.

Koch and Coalย Connections

Charles Munoz is the White House liaison to the EPA landing team, and was a top Trump organizer in his home state of Nevada. Munoz helped launch the Nevada chapter of Americans for Prosperity, a political advocacy group funded by theย Kochs.

David Schnare, who has waged intimidation campaigns against climate scientists, worked for 33 years at the EPA before joining a number of Koch-affiliatedย entities.

Schnare is director of the the Free Market Environmental Law Clinic at George Mason University, which serves as the official attorney for the Energy and Environment Legal Institute. Both are funded extensively by Donors Capital Fund and Donors Trust. Schnare is also an energy policy expert at the Heartland Institute.

David Kreutzer was a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a group funded by foundations controlled by Kochย Industries

After working atย the EPA during the George W. Bush administration, George Sugiyama lobbied for the National Mining Association. Sugiyama also served as legal adviser to the Republican minority, led by Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe, on the Senate environment committee. Inhofe is arguably the best-known climate science denier in Congress and famously declared climate change to be aย โ€œhoax.โ€

Washington State’s Worst onย Climate

Two Washington state officials, described as the state’s โ€œmost radical small government lawmakers,โ€ have been assigned key posts on the beachhead team. Don Benton, who once introduced legislation based on Agenda 21 conspiracy theories, is the Senior White House Advisor to the EPA transition. And Doug Ericksen is serving as communications director for the transitionย team.

Described by the Seattle Times as โ€œan ally of the fossil-fuel industry,โ€ Doug Ericksen was named by Washington Conservation Voters as among the stateโ€™s โ€œDirty Dozenโ€ worstย politicians.

Ericksen wants to make it a felony for oil-by-rail protests to block train tracks, describing it as โ€œeconomic terrorism,โ€ although the Seattle Times notes that Ericksenโ€™s motive is โ€œpunishing environmentalists, tribal activists and others who have illegally obstructed oil and coal trains, pipelines and similar projects.โ€ The Times notes, โ€œMore than going after individual protesters, Ericksen said the legislationโ€™s goal is to target wealthy, liberal donors, such as billionaires George Soros or Tom Steyer, and organizations such as the Sierra Club, for sponsoring disruptive demonstrations. They could be held liable for damages under theย bill.โ€

Shannon Murphy, head of the Washington Conservation Voters, said, โ€œSen. Ericksenโ€™s and Bentonโ€™s environmental records speak for themselves. They are both climate deniers who have consistently voted against protecting clean air and water for communities across theย state.โ€

The Rest of theย Team

Patrick Davis ran Trump’s campaign in Colorado, and before that was accused of defrauding a wealthy super PAC by steering money to fake organizations โ€œrunโ€ by Davis and his friends.ย ย 

Layne Bangerter headed the Trump campaign in Idaho, and most recently worked with Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID), whose website claims that the cause of changes to the Earth’s climate โ€œis ultimately not well-understood and is a matter of vigorous debate.โ€ Koch Industries donated $40,000 to Crapo’sย campaignย fromย 2013-2014.

Justin Schwab is serving as the main legal advisor and is currently an attorney at the corporate law firm Baker Hostetler in Washington,ย D.C.ย 

Holly Greaves is working on budget issues and was most recently a public accountant for KPMG, which works with a number of oil,ย gas, and utilityย industryย clients.

Main image: The extent of the Trump administration’s plan to shift how the EPA performs and uses scientific research is still emerging. Shown, an EPA engineering technician researchesย potentialย techniques to reduce and preventย lead from leaching into drinking water. Credit: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, publicย domain

Ben Jervey is a Senior Fellow for DeSmog and directs the project. He is a freelance writer, editor, and researcher, specializing in climate change and energy systems and policy. Ben is also a Research Fellow at the Institute for Energy and the Environment at Vermont Law School. He was the original Environment Editor for GOOD Magazine, and wrote a longstanding weekly column titled โ€œThe New Ideal: Building the clean energy economy of the 21st Century and avoiding the worst fates of climate change.โ€ He has also contributed regularly to National Geographic News, Grist, and OnEarth Magazine. He has published three booksโ€”on eco-friendly living in New York City, an Energy 101 primer, and, most recently, โ€œThe Electric Battery: Charging Forward to a Low Carbon Future.โ€ He graduated with a BA in Environmental Studies from Middlebury College, and earned a Masterโ€™s in Energy Regulation and Law at Vermont Law School. A bicycle enthusiast, Ben has ridden across the United States and through much ofย Europe.

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