As Cleanup Dispute Looms, Peabody-Linked Group Pushes Navajo Nation to Buy West's Largest Coal Plant


In September 2018, two prospective buyers announced they were dropping out of negotiations to purchase the Navajo Generating Station (NGS), the Americanย Westโ€™s largest coal-fired powerย plant.

Avenue Capital Group and Middle River Power had sought to keep the aging coal plant in business, but โ€œsaid they could not get anyone to commit to buying power from the plant, delaying the start of an environmental review,โ€ the Associated Press reported. The plant, located in northern Arizona near the Utah border,ย is currently scheduled to shut down in December, after its current owners concluded in 2017 that its power was too costly to beย competitive.

The two firms had progressed further in talks with the coal power plantโ€™s owners than any of the 15 others identified as potential buyers by a consulting firm hired by Peabody Energy, which for decades has mined the coal burned at theย plant.

A think tank thatโ€™s been backed by Peabody Energy is pushing the sale of the ailing plant and coal mine โ€” and is now finding an audience in the Navajo Nation with the help of a Heartland Institute policy advisor.

Supporters of the deal argue it could forestall layoffs for another five to 10 years in a region where jobs are scarce. Even during decades of mining for coal and uranium and drilling for oil and gas, unemployment in the region has hovered around 50 percent.

Local opponents warn that if the Navajo Nation buys the mine, it will also buy the cleanup costs. Theyโ€™ve proposed creating jobs by building a renewable energy power system in the area instead, using the coal plantโ€™s existing transmission lines to transport that electricity to places like Los Angeles andย Pheonix.

Coal andย Water

Peabody, which emerged from bankruptcy in 2017, owns the Kayenta coal mine on Navajo Nation land. Kayenta mineโ€™s only customer is the Navajo Generating Station and its three 750-megawatt generators. Since the 1960s, Peabody has mined coal from Kayenta and other mines on Black Mesa, a mountainous region of Hopi and Navajo land in the northeastern corner ofย Arizona.

Itโ€™s the coal seams that make Black Mesa black โ€” and itโ€™s the coal mines that locals say dried up the groundwater that thousands of people living in the region rely on. Over 8,000 homes on Navajo lands here lack access to drinking water, according to Stanfordโ€™s Water in theย West.

Kayenta coal mine
The Kayenta Mine, a surface coal mine in the Navajo Nation in Arizona. Credit: Doc Searls,ย CC BYย 2.0

The Kayenta coal mine, a 44,000-acre strip mine connected to the Navajo Generating Station by rail, uses 1.3 billion gallons of water a year. Locals report that the coal mine has drained the arid regionโ€™s underground water supply, drying up the springs, seeps and water wells fed by the N-aquifer under Black Mesa that have historically made this corner of Arizonaย habitable.

โ€œWe donโ€™t have any water, I donโ€™t have any water โ€” simply because itโ€™s been dedicated all to the Peabody mine,โ€ said Percy Deal, a retiree and former Navajo Council supervisor who has lived his entire life on Black Mesa just south of the Kayenta mine, on land where his familyย has lived forย generations.

Locals must now drive significant distances to community springs to fill up 50-gallon drums of water to use in their homes, for their livestock, and occasionally for agriculturalย use.

โ€œI haul water just like thousands of people, we have to haul water,โ€ Deal said, estimating that he had to make the drive,ย roughly 20 miles each way,ย about every otherย week.

When the coal mine and power plant shut down for good, decommissioning and cleanup are slated to begin โ€” and already there are signs that disputes over who will have to pay those costs are on theย horizon.

Nicole Horseherder testifies
Nicole Horseherder, executive director ofย Tรณ Nizhรณnรญ รnรญ, testified before Congress about the Navajo Generating Station last year.

On February 13 a legal notice was sent to Peabody Western Coal Co. by Tรณ Nizhรณnรญ รnรญ (a Navajo community organization advocating for water on Black Mesa), Black Mesa Water Coalition, and the Sierra Club, asserting that a Peabody estimate for โ€œfinal reclamation costsโ€ shows $187.9 million in expected expenses. The notice alleges that in April 2017, Peabody sent a notice to Navajo Generating Stationโ€™s owners informing them that Peabody holds them liable for 71.4 percent of the mineโ€™s reclamationย costs.

The February 13 notice claims Peabody broke the law by failing to tell federal mining regulators that the mine was closing and that it sought to shift cleanup liability onto the shoulders of others during a subsequent permitย renewal.

โ€œPeabody is trying to sidestep its reclamation responsibilities by pretending the Navajo Generating Station isnโ€™t on track to close in 2019, but it is, and thatโ€™s been the case for two years,โ€ Jihan Gearon, executive director of Black Mesa Water Coalition, said in aย statement.

Buyers Backย Out

As coal has struggled to compete against cheaper power from other sources (including natural gas, a fossil fuel whose prices have plunged amid the shale gas rush), coal power plants across the U.S. have been shuttered. Over 260 coal plants have closed since 2010, and the carbon-intensive fossil fuelโ€™s share of the countryโ€™s power market has plunged from more than half to less than a third in the past 15ย years.

Competition from other fuels โ€” not only from natural gas, which brings climate change concerns potentially even more severe than coal, but also from renewable energy โ€” has becomeย fierce.

โ€œCoal is the most expensive fuel for electricity generation on the market, with electricity from the [Four Corners Generating Station, another coal plant on Navajo land] costing around $79 per MWH [megawatt-hour] as compared to $18 per MWH for wind power (with storage) and $35 per MWH for utility scale solar power with storage,โ€ Tom Ribe, executive director of Caldera Action, wrote in a Januaryย 22 column published by The New Mexico Political Report. โ€œNatural gas power plants generate power at around $63 per MWH.โ€

In fact, the Central Arizona Project, a local water utility, struck a deal to replace some of the power from the Navajo Generating Station with solar generation, an agreement that would provide electricity at half the cost of power from the coal plant, GreenTechMedia reported inย June.

Itโ€™s in this environment that in September, Avenue Capital and Middle River Power walked away from a deal that the coal plant’sย supporters had hoped might extend its life (DeSmog previously covered protests in New York against that deal). A spokesperson for the buyers explained to the Navajo Times that they had been unable to secure commitments from customers to buy enough power โ€œto enable a workable operatingย paradigm.โ€

Making theย Transition

Another potential buyer may now be waiting in the wings. In January, the Navajo Times reported that the Navajo Transitional Energy Company (NTEC) had approved a measure to continue negotiations to buy up the plant and mine on behalf of the Navajo Nation. NTEC, which describes itself as โ€œa wholly owned limited liability company of the Navajo Nation,โ€ previously purchased the Navajo Mine supplying coal to the Four Corners Powerย Plant.

Nearly 500 people โ€” 90 percent of whom are Navajo โ€” work full time at the Navajo Generating Station,ย and hundreds more work in the Kayenta coal mine. The Hopi and Navajo tribal governments also bring in roughly $50 million a year in revenues from theย plant.

โ€œClosing the [Navajo Generating Station]ย in 2019 would have a devastating impact on our nation by immediately eliminating thousands of jobs andย dramaticallyย reducing our revenue,โ€ Russell Begaye, then-president of the Navajo Nation, wrote in a 2017 The Hill op-ed calling on the Trump administration to fulfill Trumpโ€™s pledge to โ€œbring backย coal.โ€

Navajo Generating Station
The Navajo Generating Station. Credit: Doc Searls,ย CC BYย 2.0

With those efforts failing, NTEC is looking into acquiring the power station and the Kayenta mine. โ€œWe believe there is a clear and beneficial path forward to acquire and operate both [the Navajo Generating Station] and Kayenta Mine as a vertically-integrated entity,โ€ NTEC CEO Clark Moseley said in a statement reported later thatย month.

Other Navajo Nation members are critical of the deal, arguing that a purchase would be financially risky for the Navajo Nation since other prospective buyers concluded the plant couldnโ€™t be profitablyย run.

They add that even if the plant does close, some jobs will remain โ€” and some new ones will openย up.

Roughly a third of the coal plant’s employees signed on to work at another regional power plant, others would remain to decommission the plant and start cleanup, and still more can get jobs building new solar facilities that would use the Navajo Generating Station’s transmissionย lines.

โ€œTheyโ€™re scaring the people saying that all of the jobs will be lost,โ€ said Deal. โ€œThereโ€™s going to be a period of five to six years for decommissioning, cleanup, and restoration โ€” and thereโ€™s going to be jobsย there.โ€

โ€œWhen they said thereโ€™s going to be 700 jobs lost,โ€ he said, โ€œthat just simply isnโ€™tย true.โ€

Peabody-Linked Texas Public Policy Foundation Behind Video Toutingย Jobs

NTEC is run by three former coal company executives โ€” all hailing from companies that have troubled histories, critics say. NTECโ€™s CEO previously led a coal export project in Oregon which was defeated following local opposition, its CFO was a vice president at Alpha Natural Resources, which filed for bankruptcy in 2015, and its COO left the now-bankrupt Westmoreland Coal for NTEC inย 2016.

A new website,, was first created in Septemberย 2018.

Screen shot of Texas Public Policy's video about the Navajo Generating Station on the website Save Native American Families
The Peabody-linked Texas Public Policy Foundation’s video about the Navajo Generating Station featured on the website Save Native Americanย Families.

Gerges Scott, the only representative named on the Save Native American Families (SNAF) website, works for a Washington, D.C.-based public relations firm called Agenda Global. โ€œAt Agenda Global, Gerges Scott leads the energy unit that helps industry clients overcome challenges related to regulatory, government, media, and community support,โ€ his firm bio says. โ€œGerges has represented an array of organizations โ€” from industry coalitions to actively producing energyย companies.โ€

An undated curriculum vitae for Scott also lists the โ€œNavajo Nation,โ€ which wholly owns NTEC, as one of his clients. Scott serves as a โ€œPolicy Advisorโ€ for the fossil fuel-funded think tank the Heartland Institute, according to the institute’s โ€œWho Are Weโ€ web page.

The SNAF site features a video praising the Navajo Generating Station that was published on YouTube in August 2018 by the Texas Public Policy Foundation, part of its Life:Powered project. โ€œExtreme environmentalist policies will eliminate jobs, destroy families, and spike electric bills in the Navajo Nation and across America,โ€ a slide at the end of the video says. It suggests jobs at the coal plantย could continue another decade if it stayedย open.

So why is a Texas-based organization making a video about the Navajo Generatingย Station?

It’s worth noting that while the Texas Public Policy Foundation‘s mission is explicitly centered on Texas (and Texas does not buy power from the Navajo Generating Station), the foundation does have direct financial ties to Peabody Energy, which owns the Kayentaย mine.

The Texas Public Policy Foundation is listed as a creditor in Peabodyโ€™s Chapter 11 bankruptcy documents from 2016 published by the watchdog group Center for Media andย Democracy.

โ€œAlthough the documents filed so far do not show the scale or precise dates of funding โ€” they only list current creditors โ€” they demonstrate for the first time that Peabody Energy has financial ties to a very large proportion of the network of groups promoting disinformation around climate change,โ€ the center reported at the time, specifically noting that the Texas Public Policy Foundation had โ€œdirect financial ties toย Peabody.โ€

Peabody told investors that it was planning for an October shutdown of the mine, E&E reported earlier this month, but a company spokesperson added that Peabody โ€œcontinues to supportโ€ a transition that would keep the Navajo Generating Stationย and the Kayenta mineย open.

And Peabody, locals say, has a big incentive to support aย deal.

โ€œThey have everything to gain if they can pass on their liability for this dying plant, the dying mine,โ€ Nicole Horseherder, the executive director of the Navajo group Tรณ Nizhรณnรญ รnรญ, who also lives near the mine, toldย DeSmog.

If the Navajo Nation were to buy the plant and mine, Peabody could shift liability for the shutdown onto the shoulders of the Nation. While supporters of a deal point towards an escrow fund they say has kept โ€œtens of millions of dollarsโ€ established for cleanup costs, critics say that Peabodyโ€™s own numbers show costs could run far higher thanย that.

โ€œThereโ€™s not going to be a proper reclamation program, thereโ€™s not going to be a proper cleanup program, thatโ€™s what weโ€™re worried about,โ€ Dealย said.

Instead, both said they supported requiring Peabody to clean up after itself and creating new jobs by investing in solar power on Navajoย lands.

โ€œAll of the pieces are there to actually put renewable energy on those transmission lines,โ€ Horseherder told DeSmog. โ€œWe just need to come to terms that [the Navajo Generating Station] has got to closeย first.โ€

Main image: Navajo Generating Station 2, Located near Page, Arizona.ย the Navajo Generating Station is a coal-fired power plant consisting of three 750 MWย units. Credit: Alan Stark,ย CC BYSAย 2.0
Sharon Kelly is an attorney and investigative reporter based in Pennsylvania. She was previously a senior correspondent at The Capitol Forum and, prior to that, she reported for The New York Times, The Guardian, The Nation, Earth Island Journal, and a variety of other print and online publications.

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