DNC Will Take Fossil Fuel Money After All


By Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch. Reposted with permission from EcoWatch.

That was fast. Just two months after the Democratic National Committee (DNC)ย unanimously prohibitedย donations fromย fossil fuelย companies, the DNC voted 30-2 on Friday, August 11ย on a resolution that critics say effectively reverses the ban,ย The Huffington Postย reported.

Theย resolution, introduced by DNC Chair Tom Perez, allows the committee to accept donations from โ€œworkers, including those in energy and related industries, who organize and donate to Democratic candidates individually or through their unions’ or employers’ political action committeesโ€ or PACs.

It conflicts with theย original resolutionย that called on the committee to โ€œreject corporate PAC contributions from the fossil fuel industry that conflict with our DNCย Platform.โ€

In a conference call after the vote, Perez said that members of the labor community considered the original resolution passed in June โ€œan attack on the working people in these industries,โ€ perย The Hill.

He insisted that the DNC is still committed to the Democratic Party platform, โ€œwhich states unequivocally our support for combatingย climate change.โ€

DNC executive committee member Christine Pelosi, co-author of the original resolution and the daughter of House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, tweeted Friday that the committee โ€œNEVER consulted me on language to reverse my resolution banning corporate fossil fuel PACย money.โ€

Pelosi proposed an amendment Friday that would remove the words โ€œemployers’ political action committeesโ€ but the motion failedย 4-28.

A DNC spokeswoman disputed accusations that the committee is backtracking on its earlier resolution, telling HuffPo it’s โ€œnot a reversalโ€ and that โ€œany review of our current donations reflectsโ€ the Democrats’ โ€œcommitmentโ€ to no longer take money from the fossil fuel industry. The spokeswoman offered no furtherย comment.

Jerald Lentini, deputy director of the Democratic fundraising groupย It Starts Today,ย explainedย to HuffPo that the new proposal may only apply to Democratic campaigns, meaning it does not fully annul the first resolution. However, as Lentini noted, it would still โ€œrepudiate the spiritโ€ ofย it.

Environmentalists and progressive Democrats decried the DNC‘sย move.

โ€œWhy in the age of Trump, wildfires, and eminent domain for private gain are we using land gauge and stances of the GOP? Many of us will fight this at DNC meeting in August,โ€ย Bold Nebraskaย founder and Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Fleming Kleebย tweeted.

New York gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon, who has sworn off any corporate donations and has joined hundreds of politicians that have signed theย No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge, had a similar sentiment: โ€œYou can’t do right when you’re getting donations from companies that doย wrong.โ€

โ€œHonestly, these people are bound and determined to deflate and demobilize their base,โ€ย tweetedย author and activist Naomiย Klein.

What’s more, the text of the new resolution embraces an โ€œall-of-the-above energy economyโ€ that includes clean and low-emissions energy technology, โ€œfrom renewables to carbon capture and storage to advanced nuclearย technology.โ€

350.orgย co-founder Bill McKibben criticized the measure andย notedย that the โ€œnew DNC proposal would support an ‘all of the above’ energy policy which the last party platform explicitly rejects. This is a bad idea, on both scientific and politicalย grounds.โ€

In 2016, the Democratic National Committeeย axed its supportย for an โ€œall-of-the-aboveโ€ energy policy and calls for having the nation run โ€œentirely on clean energy byย midcentury.โ€

Main image:ย Tom Perez, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, in 2016.ย Credit:ย Gage Skidmore, CC BYSAย 2.0


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