So-Called Skeptics Clinging To Slippery Strands Of Climate Science Denial


This a guest post by Professor Stephan Lewandowsky, of the University of Westernย Australia.

THE guy next to you in the pub turns around and says, โ€œPopcorn doesnโ€™t existโ€โ€ฆ and he adds, โ€œbut it grows naturally on trees! And itโ€™s good forย you!โ€

Popcorn doesnโ€™t exist but grows naturally on trees and is good for you? Would you entrust that fellow with the lives of your children if their future depended on logical coherence? No. No one would place any confidence in suchย incoherence.

Sadly, the public in some countries – in particular in Australia and the U.S. – is drenched in such incoherence in the form of climate denial. This incoherence often goesย undetected.

To see why, it is helpful to analyze those messages from purported โ€œskepticsโ€ in some detail. For example, earlier this week on the same day that Australiaโ€™s only national broadsheet, the Rupert Murdoch-owned Theย Australian, received an adjudication by the Press Councilย against themย for likening wind energy to pedophilia – yes, theyย really did say thatย –ย the paper also ran a piece that proclaimed future global warming to be minimal and beneficial to theย planet.

Yes theyย really did say that, by dutifully reprinting a piece that ran in the Murdoch-ownedย Wall Street Journalย the day before. Is there any truth to this comfortingย news?

No.ย To see why, it is helpful to survey the three major strands of climateย denial.

The first strand is to deny the fact that the globe is warming. This strand waxes and wanes, and its prominence may well depend on local conditions. No point in making a preposterous claim about the planet cooling in Houston, for example, when Texas is suffering from an exceptional heatย wave.

But when Australia or the United Kingdom is cool, relative to the remainder of the globe, then that old canard of warming having stopped can be temporarily sold to the public in those placesโ€”because people primarily rely on their own personal experiences, rather than scientific data, when judging the truthfulness of statements about theย climate.

This very human tendency to rely on personal experiences makes it easy for deniers to sprout falsehoods by choosing a time and place where their release might beย effective.

In actual fact, by the way, the oceans are accumulating energy at the rate of the equivalent ofย 3-5 hiroshima bombs per second. No, that is not a misprint, it is around 240 trillion watts per second, which is equivalent to around 3-5 nuclear bombs. Every second of every minute of every hour of everyย day.

As the evidence for warming has become incontrovertible, denial has shifted to its next strandโ€”no point in denying the existence of popcorn if everyone can see the kernels. This strand acknowledges the warming but puts it down to โ€œnaturalย fluctuation.โ€

Huzzah! The popcorn that a moment ago didnโ€™t exist is now all natural. Never mind that the โ€œnatural fluctuationsโ€ of past climates expressed themselves over time scales measured in the thousands and millions of years, not the few decades during which temperatures have rapidly risen since the 1970s. And never mind that weโ€™ve known about the thermal properties of greenhouse gases since the middle of the 19thย century, and never mind that the next IPCC report will likely beย virtually certainย that the warming is caused by humanย activities.

In light of all this evidence, enter the third strand of denial. It acknowledges that warming exists, and that humans cause it, but that itโ€™s going to be minimal andย beneficial.

Huzzah! The non-existent popcorn that became all natural is now produced by humans and, hey, itโ€™s good for you. Have a handful more, mate, because popcorn makers are people too and they want their profits toย increase.

When considered together, the incoherence of denial is obvious. But by judicious timing of those messages, deniers can exploit the human tendency to focus on personal experience and on each statement inย isolation.

Aided by irresponsible or ill-informed media outlets, our human cognitive limitations enable such incoherent denial to find publicย traction.

But setting aside the incoherence of denial, what about this latest claim inย The Wall Street Journal,ย rehashed inย The Australian, that warming may exist and may be human caused, but that itโ€™s actually good for us? That claim is coherent and so it could be true, couldnโ€™t it? Yes, it could be, but itย isnโ€™t.

It isnโ€™t true because the claim rests on a misrepresentation of the implications of the one peer-reviewed study it cites, byย Ring and colleagues.

When I contacted one of the authors, Professor Michael Schlesinger of the University of Illinois, he replied โ€œThe author of theย Wall Street Journalย article that mentions the findings of our paper is just plain wrong about future warming.ย Our research shows that global warming will exceed 2ยฐC, defined as dangerous climate change, by the middle of thisย century.โ€

To illustrate, Professor Schlesinger provided this figure fromย one of his recent papers:

Now here is the question that should be of greatest interest to all true skeptics: How does this graph get translated into โ€œminimal warming that is beneficial for usโ€ in the opinion pages of theย Wall Street Journalย and its little antipodean appendage? The answer is notย โ€œskepticism.โ€

Itโ€™sย denial.

Denial to distract from the fact that the recently-leaked IPCC draft report concluded that it is nowย virtually certainย that warming is caused by humanย activities.

Virtually certain means 99% certainty –ย thatโ€™s up from 90% in the previous report. As the science gets more and more incontrovertible, denial becomes more and moreย desperate.

Image courtesy of Vlado /


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