– Another "friend" of science?


Update: Friends of Science advertised CC101

Update #2: In the website coding, the mailing address is the same for the CC101 and the Friends of Science. Hereโ€™s a screenshot. [thanks for the tip from one of our greatย commenters!]

A new โ€œgrassrootsโ€ organization has emerged – coincidentally on the same server as the rightfully maligned Friends of Science. arose this month, as if from nowhere and it offers narry a name or address on its website. The About Us section says only that, โ€œWe are a group of private citizens who have studied all aspects of climate change for manyย years.โ€

(Update: Thanks to the good folks at Friends of Gin and Tonic, I am now informed that Friends of Science actually launched CC101 as a service for those of its fans who were not up to the challenge of the recently revived FOS site. The full and typically entertaining message from FOGT exec-director Dr. Roger Romney-Hughes is appendedย below.)

It may not be fair, though, to say they arose from โ€œnowhere,โ€ because the website registration clearly says that they emanate from the fossil (fuel) capital of Drumheller, Alberta – from the same small server that harbours Friends of Science.

The site is a typical retread of the same old discredited arguments. They claim global average temperatures are falsely inflated by the heat island effect, when that has easily and repeatedly been proved incorrect. They say that ice is getting thicker on Greenland and in the Antarctic without bothering to address the fact that ice mass in total is declining at a worrying rate in the North and South poles.

The new denier siteโ€™s greatest crime, however, is cowardice. The creators say that they arenโ€™t receiving funding from industry (a false claim that FOS tried to get away with, as well), but they have hidden their operations behind a firewall that denies even the provision of a post office box. They clearly have no intention of standing accountable for their risible science or the true source of their funding andย support.

It is indeed an organ of theย Friends of Science – they announced it in their June newsletter (what, you donโ€™t read it?) thus:
โ€œOur website is popular and frequently visited. But some of our members find that it assumes too high a level of scientific literacy. Len Maier, a director of The Friends has responded to this concern by developing a new web site which is more directed at the general public. Members are encouraged to visit the site and provide Len with their comments and suggestions.
These are exciting times with the repercussions of climategate still continuing and the alarmist
position under increased scrutiny. The end of the tunnel is drawing nearer. But we will need your continuing moral and financial support to press home our recent advantages. These include the new web page which should be widely advertised through a radio campaign similar to the very successful one we waged last autumn. It would be helpful if members would tell their friends of the new site.โ€
I like the bit about the level of scientific literacy.

Dr Roger Romney-Hughes
Executive Director
Friends of Gin & Tonic

By the way, the new Friends-of-Science-as-the-undead logo is also courtesy of FOGT. Gotta love these guys.

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