Research on the "sponsors" behind the Heartland's New York Climate Change Conference


Like last year, the Heartland Institute is making it clear that no Big Oil companies are behind this yearโ€™s โ€œInternational Conference on Climate Changeโ€ being held in New York in a couple ofย weeks.

The Heartland states on their website that:โ€The Heartland Institute, a 25-year-old national nonpartisan think-tank based in Chicago, said all of the eventโ€™s expenses will be covered by admission fees and individual and foundation donors to Heartland. No corporate dollars or sponsorships earmarked for the event were solicited orย accepted.โ€


Of course, the whole thing becomes a little more gray when you look into the listed โ€œco-sponsorsโ€ of the Heartlandโ€™s event, or should I say a littleย slick.

Weโ€™ve researched the funding history of all the organizations that the Heartland Institute has listed as co-sponsors for their 2009 International Conference on Climate Change and have found that over the years these groups have received in excess of $47 million from oil companies and right-wingย foundations.

Interesting enough, the vast majority of the funding (76%) is not from who most would expect, but from a much quieter organization called the Scaife Family of Foundations. According the Media Transparency project, the Scaife Family of Foundations is, โ€œfinanced by the Mellon industrial, oil and banking fortune. At one time its largest single holding was stock in the Gulf Oil Corporation. [Scaife] Became active in funding conservative causes in 1973, when Richard Mellon Scaife became chairman of theย foundation.โ€

Hereโ€™s the permanent page we built with all the research on DeSmogBlog: Heartland Instituteโ€™s 2009 Climate Conference in New York: funding history of theย sponsors

And hereโ€™s a PDF version you can download: Heartland Instituteโ€™s 2009 Climate Conference in New York: funding history of theย sponsors

Hereโ€™s theย breakdown:

ExxonMobil (1998-2006):ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  $6,199,000
Koch Foundations (1986-2006):ย ย ย ย ย  $4,438,920
Scaife Foundations (1985-2006):ย ย  $36,868,640

Grand Total: ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย ย ย $47,506,560ย 

[By the way, DeSmogBlog will be at the Heartland event again thisย year]

And hereโ€™s the detailed breakdown byย organization:

Accuracy inย Academia

No funding records from Exxon, Koch, or Scaife.
Accuracy in Media
No funding from Exxon.
Between 1985-2005 it received 4,375,000 ย from the Sarah Scaife Foundation and the Carthage Foundation (both Scaife Foundations).
African Center for Advocacy and Human Development
No funding information.
Alternate Solutions Institute
Received a $100,000 grant in 2008 from the Atlas Economic Research Foundation (see below).

American Policy Center
No funding records from Exxon, Koch or Scaife.
Americans for Prosperity
Received $1 million from Koch Foundations (David H. Koch and Claude R. Lambe) between 1986-2006.
Atlas Economic Research Foundation
Received $780,000 from ExxonMobil between 1998-2006
Received $2,595,000 from Scaife Foundations (Sarah Scaife and Carthage) between 1985-2006.
Received $68,500 from Koch Foundations (Claude R. Lambe Charitible Foundation and Charles G. Koch Foundation)
Australian Libertarian Society
No funding records.
Ayn Rand Institute
No record of funding from Exxon, Scaife, or Koch
In 2004, received $2,500 from Armstrong Foundation.
Business and Media Institute (used to be called the Free Market Project)

BMI is the sister organization to the large Media Research Center which has received $202,500 from ExxonMobil sinceย 1998.

Carbon Sense Coalition
No funding records from Exxon, Koch, or Scaife.
Cascade Policy Center also known as Cascade Policy Institute
No funding records from Exxon, Koch, or Scaife.
Here is a list of its other fundersโ€“ย 
Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change
Received $100,000 from ExxonMobil from 1998-2006.
Received $100,000 from Sarah Scaife Foundation from 1999-2003.
Climate Skeptics Party
No information on the party at all.
Climate Strategies Watch
No funding records from Exxon, Koch, or Scaife.
Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow
Received $542,000 from ExxonMobil from 1998-2006.
Received $1,280,000 from Scaife (Carthage and Sarah Scaife) Foundations from 1991-2006.
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Received $2,005,000 from ExxonMobil between 1998-2005.
Received $666,420 from Koch Foundations (David H. Koch and Claude R. Lambe) between 1986-2006.
Received $2,100,000 from Scaife Foundations (Sarah Scaife and Scaife Family) between 1985-2006.
Congress of Racial Equality
Received $260,000 from ExxonMobil between 2003-2006.
Cornwall Alliance
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.
Economic Thinking/E.Pluribus Unum FIlms
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

European Center for Economic Growth
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Freedom Foundation of Minnesota
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Free to Choose Network
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Frontiers of Freedom
Received $1,182,000 from ExxonMobil between 1998-2006.
Received $75,000 from Koch Foundations between 2004-2006.

Received $135,000 from Scaife Foundations between 1996-2006.

George C. Marshall Institute
Received $745,000 from ExxonMobil between 1998-2006.
Received $30,000 from Koch Foundations in 2004.
Received $3,182,000 from Scaife Foundations between 1985-2006.

Grassroot Institute of Hawaii
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.
Here is a link to other funding.

F.A. v. Hayek Institute
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

The Heritage Foundation
Received $565,000 from ExxonMobil between 1998-2006.
Received $2,417,000 from Koch Foundations between 1986-2005.
Received $23,096,640 from Scaife Foundations between 1985-2006.
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment Project (ICECAP)
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Initiative for Public Policy Analysis (Fomerly the Institute of Public Policy Analysis)
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Institute for Private Enterprise
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Institute for Public Affairs
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Instituto De Libre Impresa
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Instituto Juan De Mariana
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Instituto Liberdade
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Instituto Bruno Leoni
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

International Climate Science Coalition
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

The Lavoisier Group
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Liberales Institut
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Liberty Institute
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.
Here is a link to their other funding.

John Locke Foundation
No funding from ExxonMobil
Received $97,000 from Koch Foundations between 1995-2005.
Received $5,000 from Scaife Foundations.

Manhattan Libertarian Party
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Mannkal Economic Foundation
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Minimal Government Thinkers
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

New Zealand Centre for Political Research
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Public Interest Institute
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.
Here is a link to other funding.

Science and Public Policy Institute
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Science and Envirionmental Policy Project
Received $20,000 from ExxonMobil between 1998-2000.

60 Plus Association
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Sovereignty International
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Tennessee Center for Policy Research
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

Young Americaโ€™s Foundation
Received $85,000 from Koch Foundations between 1996-1999.

This month weโ€™re giving away FREE copies Nobel Laureate Dr. Andrew Weaverโ€™s new book Keeping Our Cool: Canada in a Warming World.

Go here to find out more details about DeSmogBlogโ€™s monthly bookย give-away.


Kevin is a contributor and strategic adviser to DeSmog. He runs the digital marketing agency Spake Media House. Named a โ€œGreen Heroโ€ by Rolling Stone Magazine and one of the โ€œTop 50 Tweetersโ€ on climate change and environment issues, Kevin has appeared in major news media outlets around the world for his work on digital campaigning. Kevin has been involved in the public policy arena in both the United States and Canada for more than a decade. For five years he was the managing editor of In this role, Kevinโ€™s research into the โ€œclimate denial industryโ€ and the right-wing think tank networks was featured in news media articles around the world. He is most well known for his ground-breaking research into David and Charles Kochโ€™s massive financial investments in the Republican and tea partyย networks. Kevin is the first person to be designated a โ€œCertified Expertโ€ on theย political and community organizing platformย NationBuilder. Prior to DeSmog, Kevin worked in various political and government roles. He was Senior Advisor to the Minister of State for Multiculturalism and a Special Assistant to the Minister of State for Asia Pacific, Foreign Affairs for the Government of Canada. Kevin also worked in various roles in the British Columbia provincial government in the Office of the Premier and the Ministry of Health. In 2008 Kevin co-founded a groundbreaking new online election tool called Vote for Environment which was later nominated for a World Summit Award in recognition of the worldโ€™s best e-Content and innovative ICTย applications. Kevin moved to Washington, DC in 2010 where he worked for two years as the Director of Online Strategy for Greenpeace USA and has since returned to his hometown of Vancouver, Canada.

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