Obama's Green Stimulus: Big Enough to Do the Trick?


Just how ambitious will Barack Obamaโ€™s clean energy package be? During the campaign, he pledged to invest $150 billion in new projects over the next decade and create 5 million well-paying green-collarย jobs.

While there was some trepidation about whether Obama, facing an ever-worsening economic crisis, would keep his word, the release of the long-awaited $825 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009 last week seems to have quelled mostย doubts.

To no oneโ€™s surprise, a large chunk of the stimulus โ€“ over $90 billion โ€“ will go to funding โ€œshovel-readyโ€ transportation and public infrastructureย projects.

Thirty-two billion dollars will be used to create a โ€œsmart electricity gridโ€ to cut waste, and over $20 billion will be devoted to renewable energy tax cuts and credits for research and development on energy efficiency and energyย conservation.

In keeping with its promise to alleviate the housing downturn, the Obama administration will also spend $13 billion on retrofitting and building more energy efficient public housing projects; $6 billion will also be spent on the weatherization of middle class homes. The Obama economic team hopes that infrastructure spending alone will help generate 1 million newย jobs.

The bill allocates $13.3 billion in new spending on federal research and development, with the Department of Energy (DOE) one of the prime beneficiaries. The department will receive $2 billion for its renewable energy and energy conservation programs and several billion more for weatherization, loan guarantee, and clean energy demonstration projects. Other government agencies, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), will receive over a billion to fund habitat restoration work and new climate researchย programs.

Though the bill may not remain in this form after going through the congressional wringer, this draft represents a bold first step for an administration that has promised to integrate the environment into economic planning instead of shunting it aside as did the previous administration. More ill economic winds and fierce congressional opposition could yet scupper, or force him to water down, parts of his package (especially if he insists on getting it enacted within the next month), but, for the moment, he has shown no signs of backingย down.

Having said that, there are several elements of his proposed stimulus that leave much to be desired โ€“ and that could signal weakness ahead if not dealt with. For one thing, the bill prioritizes spending on roads and highways over spending on new rail and public transit projects. Your view of Americaโ€™s bloated car culture need not be as sanguine as James Howard Kunstlerโ€™s to realize that, in its present form, it is fundamentallyย unsustainable.

It therefore makes little sense to invest $30 billion in new highways but only $10 billion in public transit; aside from making the necessary investments to renovate or otherwise maintain existing highway and road infrastructure (so as to avoid another disastrous Minneapolis-like bridge collapse), the government should be funneling most of the funds to local and regional transit agencies โ€“ many of which have been hit hard by the economic downturn and are in desperate need ofย assistance.

Another point of contention is the limited amount of funding the bill provides for clean energy companies. Smart grid startups and those that focus on energy efficiency and weatherization stand to gain from billions in new spending, but solar, wind and other renewable energy startups will have trouble weathering theย crisis.

With once plentiful private equity and venture capital funding quickly drying up, these companies are struggling to find the billions they need to finish building new pilot and commercial-scale plants. Even many of the largest startups are struggling now, with several announcing layoffs in recent weeks. If these are the types of green-collar jobs that the Obama administration wants to create, it will have to do much more to provide financialย assistance.

Since many of the technologies these companies are developing wonโ€™t reach commercial-scale production until at least a few years from now, you could argue that the billions would be better spent on green infrastructure or more incremental, but existing, technologies like smart grids. However, if the Obama administration wants the United States to wean itself off fossil fuels and remain competitive in the global clean technology market, it should ensure that the countryโ€™s most promising startups not succumb to theย crunch.

So while there is much to like about this first version of the bill, there is certainly much that could be improved upon. One of the primary concerns raised by critics is that the Obama administration, in its haste to get the economy back on its feet, could rush into spending on these โ€œshovel-readyโ€ infrastructure projects, resulting in both waste and inefficiencies. While I can sympathize with the argument, I believe most of these fears are wildlyย overblown.

Though I have no reason to doubt the Obama economic teamโ€™s competency (as of yet), I would hope they focus more on โ€œsmartโ€ infrastructure projects โ€“ the ones that will help lay the groundwork for Obamaโ€™s much touted โ€œclean energy economyโ€ and create millions of new, well-paying jobs โ€“ than boilerplate road and highway projects. If the new president intends to make good on his lofty rhetoric, nothing less than a complete overhaul of our existing energy and transportation infrastructures will beย needed.

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