
Congressional Committee for Waste, Fraud and Abuse: Joe Barton, Chair


The Congresional Committee on Energy and Commerce has been entertaining itself of late with the “debate” on climate change science, and particularly with a “controversy” about the vitality of Michael Mann’s hockey stick – an argument that is as irrelevant as it is out of date.

This becomes relevant, though, when you realize that the committee in question is also home to the Tipline, a whistleblower’s outlet for reports of “Waste, Fraud and Abuse.”

May we suggest the Committee’s own shenanigans as an obvious example: It is wasting its own time and taxpayers’ money; it is promoting a view of climate science that is fully fraudulent; and its members, beginning most assuredly with Chair Joe Barton, are abusing their political power in the process.

So, feel free to click on the Tipline link and report Congressman Barton to himself. It’s clear that he and his Republican colleagues are desperate for something useful to do.

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